Grissom/Sara/Greg -- Smothered In SuGGar

Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

lol. Aww. He's like their apprentice.

and back to the inappropriate. oh well.

I think there was always an attraction between Sara and Grissom, and an attraction between Greg and Sara (which is why I've always been a GSR with mild traces of Sandle for flirtin')

I do think that Sara had a "crush" on Grissom from the beginning, but you're right - it didn't become a serious interest until Season 3.

And as we know, Eric Szmanda asked for Greg to develop feelings for Sara pretty much from Season 2 on.

I do wish they'd return to a little more of Greggo's flirting.

But I kind of just wish they'd return to a little more of Greggo.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

sarahvma said:
and back to the inappropriate. oh well.
Grissom/Sara/Greg... Smothered in SuGGar. The naughtiest thread on the boards. :p AAH! <Adult Content Rule goes speeding by at just under lightspeed> That thing is stalking me, I swear. :lol: I should get a special title under my name like the moderators have... "CSIFiles' Resident Pervert."
Also in Season 3, Catherine decided that she had to blow up the lab, and we got the whole scene with the Waffle and Grissom in the lab, and that whole awkward silence thing, and Grissom's like, "If you need me, I'm here," which says in my perverted little mind that Greg must obviously have needed Grissom for something ( ;) ), and Grissom perhaps needed him for something back ( ;) ;) ), but then he's all confused because Sara's like, "Have 'dinner' with me?" and then Grissom was all like, "Well, damn, what am I supposed to do now?" hence, "I don't know what to do about this," and then Sara half-sort-of gives up on Grissom and goes to Greg, and things happen ( ;) ) and then Sara's all like, "Well, poo, I still want Grissom," and so is Greg, and... yeah.
My little run-on rant aside, I think maybe TPTB need to put them all in the same room together. Or maybe in the same shot. That way, we can get some nice UST goin', like every other ship has.
Sara: WTF?
Greg: What?
Sara: Is that Grissom?
Gris: It certainly looks like me...
Greg: I'm an amateur, okay?
Gris: Boy, I'll say. Wait, you aren't drawing my-
Greg: Relax, I'll blur it out or something.
Sara: You know, Grissom. I never would have known... It's so BIG.
Greg: Yeah, I'm gonna need to make the cursor bigger.
Gris: Well, artistically speaking, you should still be using the smaller one. You KNOW what it looks like, Greg...
Greg: Yeah, both of us do, but-
Gris: How about you DON'T draw the damn tattoo, Greg, I'm havng it removed tomorrow.
Sara: Aww, but then we won't be able to whip you.
Gris: <tickles her>
Sara: <giggle> Pweez? Just once?
Sara: <wets herself>
Gris and Greg: <jump!>
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Anyone other than you wouldn't be able to pull that off!! *wipes tear from eye* Brilliant just brilliant! can anyone in here make banners??
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

This IS true! And I wouldn't have it any other way! :lol:

EDIT:Cause I'm incompetent of spelling ANYTHING
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

I'm not sure if it's getting more perverted in here, or just more surreal :confused: :lol:

So, uh, what's this tattoo that Grissom has, Crys? And should I even ask where it is? :devil:

I have this cooky notion that Greg would surprise Griss & Sara by having dinner ready for them one night - gormet food, candles, wine - a real romantic night in for the three of them. And dessert - of course ;)
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

So, uh, what's this tattoo that Grissom has, Crys? And should I even ask where it is
My vote? A double-helix on his back.

I have this cooky notion that Greg would surprise Griss & Sara by having dinner ready for them one night - gormet food, candles, wine - a real romantic night in for the three of them. And dessert - of course

Yeah - two packs of twinkies. Only the best.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Haha, brilliant in the words of Karen from Will&Grace "It's funny cos it's true!"

As for the tatoo I'm thinking....... Lady Heather's name and he's getting it removed to replace it with "g3 smothered in suGGar!" :lol:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

jenakapt said:
can anyone in here make banners??
I'm okay, I guess. I made my own avatar and banner, so there you go. I can't animate, but... Why, ya want one?
The tattoo? Actually, I've imagined it as... well, it's hard to explain... but it's all, like... curly and stufff... it doesn't mean anything, but it looks cool... Anyway, it was just a device to use for my own perverse purposes. :lol: And it would be on his back, silly. His lower back. Very close to his butt. :p I love his butt. :lol: In the words of that one coroner guy from that episode in the first season:
"Speaking of how'd that get there... How did this get on his penis?"
For dessert? :devil:
Cuddle party with chocolate sauce and cherries.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:...

EDIT: Exhibit XXX(L): I found these taped to the Waffle's fridge!!!!
Greg's Shopping List:
1. Chocolate fondue (microwaveable, I like mine warm)
2. Strawberries
3. Whipped cream
4. Grapes
5. Chocolate syrup
6. Cherries
7. Twinkies
8. Ramen
9. Eggs
10. Milk (and some more whipped cream while we're in that aisle)
11. Ties (clip-ons for court and regular ones for, um...)
Greg's To Do List:
1. Take out trash
2. Pay bills
3. Hit Ecklie
4. Grissom and Sara
5. Grissom and Sara
6. Grissom and Sara
7. Grissom and Sara
8. Grissom and Sara
9. Grissom and Sara...
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

:lol: hey crysthala. where do you come up with this stuff?!
btw: suggar forum. workin' on it. ;)
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

*throws bucket of ice water over Crys* :lol:

So who do we think would be the first to accidentally let it slip about their relationship at work?
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Crysthala said:
jenakapt said:
can anyone in here make banners??
I'm okay, I guess. I made my own avatar and banner, so there you go. I can't animate, but... Why, ya want one?

Yea I'd love one! went onto that banner place but no one wil make me one! :(
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

A g3 one, I assume? :p I'll whip one up for you. What do you want on it?
EDIT: I dunno... I can totally see Catherine geting a wee bit close to Grissom, and he's just like, "Sorry, Cath, I have lovers." :lol: And Catherine's just like, "Ummmm... lovers?" And Grissom's just like, "Yep. Two." And then Catherine is literally like, "WTFH??!"
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Haha, ya lil legend ya!! see my true Irish streak come out there? lol, I was thinking a picture from "Turn of the Screws" you know where they're all atanding around the rollarcoaster, wth something like "you think we contaminated the evidence?" under it? :lol: nething like that possible?