Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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Can I join in on the drooling over Billy Petersen?

*nods like a bobble head* I totally agree! GSR WILL SURVIVE! :) :) :)

I ran around the room screaming like the crazed GSR fan I am... And I sigh with you o_cat.... Also, o_cat and other TSF members.. Painball guns at the spoiler boxes! But I know it's not worth it!

I'm just not looking forward to when the first promo's come out.. And I know that the little button will be taunting me... Mocking me... AH!

*runs away from the button!*
Now, just so I'm clear, are we paint balling the spoiler boxes red too, or is that just for the GSR naysayers? Maybe the spoiler boxes can be in purple or green or something?

Also, here's my challenge to you great fic writers (of which I admit I am not one) I would LOVE a fic with a Disney prompt in it. Maybe a Mickey Mouse doll, or anything beauty and the beast? My birthday is July 4th, so you have until then. Are you up for it? :devil:
Hey, how come I'm getting the feeling people are talking about me but I don't know why. Was I being profound again and I didn't notice? JorjaFoxFan, what'd I do, or say rather?

And yes, I think red paintballs for antis and other colors for other things.

Bengali, Walt Disney and GSR before the Fourth of July? That could be do-able. I actually got a start on something today....the first person Sara fic I've been beta-ing got mixed up in my head with the thermite discussion and an idea I had about a post Grave Danger fic. When I woke up this morning there was fiction pouring out of my head. Woo hoo!

BTW, the fic I mentioned beta-ing above HOT! The first of what is possibly going to be a series of stand alone stories is on LJ's geekfiction...The Better Ride by CSIGeekFan.'s not your cup of tea, everyone else, wowsa.
Hey, how come I'm getting the feeling people are talking about me but I don't know why. Was I being profound again and I didn't notice? JorjaFoxFan, what'd I do, or say rather?

And yes, I think red paintballs for antis and other colors for other things.

Bengali, Walt Disney and GSR before the Fourth of July? That could be do-able. I actually got a start on something today....the first person Sara fic I've been beta-ing got mixed up in my head with the thermite discussion and an idea I had about a post Grave Danger fic. When I woke up this morning there was fiction pouring out of my head. Woo hoo!

BTW, the fic I mentioned beta-ing above HOT! The first of what is possibly going to be a series of stand alone stories is on LJ's geekfiction...The Better Ride by CSIGeekFan.'s not your cup of tea, everyone else, wowsa.
Hey friend!:cool:
I read "The Better Ride" and broke out into a sweat. Good Lord.:drool:
I read "The Better Ride" and broke out into a sweat. Good Lord.:drool:
Wait till you see the one that's in the pipeline now. Story two of this little series. Holy moly guacamole!
Her Because I Could Not Stop for Death is a great story, too.
Desert, you can read that one, it's rated M for language, not smut.

And all you writers on the ficathon on Geekfiction. Go get your prompt. They're using the 100 best movie lines as prompts, I got "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
JorjaFoxFan i can not see the pic i think the link is wrong :S

Desert your last PM belive me without words, amazing:eek::wtf::scream: you rocks:bolian:

the last spoilers make me sad :(, i need good GSR news:rolleyes:

Jorja here it is if anyone cant see it:) for sure those guys are for checking her out:)
seattle your funny:lol: I love smut, but just not a fan-fiction fan, I'm too busy, but I admrie all of you who have such amazing imaginations, and the time to write it! and no offense what-so-ever intended:thumbsup: you are a fabulous group of girls, [any boys on here]? and we've all the got the same love of this couple and Piper good job on your analysis on the S/9 thread
so many still in denial:(


And thank's Sidlreiana for the compliment, I just call it the way it is:bolian:
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Hey GSRers! I just FINALLY finished my CSI Season Nine Promo!
Warning, known spoilers included,(and a bit of my own wishes)

Let me know what ya think!

OH MAN THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!:beer: A toast to you Piper!!!

I think that was your best one yet (and that's saying something). I haven't read the spoiler boxes, but I'm so glad I watched that!!!

Thanks ya'll! I am SO glad you liked it.;)
Hey GSRers! I just FINALLY finished my CSI Season Nine Promo!
Warning, known spoilers included,(and a bit of my own wishes)

Let me know what ya think!

OH MAN THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!:beer: A toast to you Piper!!!

I think that was your best one yet (and that's saying something). I haven't read the spoiler boxes, but I'm so glad I watched that!!!

Thanks ya'll! I am SO glad you liked it.;)

This is soooo not fair! I can't watch it at work so I won't see it until I go home tonight!! Aaaarrrgggg!!!
Piper wounderful video can you send it to CBS:thumbsup:is perfect

Desert ,
I just call it the way it is:bolian:
really really true, i hope to arrive the PM please chech out ;).
the pic is a pity the team never come back to be complete
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