Grissom/Sara/Greg -- Smothered In SuGGar

Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Another excellent scene!

Did you notice how small this ship is! We need more people!!
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

They just can't handle the extreme love, Jenka. lol. It's too much cuteness for one ship.

I loved what someone posted in GSR, though:

GRISSOM: Do it this way--

GREG: Spray, then swab. I got it - Sara showed me how to process this last year.


(Greg takes out the spray.)

GREG: She's really great, isn't she?

(Grissom is silent.)

GREG: You know, I don't think I've ever said "thank you" properly. Maybe I should take her out to dinner. (pause) You think she likes Thai?

(Greg turns around and begins spraying. Grissom gives him the patented DEATH GLARE behind his back.)
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

^^ I thouroughly agree.

That's brilliant, cept in my mind grissom would jump greg from behind.... THEN Sara comes in! :lol:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Greg: Okay, so then I spray the surface with luminol, right?
Catherine: Right. <leaves>
Greg: <spray spray spray spray>
Grissom: <sneaky>
Greg: <spray spray sprraaaaay>
Grissom: Gotcha. <capture!>
Greg: AAH! NOOOO!!!
Grissom: <tickle>
Greg: HEEEEEEhehehehe.
Sara: <head tilt eyebrow raise>
Greg: Yummmm... <smooch>
Sara: :eek: HEY! Don't start without me.
Grissom: <grabs her by front of shirt and pulls her in>
Catherine: Hmm... I didn't know this door could be locked.
Sara: <giggle> It can't... we blocked it with a chair.
Catherine: ...? WTF? :confused:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Haha, could you imagine if it happened? How would Catherine react? :lol:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

^^ Haha why thank you! Again can take credit for idea but not the handywork! Lizzy Sander made it!
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

:lol: Then congratulations to you both! <party poppers>
Grissom: AAH!
Sara: What?!
Grissom: That voice again... oh no...
Greg: <grin> You know what that means...
Sara: Uh huh. I'll get the liquid Coffee Mate (TM).
Greg: I'll get the Hershey's chocolate.

[What follows has been censored because the Adult Content Rule just flew over Crysthala's head. Suffice it to say that there is a cuddle party with Coffee Mate and Hershey's white chocolate bars involved. Yummm... I'm going to get diabetes from all the SuGGar.]
Anyway, the first SuGGar fic I know of is coming along nicely. :) Perhaps I'll put a few chapters up here... :rolleyes:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Crysthala said:
Anyway, the first SuGGar fic I know of is coming along nicely. :) Perhaps I'll put a few chapters up here... :rolleyes:

Another Class A scenario! Love the white chocolate!

And yes you WILL put up the chapters here!! *does hypnotizing eyes* won't you??
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

GREAT Grissom/Greg interaction last week. I really do love how bitchy he gets with Greg. But what I love more is the fact that Greg is really standing up to it now - and not only that, that he's pushing back a little bit, like with the hearing comment.

I think that having Sara as a mentor, and really getting good in the field has caused him to see that the majority of the time, Grissom is just testing that - making sure that Greg really does have what it takes for this job.

Which we saw with Sara a lot in the beginning as well - "Don't process just yet... just evaluate" and so forth.

But they've both been really impressing him, I think.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

^^ I would agree but season 6 hasn't started here yet! Grrr!

I love this pic look at greg's facial expression! It makes you wonder what's on that computer screen......... a picture of Grissom perhaps??
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Photobucket's being really retarted on my computer. :mad: Meh.
:lol: Perhaps Grissom's been giving Greg lessons in "dominance." :lol: :devil: :lol: :devil: :lol: :devil: :lol: :devil: :lol: :devil: :lol: :devil: :lol: :devil:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

<Adult Content Rule embeds itself in the wall above Crysthala's head>
Yep. :devil:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

hmmm I think Greg would look good with a whip! Man I wish i could do "manips" lol