Grissom/Sara/Greg -- Smothered In SuGGar

Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Oh absolutely! Latex may have been last year's fantasy for Greggo, but a beautiful brunette and a enigmatic entomologist (damn, I love alliteration! ) are DEFINITELY on this year's wish list.

And notice how few brunettes were at the wedding? And yet Greg's dream woman running through the arch was a tall, flowered brunette "drink of water", so to speak.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Sara: So then you walk up and tell him that he needs to put on the pants...
Grissom: Oh, he's going to love this.
Sara: Absolutely.
Greg: Who's going to love what?
Sara: Nothing, nothing...
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Why is it that every thread I regularly post in (except for the Grissom love one) gets pushed off the page in like, ten seconds? Whyy?
But yes. I wonder what TPTB will have for us this week? :lol: I wonder what their reactions would be if they read this thread...? :lol: :eek:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

SuGGar anyone?

I've been asked to bump this thread up, and i think its an excellent idea. Lets get this fabulous threesome thread moving once more :)
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Thank you, forensicsgirl!

As some of you know, I am torn between two ships: GSR and Sandle. And though I know that I favor one deeply (see my avatar), it is hard sometimes. So that's why I'd like to find some inner peace in this thread, and not worry about all the pro's and con's of both ships. Let's celebrate Grissom/Sara/Greg! :D

Does anyone think that next year we're gonna see a bit of a love triangle? Well, maybe not a real triangle, but it would be interesting to see Sara admiring Greg whilst she's with Grissom.
Look, a sentece like I just wrote is totally against myself. GSR is something I love so much, but then I look at some season 5 episodes and see the Greg/Sara interaction, and I think...'they should still hook up at some point'. The love triangle would be the easiest answer to this, but I don't want anything to destroy GSR. AAAAAAAAH, someone save me! :confused: :eek:

Okay, Inner peace, unity, inner peace...and I'm fine. :D
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

YAAYYYYY! I was going to get this back, but I figured gravedigging my own thread would be tacky. Shveeeet.
I've got an idea for a solution to your dilemma, Fabian. It's called SuGGar. SuGGar ain't a love triangle, it's a flipping threesome. I can totally see something happening to Grissom or Sara or Greg, and then they all get emotional, and... things... happen. :devil:
I am so dirty-minded when it comes to this ship. You know what? I am totally CSIFiles' resident pervert. I am totally dirty-minded about everything.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

That's just great! :D
I've never really believed in threesomes (Well, I did, but it always included me. And Sara. ;)), but I guess there's no other solution. Besides, it will be great!
Both gentlemen would take care of Sara very well. And yeah, things will get dirty. :p
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

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Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Hey - I don't know why SuGGar ended up dying, but I think it's a prime time to bring it back.

What with GSR becoming canon and the Sandles love in Fannysmackin', I think Ziggy put it best when she said, "I love GSR, but if Sara left him and went to Greg? I really wouldn't mind."

The mentor-student-mentor-student dynamic kind of makes this ship fun, as well as the pure and obvious chemistry.

And my brain is fried from studying for Psych (definitely not an intended pun) and so if this sound super stupid, forgive me.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Oh, heart! Yay!
Sarahvma, I am totally digging on your avatar right now. <dig dig dig> OMG! I'm in CHINA! ^.^ Cool.
Oh, yeah, Fannysmackin' was a great ep. GSR, Sandles, Mad Scientists... put those three together and you've got SuGGar. All we need now is for Greg to walk in on Grissom and Sara flirting, and he joins in... You know, I think TPTB would totally love this ship. It's controversial, it's adorable, it has more potential for humor than any other ship on the block...
Speaking of which, where is Ziggy? I bet she'd like this ship, too.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

What with GSR becoming canon and the Sandles love in Fannysmackin', I think Ziggy put it best when she said, "I love GSR, but if Sara left him and went to Greg? I really wouldn't mind."

Yes, I have always said that the only person Sara could hook up with besides Grissom, is Greg. And since this is a threesome, the only person Grissom can hook up with besides Sara is...Greg, lol. SuGGar is just the perfect match.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Please tell me where I can find this. This fandom is a fave of mine and I'd love to read them