Grissom/Sara/Greg -- Smothered In SuGGar

Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Crysthala LOVED your scenario! I have a mental image in my head now of the three of them walking down the hall, Grissom in the middle! :D

Also... Leather? Please, elaborate! :p
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Aggie said:Also... Leather? Please, elaborate! :p

EDIT: But yeah, seriously. Leather. Just think about it- who'd be the one tied up? Greg immediately jumps to mind... :rolleyes:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Crysthala (can I call you Crys?) I love your avatar - brilliant :D

I like the scenario you're hinting at - hmm, Greg as the submissive - I can see it actually. I can also imagine both guys making Sara lie back as they both lavish attention on her - after all, she is worth it :D

Anyone started ficing for this threesome yet?
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Yep. See my banner? :p Yeah, I can see the Sara thing too, actually that's more or less what Love is. No, not love. Love. #2 of Missing
Unfortunately, the series I have planned is... ooh, let's see. <opens Notepad> <copy/paste>

Missing, as far as I know the first g3 fic series... yay! If you'll notice, the only one that's PG13 is the first one, which I might put up on CSIFiles.
Yah, anyway, the series is called Missing because Greg and Sara have been dating for a while, but they can't find what's missing in their relationship... The first fic will tell how they discover that Grissom is the thing they're missing. Watch in shock and awe as Grissom teaches them all lessons worthy of the Social section of my Health textbook... Friendship (Cuddly), Love (Warm and fuzzy), Truth (Leather), Trust (slash), Faith (warm and fuzzy cuddle bunny), Surrender (hallelujah for leather and submissive Grissom), Go Next Door (comic relief and leather), and Broken (so damn sad and weird and creepy and unrealistic and owwww that I might not write it). Yay for things that take 23 hours to plan in my perverted little mind.

Friendship-PG13-"'Anytime you need something... either of you... just ask, okay?'" [Cuddle party!]

Love-NC17-"They'd finally found what was missing, and now it wasn't missing anymore." [WAFF.]

Truth-NC17-"'It's easier just to take the day off.'" [Leather. :devil: ;)]

Trust-NC17-"'Tell me, Greg: Do you trust me?'" [Who doesn't like slash? Honestly.]

Faith-NC17-"'Come on, Grissom. Stay with me.'" [Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of luck and a lot of prayer.]

Surrender-NC17-"'Please, can I just be yours today?'" [More leather. :devil: :devil: ;) ;) And Grissom's submissive this time. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:]

Go Next Door-NC17-"'Now remember, Greg- GO! NEXT! DOOR! Or across the street.'" [Yet more leather, but not as kinky 'cuz Grissom isn't in it. Comic relief from the stress of the previous story.]

Broken-NC17-"'They're dead, Gil. Both of them.'" [Damn sad and weird and creepy and owww, I might not write this one, but it will definitely be worth reading all the way through... if you can stomach the Grissom/Ecklie part, that is. The ending is good.]


EDIT: Yeah, sure, go ahead. :lol: I know Crysthala's a holy hell of a thing to type... :)
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Why is it that FFM threesomes, especially in fanfic, seem to be considered "normal" but it's the MMF ones that are considered the most taboo?
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Someone say leather?

I was waiting for someone to start a G/S/G thread. Btw, I love the title.

Crysthala said: cuddle party with whipped cream and grapes.
Dear Lords, I am evil.

I like the way you think, Crys.

I also agree on Greg being submissive. Reminds me of the scene in "Big Middle" where they put the dummy on Greg while Sara and Grissom watched (turned on I presume ;)). One word:

Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

sarahvma: Because lesbians are viewed by the greater society as sexy, but gay guys are viewed by the greater society as bad. Two girls on one guy means the guy's a player. Two guys on one girl instantly conjures up thoughts of gang rape. The FFM versus MMF thing is just a reflection of that. It's a bit like saying, "Man, that guy was awesome! He took on a dude twice his size in a fair fight!" but if the big guy wins, they say he should pick a fight with someone his own size.
Why? Is someone bugging you?


Edit Again: Oh, Gods, yes. :lol: I can so see them leaving the dummy on for like, twenty minutes just so they can comfort him later... :lol: :lol:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

sarahvma said:
Why is it that FFM threesomes, especially in fanfic, seem to be considered "normal" but it's the MMF ones that are considered the most taboo?

I could go off on one of my feminist rants about the Male subject and the objectification of women and the fact that MFF threesomes conjour up images of the Harim in the male psyche - feeding their need to be worshipped, their need to be the centre of attention. And most men wouldn't be confident or comfortable enough with their own sexuality to be involved in a FMM threesome...

My apologies to any men reading this - I do actually love men. Society, and in particular societal archetypes, on the other hand, I do occasionally have a problem with. :)
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

forensicsgirl said:
And most men wouldn't be confident or comfortable enough with their own sexuality to be involved in a FMM threesome...
Obviously, our guys are an exception... another funny image.
<birds chiprping>
Grissom: <groans and wakes up> Owwww, I'm sore... price you pay for being on the bottom...
Greg: <groans louder> You think YOU'RE sore? I was on top... <cracks back>
Sara: <groan> Shut up, both of you. I was in the middle!
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

I could go off on one of my feminist rants about the Male subject and the objectification of women and the fact that MFF threesomes conjour up images of the Harim in the male psyche - feeding their need to be worshipped, their need to be the centre of attention. And most men wouldn't be confident or comfortable enough with their own sexuality to be involved in a FMM threesome...

My apologies to any men reading this - I do actually love men. Society, and in particular societal archetypes, on the other hand, I do occasionally have a problem with.

True and true.

I think you've pretty much said all there is to say... and considering that we tend to, uh... lean to both sides, shall we say, I think there's no one fairer than us to dole out some good ole fashioned feminine lecturing.

Nothing sexier to a man than a woman on a feminist tirade. lol.

Now the pressing issue at hand, naturally, is the trio's prior threesome experience.

1) What did Grissom really mean?
2) Both Sara and Greg don't seem adverse to the more adventurous side of things, or at least when both were in their twenties. Theories, people?

...And, as always - let's keep it PG13. lol.

Grissom: <groans and wakes up> Owwww, I'm sore... price you pay for being on the bottom...
Greg: <groans louder> You think YOU'RE sore? I was on top... <cracks back>
Sara: <groan> Shut up, both of you. I was in the middle!

lol - this sounded very "This porridge is too hot" from Three Bears, but then that sounded kind of perverse...
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

lol - this sounded very "This porridge is too hot" from Three Bears, but then that sounded kind of perverse...
er, duh. crysthala is csifiles' resident pervert. :p
as for greg/sara's adventurous sides, i've always imagined greg loving the kinky sex with sara just kinda going along.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

lol. I love the idea of Sara checking her watch while someone's trying to get all "S&M" with her.

Sara: Yeah, yeah - you're my master. I've got a class at 10. Can we hurry this up?
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Absynthe said:
er, duh. crysthala is csifiles' resident pervert. :p
as for greg/sara's adventurous sides, i've always imagined greg loving the kinky sex with sara just kinda going along.
Yes and yes. I am teh pervert, and I do agree that Greg is the kinky one... although, two words: Airplane scene. :D
Personally, I've lately been examining the idea of her trying to check her nails as Greg ties her to a bedpost:
Greg: Hold still!
Sara: Hold on, dammit, I broke a nail...
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Airplane scene

Which was part of my "adventurous twenties" theory.

Sara just seems so much of a realist, though. That she's willing to tell this guy that she's interested in that her big, weird "sexual" moment was a bust, rather than simply saying, "Yep - airplane sex. Done it."

Which, admittedly, most women think will be sexier.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Well, she didn't really start crushing on him until the third season or so. I think that episode was in the first season. But yeah, until about the 3rd-4th season, Sara and Grissom were basically just friends. Friends with a few bumps in the road. And meanwhile Sara is falling for Greg AND Grissom, while Greg's constantly seeking Grissom's approval. And Grissom, if you'll notice, was awfully chummy with Greg during some of the episodes in the first few seasons.
Greg: Hold still!
Sara: Why? You like it when I move around a bit...
Greg: Sara. Give me a break, I'm like, 17. HOLD STILL!
Sara: GAAH!