Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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thank you so much seattle ;) i like so much your ff and the CSIGeeKFan ^^ , the videos greatest scenes and good choise the music ;)

good job :)
Thank's Seattle and Sidlreiana on the pm it's changed:confused: it says 'notifications' no messages that I see, sorry, and I swear Piper your such a busy little beaver, another site, such great passion and enthusiasm, you're the rock:thumbsup:and on your *spoiler* info. have you posted it on the S/9 spoiler thread?

Jeez, i agree with you all the wait for S/9 is going to kill me. especially with
these kind of spoilers out in JUNE!
Hey JorjaFoxFan who's the pic. of in your icon? I don't recognize her:confused: another *spoiler* thread about, well read it, all you spoiler fans!

this is how Sara found out about Warrick, he called her in San Francisco, remember when Brass asked Gil, "have you heard from Sara" and he replied "yes, she's in SF, visiting her mom" and he goes 'how is she" and Grissom goes "fine" and Brass says "emotionally" and Gris says "you'll have to ask her" and quickly changed the subject, he doesn't like to discuss his private life especially Sara, so this site says he called her, meaning they've always been connected the whole time she's been gone:thumbsup:
Desert, my icon is of moi ;)
oh thats great news! i think we kind of always knew they were in contact the whole time, but now its confirmed so thats great =] i like how Grissom doesnt share his private life.
WOW, JorjaFoxfan you're drop dead gorgeous:eek: why don't you apply for a job on CSI, I'd much rather see you than this new chick, they're bringing in, and you could give Jorja a run for her money and meet the juicy, delicious Billy/Grissom man:drool:
JorjaFoxFan i can not see the pic i think the link is wrong :S

Desert your last PM belive me without words, amazing:eek::wtf::scream: you rocks:bolian:

the last spoilers make me sad :(, i need good GSR news:rolleyes:
JorjaFoxFan i can not see the pic i think the link is wrong :S

Desert your last PM belive me without words, amazing:eek::wtf::scream: you rocks:bolian:

the last spoilers make me sad :(, i need good GSR news:rolleyes:

Here's some love for ya
Sara IS coming back, Grissom WILL try to get her hired back at the lab, and it looks like we'll have her for AT LEAST 5 to 6 shows, maybe more. My source tells me Jorja was seen at the CSI Studios late last week.
WOW, JorjaFoxfan you're drop dead gorgeous:eek: why don't you apply for a job on CSI, I'd much rather see you than this new chick, they're bringing in, and you could give Jorja a run for her money and meet the juicy, delicious Billy/Grissom man:drool:

Yes JorjaFoxfan, you are very beautiful. Yes you should try out for CSI, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get a GSR shipper on there. But no, I don't care how beautiful you are, I don't think anyone would give Sara a run for Gilbert's heart. (but if you did meet him, try not to drool all over him like desert and I would!! :drool:)
Can I join in on the drooling over Billy Petersen?

I just read an entire 500 page book with crime short stories in it.. You know those type of short stories? Best two days I've had recently and totally made being sick worth it! And now I have some awesome ideas for fic to tide me through till September.. *sigh*

Sa_Kate I so agree with you on your analysis of LH and Terri Miller. first one who rattles one's cage, means they are disturbing, upsetting or confusing them, that's not a happy conotation, it's negative, she never made him happy. and she was way to bizzare for his liking, to troubled and in my opinion sleazy:wtf:he was really more in tune with Terri, although she bailed on him, didn't stick it out, and Sara always did and with Hank the skank, a mistake, we all make them:( Sara was the challenge, for him to try and figure out his true, deep seated feelings, he LOVED HER:thumbsup:he's a complicated man, and now that he's made this commitment, it's a long term deal, he's not a man who does things in the spur of the moment, he's not impulsive:vulcan: he's methodical, and takes his time to realize what's important.. and that's a wrap:thumbsup:


*nods like a bobble head* I totally agree! GSR WILL SURVIVE! :) :) :)

Fantastic analogy!!! I love it!!

Thank you, ilovegsr, I love being quoted... *tear drop* I would like to thank... ;)

Sara was the biggest challenge he ever faced love-wise. He had to admit to himself that he loved her and be strong enough to open himself to a relationship with her.
Beautifully said. I love things like that (I'm such a romantic) and you said it so well! Aww, I love the idea of him having to fight himself to realize how he felt :p

Thanks for the concurrence desert. :) And, adorelo, I totally agree, you know you're a romantic when you buy into the serious romantic drivel.. Like GSR. :) :) :)

Sara totally rocked in TGTBTD - she has to deal with Catherine inadvertently putting her foot in it at the crime scene, then meeting LH without any backing from Griss, then Griss staying away the night and acting all odd (because he's uncomfortable and, as we all know, not the best at expressing himself). But Sara just sucks it all up and gives him his space - even when most anyone else would have given him a slap - she doesn't judge him or jump to conclusions.

Which is why they are so perfect:
Grissom needs someone who can accept the moments where his social skills get completely lost, and not judge him for it. Someone who can appreciate and share his passions in life (e.g. we know Sara hates bees from way back in season 1 (Sex, Lies & Larvae I think) - how fab is she then, to go into the bee enclosure and take off her glove?! No wonder he proposed there and then). Also someone who isn't going to betray him, especially once he has let them into his secret heart. We all know he is really just a hopeless romantic!
Sara needs someone strong and safe, but gentle, who can accept her difficult past and not judge her for it either. Someone who can teach her what a family really means; that not everyone lets you down; that there is romance in life. Someone who deserves her fierce loyalty and passion.

They are both very strong, independent people - together they are able to relax, quietly, and share intimacy without fear. Really, I could so imagine them pottering about a nice little garden as an old couple :) *Sigh*

I ran around the room screaming like the crazed GSR fan I am... And I sigh with you o_cat.... Also, o_cat and other TSF members.. Painball guns at the spoiler boxes! But I know it's not worth it!

I'm just not looking forward to when the first promo's come out.. And I know that the little button will be taunting me... Mocking me... AH!

*runs away from the button!*
Ok, SA Kate, I will be sure to warn you all when I post my version of the season nine promo. I am currently making one that will include spoilers! Look out!:guffaw:
WOW, JorjaFoxfan you're drop dead gorgeous:eek: why don't you apply for a job on CSI, I'd much rather see you than this new chick, they're bringing in, and you could give Jorja a run for her money and meet the juicy, delicious Billy/Grissom man:drool:

Yes JorjaFoxfan, you are very beautiful. Yes you should try out for CSI, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get a GSR shipper on there. But no, I don't care how beautiful you are, I don't think anyone would give Sara a run for Gilbert's heart. (but if you did meet him, try not to drool all over him like desert and I would!! :drool:)

Thank you guys so much :rolleyes: but i definately agree with Seattle =]
now i am back to studying, reading and being indecisive on which CSI eppy to watch :)
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