Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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:lol: I should have said gasoline but your sharp to pick that up:bolian:, and your videos rock as well, you girls are so multi-talented so according to our wonderful Piper~

she's going to be on at least 5/6 episodes, that is so awesome, how wonderful to see her again, on our fab. show, gawd I hope this is true, but the old "inked a deal' sounds like she will

You are all really great!! Desertwind, I just have to tell you, I love all your pics, banners, and icons. You do fantastic work! Thank you for letting us all see them. I am in awwwwww!!
Ok piper, I just watched most of your *twenty* GSR videos on you tube again, and I can't decide between the fanfic promo and I think I love you, both from March as my all time favorites.

I was having a bad health day and boy did I need a GSR pick me up and you have certainly provided it. I love those two and the new one so much. I love all of desert's pics and all of cinco flex's fics and so much more. I am so glad that I found this ship and all of you. You can bring up the worst days into smiles. Thank You All :thumbsup:

Now I have to go clean out and re-load my paint ball gun. I have decided spoiler boxes get green paint because I am so jealous of the people who get to read them. What do you think? :lol:

Have a good night (or morning, depending on where you are), all.
Bengali, I agree with you! Green paint here we come!

And, oi, where you get off watching that vid? Huh? Huh? Sigh... I want to watch it too!

Hope you feel better, bengali, I am in the same boat as you, I need GSR pick-me-ups or that new camera I've been saving for...

Keep up the GSR love and I shall bow to it all!

'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!'- Love it, good luck!

Ok, SA Kate, I will be sure to warn you all when I post my version of the season nine promo. I am currently making one that will include spoilers! Look out!:guffaw:

Now I want to watch it! DON"T PRESS THE BUTTON! Ah! *runs away*

Just signed up for the ficathon... *nail biting*
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Hi all I know it's been a while but RL sucks. Anyway had to pop in and say Desertwind I love you Banner it's Amazing. I love it!!!

Keeping the faith! Roll on September.

Poppie x x x.
Bengali, I agree with you! Green paint here we come!
And, oi, where you get off watching that vid? Huh? Huh? Sigh... I want to watch it too!

Well, I knew it couldn't have any thing that I hadn't already seen (since they haven't actually started filming yet), and since the ladies on this thread weren't so hot about using spoilers to begin with, we already know the two bits of info that are in her video. We all talked at length about what HAS happened, and about what COULD happen, I figured there couldn't be too much to be SPOILED with yet, and there wasn't. I still have NO IDEA what will happen in the opener, or any other show.

Sorry if you feel that I broke TSF rules, though. You have my permission to paint ball me. I choose purple. So now we have three colors designated.
Ok piper, I just watched most of your *twenty* GSR videos on you tube again, and I can't decide between the fanfic promo and I think I love you, both from March as my all time favorites.

I was having a bad health day and boy did I need a GSR pick me up and you have certainly provided it. I love those two and the new one so much. I love all of desert's pics and all of cinco flex's fics and so much more. I am so glad that I found this ship and all of you. You can bring up the worst days into smiles. Thank You All :thumbsup:

Now I have to go clean out and re-load my paint ball gun. I have decided spoiler boxes get green paint because I am so jealous of the people who get to read them. What do you think? :lol:

Have a good night (or morning, depending on where you are), all.
Thanks alot. You made me feel GREAT. I hope YOU feel better soon.
If any of you can, please sign up at IMDb and defend the GSR on the CSI message board. They tend to delete the GSRers and it makes us mad! I usually stay far away from that board, but they are picking on one of my fave friends, and I can't have that! I'd be grateful for your help.
Plus, on the Jorja Fox board, we are a nice and fun group, and would love to have more good GSRers!
Hope you all have a GREAT Friday!
Bengali, I agree with you! Green paint here we come!
And, oi, where you get off watching that vid? Huh? Huh? Sigh... I want to watch it too!

Well, I knew it couldn't have any thing that I hadn't already seen (since they haven't actually started filming yet), and since the ladies on this thread weren't so hot about using spoilers to begin with, we already know the two bits of info that are in her video. We all talked at length about what HAS happened, and about what COULD happen, I figured there couldn't be too much to be SPOILED with yet, and there wasn't. I still have NO IDEA what will happen in the opener, or any other show.

Sorry if you feel that I broke TSF rules, though. You have my permission to paint ball me. I choose purple. So now we have three colors designated.

hey ladies sorry i've been away for a while - been gigging and gigging and it's all good but i missed you all!

bengali here is your purple paintballing *SPLAT* :lol: and yes i totally agree that we should use green in our jealousy over the spoiler boxes!

don't worry SA_Kate I have resisted the promo video too - will watch it once S9 is underway though and I have no doubt it is awesome :D

seattle I am really looking forward to a thermite induced fanfic - *KABLAM!* that's going to really burn bright :cool:

right i'm off for a few days yet again but keep the faith TSF folks and your paintball guns at the ready. cake for everyone! :guffaw: x
Hey guys!!!! i'm soooooo Happy
I love Rambo!!!!

"The Guy with All Answers" – In a short interview for the Brazilian GSR Board, David Rambo talk a little bit about who is he, about his work, and about future projects.

BGSRB – Who is David Rambo? Define yourself.

DR - I'm a playwright and screenwriter. My motto is "Read, travel, question, listen." I consider myself an incredibly lucky man, happy at home and fulfilled by challenging work.

BGSRB – Do what you love in life is essencial, when did you found that be writter it was your way of life?

DR - Yes, once I started writing, I felt that I was at last doing what I'd always wanted. Before writing, I had been an actor, a musician, a singer, an office assistant and a salesman. All of that experience informs my writing today.

BGSRB – You wrote the play "The Lady With All Answers" , how was this experience, it was the first in theater or you have other projects to come?

DR - I'm the author of several plays. In fact, I came to CSI because William Petersen wanted to add a playwright to the writing staff.

BGSRB – How much time a tv writter need to developed a screenplay for one episode?

DR - We generally discuss the story for about a week, sometimes two weeks. Then the writer has a week to craft the screenplay. That's followed by about another week of rewriting before the episode is filmed.

BGSRB – What inspire you to create a screenplay?

DR - Anything can be an inspiration for an episode of CSI. Sometimes we draw from crimes that we have read about or seen on TV. Most of the time, however, one of us will say, "What if...?" and we all start contributing ideas.

BGSRB – How was write for a tv show like CSI? How was your beggining on this project?

DR - My first episode of CSI was "Butterflied." I had never written for TV before. The producers invited me in several weeks early to participate in the creation of "Jackpot," so that I would understand how to write for TV a bit better. The rewriting of "Butterflied' was arduous, but I enjoyed it tremendously. More importantly, I learned so much from Anthony Zuiker and Carol Mendelsohn as we worked. I was on the set for every day of filming. The actors and director were extremely collaborative and asked me for a lot of input. It was a great experience that led to being hired on the writing staff the following season.

BGSRB – How is define the themes for the episodes? Did you made some kind os research about the subject? How it works?

DR - The writers talk about theme a lot. We have two technical advisors and two researchers available to us. The technical advisors have been real-life CSIs, so they help to keep our work authentic.

BGSRB – "Butterflied" is one of the favorite episodes from fans of CSI, specially for the GSR fans, what inspire you to wrote this episode?

DR - "Butterflied" started out to be a two-character episode: just Grissom and Catherine and the dead girl. As we continued to craft the story, it evolved into the complex and psychologically probing story that we all now know. It was very much a team effort; ideas that ended up on the screen came from many sources, including the other writers and also Billy and Jorja.

BGSRB – How was your relationship with fans, how you deal with the admiration of them?

DR - The fans discovered CSI and made it a hit when all the industry experts said the show wouldn't last. I'm so grateful to them. While it's impossible to answer every email and letter I receive, I do try to let the fans know that I appreciate their support of the show. The girls from Brasil are fantastic! They even remembered my birthday!

BGSRB – We know that sometimes, the exposion on mídia, and the pression of work tired out, on your free time, how you relax?

DR - I love to travel. I read a great deal; I enjoy cooking, and attending the theatre and concerts. Exercise and yoga help, too.

BGSRG – If you could choose someone to work or create a character, who will be and why?

DR - I'm not sure I understand the question, but if you're asking which actors I would like to create characters for, there are too many to mention. I love actors and what they bring to a script. I've been fortunate to work with some legendary actors such as Kirk Douglas, Angela Lansbury, Anjelica Huston, Sir Ben Kingsley, Stockard Channing and others. CSI has given me the opportunity to work with the amazing regular cast, and also Liev Schreiber, Faye Dunaway and many more I've long admired.

BGSRG – Who or what is your inspiration when you write?

DR - This may sound bizarre, but I find inspiration in quiet. It's impossible for me to write well amid noise.

BGSRB – If you could define this moment in your life in one single sentence, what will be?

DR - This is the best time.

BGSRG – David thank you very much for your attention, and for this amazing interview. Many fans will be happy knowing a little more about you. Now a last request, could you send a special message for the fans from Brazilian GSR Board?

DR - I have always wanted to come to visit Brasil, and hope to do so sometime in the next few years. Thank you to the GSR Board for extending such a warm welcome in advance of my visit! ALSO... don't miss the Season 9 premiere. Sara Sidle is there, and Grissom's glad to see her.

by KiaOra_Lamarca®
GSR Brasil forum:
Thank's so much IloveBilly sensational
good job, that's so great, DR our hero, and I second the same line pertaining to Sara. Last night's re-run was a good ep. the 'bee scene' Grissom,"I always love it when you dress up" Sara, "Well, you know, whatever it takes to get some time with you" and "maybe we should get married":bolian: Sara "lets do it" that winning smile:D no one like her, or him, and their together YIPEE


and a brief bio. on David Rambo!

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don't miss the Season 9 premiere. Sara Sidle is there, and Grissom's glad to see her.

Do you think they'll show how glad he is? :D
I get mental images of this scene, and I'm not sure it would do well with the Warrick/McKeen plot.
However, I'd love to see a short scene where Sara is the shoulder to cry on for Grissom...

I guess I have to read more FFs (instead of getting my coursework done...)
don't miss the Season 9 premiere. Sara Sidle is there, and Grissom's glad to see her.

Do you think they'll show how glad he is? :D
I get mental images of this scene, and I'm not sure it would do well with the Warrick/McKeen plot.
However, I'd love to see a short scene where Sara is the shoulder to cry on for Grissom...

I guess I have to read more FFs (instead of getting my coursework done...)
Hey, I want a GSR love scene!!!:drool::drool:
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