Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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Jorja in the TVGuide!

I can't copy and paste the article, cause it's not available online yet. My Mom, got her new TVGuide today and guess what was on top of the cover page???

Hey Grissom! Sara's back at CSI!

Here's part of the article:
Top Breaking News Top 10
#1 Jorja's Coming Back To CSI! -----------------------

When Jorja Fox left CSI last fall, producers promised it wouldn't be the last fans would see of her. They'll hold up their end of bargain when Sara returns to the crime drama.

TV GUIDE: Did you think it was really then end when you left?

Jorja Let's just say the door was left open. The kindest thing the writers did for Sara was to walk her out in one piece. I had an amazing, beautiful, honorable, dignified exit.

TV GUIDE: How did your exit story evolve?

Jorja: It was decided that she was just split from Grissom. As a couple, they are a little dysfunctional in some ways, but in other ways, they are fabulous. In areas of communicating their hearts,it's never been a speciality for either of them. So, perhaps if she talked to him, he would have been able to convince her to stay. An executive producer asked,"What would Sara say in a letter?" I responded,"I'll write something down and send it to you." I never expected in a million years that would become the letter.

TVGuide What do you miss most about the show?

Jorja: I miss the people. When I left in October, it was so decisive-everybody got me a goodbye cake. It's a suprise for me to be back, especially this soon.

TVGuide Did you keep watching CSI?

Jorja :Yes, I TiVo'd it. When I heard I was returning, there were certain parts of last season that I felt Sara would be aware of. I watched as much as I could.

TVGuide: Are you ready to do more TV?

Jorja: It will be hard to follow up CSI. No matter what I do, it's big shoes to fill. If I'm going to do TV, then my loyalty and my heart belong to CSI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's not the whole article, but it's the 'good' parts! One confusing thing is that TVGuide says that Sara shows up in the 3rd eppy in season nine. Rambo has said many times that Sara is in the premire. I trust Rambo over TVGuide anyday of the week. :thumbsup:

Be sure to check out this mag! It's next week's edition and it has Denise Richards on the cover.
that's so great Piper you rock, and the part about CSI, and she loves CSI, so she might stay till the rest leave, so "it's not over till it's over, and by all accounts she is in ep. 1 and I as well believe in DR, he's the expert on CSI, I'll be standing by my mail box tomorrow, waiting for it:thumbsup:

to him, Piper and us:guffaw:
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ohhhhhhhhhh guys!!!! thank you very muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!1
you rock!!!!

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I have MORE!!!!!!!!

I listed the CAST LIST FOR SEASON NINE, but this is an UPDATED CAST LIST!!!!
General Cast for Season 9

Starring:William Peterson:drool:
Marg Helgenberger
George Eads
Lauren Lee Smith
Eric Szmanda
Robert David Hall
David Berman
With Paul Guilfoyle
Jorja Fox:thumbsup:
And Marc Vann Gary Dourdan as Warrick Brown (episode 1)

Notice that JORJA is now in THE CAST....NOT GUEST STARING!!!!!:beer::beer:
All this is just the greatest news!!!! I can't even begin to describe how happy I am!! And to see Jorja's name in the actual cast is WONDERFUL!!! She could NEVER be a "guest". We can now say she will be HOME where she belongs!!! Woohooo!! Thanks bunches, Piper!!!
Wow, this makes my night of studying so much better! :) I've gotten an energy boost! This is so exciting! I wasn't really looking forward to CSI season 9 until now! We have confirmed info and from Jorja's own mouth to boot! :)

Okay, I know "to boot" is cheesy, but hey I'm excited! :D
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I have MORE!!!!!!!!

I listed the CAST LIST FOR SEASON NINE, but this is an UPDATED CAST LIST!!!!
General Cast for Season 9

Starring:William Peterson:drool:
Marg Helgenberger
George Eads
Lauren Lee Smith
Eric Szmanda
Robert David Hall
David Berman
With Paul Guilfoyle
Jorja Fox:thumbsup:
And Marc Vann Gary Dourdan as Warrick Brown (episode 1)

Notice that JORJA is now in THE CAST....NOT GUEST STARING!!!!!:beer::beer:
Piper, that is the best news we've had in a VERY long time :D.

Now that that is out there, was there anything else spoilerish in your vid? I know that several people with me on Team Spoiler Free want to see it, but you mentioned the spoiler. Since I already knew about Lauren Lee Smith, I went ahead and watched it (and got purple paintballed for it). I couldn't think of anything, and I watched it again, just to make sure, but you might want to re-assure the girls for me.

Going with a countdown until the 18th then, at 9pm EST, we are at...
94 days, six minutes.
I have MORE!!!!!!!!

I listed the CAST LIST FOR SEASON NINE, but this is an UPDATED CAST LIST!!!!
General Cast for Season 9

Starring:William Peterson:drool:
Marg Helgenberger
George Eads
Lauren Lee Smith
Eric Szmanda
Robert David Hall
David Berman
With Paul Guilfoyle
Jorja Fox:thumbsup:
And Marc Vann Gary Dourdan as Warrick Brown (episode 1)

Notice that JORJA is now in THE CAST....NOT GUEST STARING!!!!!:beer::beer:
Piper, that is the best news we've had in a VERY long time :D.

Now that that is out there, was there anything else spoilerish in your vid? I know that several people with me on Team Spoiler Free want to see it, but you mentioned the spoiler. Since I already knew about Lauren Lee Smith, I went ahead and watched it (and got purple paintballed for it). I couldn't think of anything, and I watched it again, just to make sure, but you might want to re-assure the girls for me.

Going with a countdown until the 18th then, at 9pm EST, we are at...
94 days, six minutes.

As for the video, I said 'spoilers' because I had Jorja coming back in, and Gary cause he is in the premire. I TRIED to make it more "spoilery", but after I watched it again myself, it really isn't. SO HERE ME NOW......SPOILER FREE PEOPLE CAN WATCH THE PROMO I MADE!!!! :thumbsup:

I also don't know if you can see this or not, it's NOT fan fiction! But I made my own season nine promo. I've had TONS of great comments about it and alot of viewers wanted me to "send that to CBS!" LOL! I know that I can't, but I thought you MIGHT be able to see it. It's silly and not very good, but I love it. LOL!

Here's the link.

Hope your summer goes well. Take care and thanks again for all of your hard work.

Your fan always,
Love your season 9 premiere credits. Especially Jorja's billing! Great job -- thanks for letting me know about it.
Sincerely yours,
David Rambo
Hi Rambo,

I am just sending this message to wish you all good luck with season nine. We are all excited about the new season, and we are REALLY happy to hear we are going to have Jorja back. Words can't even do it justice, we are so happy.
Thank you again for your talent and the hard work you do to entertain us each week. From the fans at GSRForeverLove and from me, HAVE A GREAT SUMMER AND PLEASE, WRITE US SOME GOOD GSR!

Your fan,

Thanks for writing -- and for the good wishes for the new season.
Jorja will be in the Season 9 premiere, now scheduled to air October 9, 2008 (but stay tuned, dates have already changed once or twice). It's a fantastic episode. I can't give details, but I can tell you that even the hardest-hearted folks here, the folks who have seen it all from Day One of CSI, have found the episode enormously moving. It's beautifully written, directed and executed in every respect. Worth waiting the summer for.
Sincerely yours,
David Rambo

Ok, I know we are NOT happy about having to wait longer, but he's right, dates DO change.
Keep the faith.
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Sorry again for the double post, but I really want you all to know that the GSR/Jorja fans on the IMDb message boards are being attacked. Posts and replies to the CSI thread (that thread is known as an anti thread and they are mean) and the Jorja Fox boards are disapearing. I posted the TVGuide article and the cast list and they are gone. Other fans are suffering the same fate. This may not be the place for this, but as GSR fans, I thought you should all be aware. I have sent messages to JFO, BillyRocks and all of the other boards and sites I either belong to or run. Please do the same, GSR lives on!
~Keep the faith~
That so sucks, what's their problem?:confused: here millions of fans wanted her back, and she got a barrage of letters etc. so she comes back, and it's causing chaos, WHY? and on GSR, they've [Jorja & Billy] both always wanted this, sad that so many are still anti's and against this, but we're here:bolian: and will stay, thank's Piper for the heads up:thumbsup:

Hey guys. I know it's been a while. I love the new name. I can't wait until the new episode starts. I heard that Sara is going to be in the premere. It is the summer now. So hopefully I will have more time to spend on the computer. Talk to you guys later. I still have hope in our couple.
Well sidlewannabee you little rascal welcome back,
aren't you thrilled, how did you hear the news? stay a while ths time , or I'll have to come down and spank you, I'm back in California, another topic, I'll pm you:bolian:Piper this is for you! "I said I'd miss you and I do"

Well sidlewannabee you little rascal welcome back,
aren't you thrilled, how did you hear the news? stay a while ths time , or I'll have to come down and spank you, I'm back in California, another topic, I'll pm you:bolian:Piper this is for you! "I said I'd miss you and I do"


;) Hello, sidlewannabee!
awe thats greeeat!! Jorja's on the official cast list not just guest starring,
she might even decide to do more eps than shes planning on :bolian: *is hopeful*
Jeez, you cant be away from this site for more than a day without being completely
behind the times :p
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General Cast for Season 9

Starring:William Peterson:drool:
Marg Helgenberger
George Eads
Lauren Lee Smith
Eric Szmanda
Robert David Hall
David Berman
With Paul Guilfoyle
Jorja Fox:thumbsup:
And Marc Vann Gary Dourdan as Warrick Brown (episode 1)

Notice that JORJA is now in THE CAST....NOT GUEST STARING!!!!!
Hey, where'd this cast list come from? I just looked at the CBS CSI page and it still doesn't list JF. Just wanting to check facts before I pass on the info.
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