Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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Holy Cow, y'al have been busy. painballs for spoiler boxes sound like the go.
SA_Kate, thanks for the good luck wishes, same to you. What did you draw?
O_Cat, rip 'em up!
IloveBilly, thanks for the transcipts from that interview. Woo hoo!
On, will it show how happy he is? well, Grissom is a man with many expressions, and I think it will show his fabulous grin:thumbsup: can't wait, it'll be so awesome:drool:

his sly grin:p
I want to see an upset, angsty Gil, sitting at his desk, head in hands. Sara walks up, and seeing him, pauses in his doorway. He looks up. We see the smile dawn like the sun across his face. He gets up, kisses her lightly, then holds her close. She wraps her arms around him and says "It's alright, babe, I'm here now."

This is like, the fourth time I tried to post this. I guess I got purple paint in my computer. It just kept redirecting me. Am I the only one with this problem?
NO bengali13 your not the only one, I've had problems with this posting since Monday:klingon:and it's getting real old... according to some *spoilers*

That we hear her say "I'm home" at their apt. that we've all seen when she called him in "Grissom's Divine Comedy" so many scenerios

NO bengali13 your not the only one, I've had problems with this posting since Monday:klingon:and it's getting real old... according to some *spoilers*

That we hear her say "I'm home" at their apt. that we've all seen when she called him in "Grissom's Divine Comedy" so many scenerios


Thanks desert, I have read that spoiler before, but I LOVE reading it again.:thumbsup:
My hats off to you, Piper and I bow I'm not worthy as Mike Myers would say, and take that one for your WIKI site, my photoshop fizzled out, so I'm not able to downsize or change anything, thank gawd, I've got many photos of them, so if you want to do that go for it, it's a whopper one:thumbsup:

My hats off to you, Piper and I bow I'm not worthy as Mike Myers would say, and take that one for your WIKI site, my photoshop fizzled out, so I'm not able to downsize or change anything, thank gawd, I've got many photos of them, so if you want to do that go for it, it's a whopper one:thumbsup:

I snagged it AND guess what???? The wiki is now being linked with JFO and BillyPetersenRocks! We are growing. Be sure to check out the history pages on there, I am adding each day! No new spoilers right now, but I am looking!!!!:thumbsup:
I keep trying to post and it won't let me GGGGRRRRRRRRRRR. Ok I will sign on internet explorer and try this way. Here's my post...

Congrats Piper, well done :)

I used to worry. Around GBAGL, when Sara left, that many on this board, or this ship in general, would leave and move on. I am so glad that you are all steadfast and true!!! I mean, there are more sights now than when she was on the show. Right? Anyway, I've said it before and I'll say it again..

that is so cool Piper congrat.:bolian: and bengali13 pm Anthony and tell him your problem or go down to the Q & A posting problems and put in your issues, hope this helps, I'm going to call my cable guy and not Larry:lol:

"what would you like for breakfast dear?"
Good do it Piper ;) the BPR is my favorite Billy site i love they suport to GSR , your wiki & BPR is just perfect :D

someone can say me any good fan ficcion about the sara returns ^^ please ,Thanks in advance.

Desert ,is amazing... one more time the same about we talk in the PM :klingon:
OOOOH, Sidlreiana your avatar is awesome, like you:thumbsup: and now w're in the middle of June, ~taps fingers~ so 2-1/2 months left till we see them again in their natural habitat:drool:

Hey, where is everyone?

Sidlreiana I love you avatar, it's cool. Of coarse, desert, I think yours is hot :drool:

I just wanted to pop in and ask everyone's opinion. Should I do the countdown until the eighteenth of September, or the twenty fifth? Or has someone else heard a different date? Does that count as a spoiler, cause I don't read the boxes?
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