Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

daang. you gotta sign on here everyday to even keep up with the pace were going at, we already on page 30, have we ever gone through a thread this fast? i love it! :devil: so i havent even read a spoiler for 8x14 yet...pretty proud of my self but ill crack eventually. i still havent had the chance to e-mail Rambo, life get in the way sometimes..

does anybody have, beside theories, a not confirmed but almost there fact about when Jorjas appearance will take place? or will it even be in this season? im not very in tune with everything going on here in the GSR/CSI world. :confused:

I did however have a fun day at school the other day, i was helping a friend with an evnoe project on majestic butterflys, he needed me to get some pictures, so i, of course, turned to trusty Google and typed in "Butterfly" in images and low and behold got some cute pictures of our couple, on the first page too! i got pretty excited, but of course couldnt use them for the envoe project :brickwall:

whew....alrighty i think that cover just about everything..
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

JorjaFoxFan I think they'll keep this a big surprise, and keep it underwraps as much as possible, like in "DD" we didn't know if she survived or not.. and what a great overwhelming surprise it was:wtf: unless someome lets it out of the bag.. I'd say WP knows, and maybe some of the rest of them, so we have to sit tight and wait ~~taps fingers~~:vulcan:

Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hey Y'all, CSIGeekFan and I have been writing GSR smut again. We were challenged by some of our mates at They actually thought if they threw us seven prompts they could stump us. Keys, rain, Bruno, a ball of wool, shower gel, band-aids and the phrase 'without it I'd...'. It has a rating above teen, so you have to find it yourself.
Lucky for you I've put so many useful things in my sig.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hey everyone, I haven't been able to post in over a month, but I've been sick, and sitting at the computer isn't an option for me. I miss you all though. I'm so very excited for the return of our show, and soon, the reunion of our couple!!! :D

I can't wait until Sara is back in her beloved Gilbert's arms:) We have waited for WAAAYYYY too long for them to be over already. As for the marriage, I sorta thought maybe Gil could get a phone call, say he'd be right there, then he looks at the guy he was talking to, and says could you hurry it up please? Then you hear another cell phone ringing and the camera pans back and you see that you are in a chapel on the strip somewhere, Sara is in a dress, and Gil was talking to the minister. Sara says she'll be there as soon as she can and then smiles at gil. Cut to the next scene, when they arrive at the crime scene like nothing happened.
What do you think of that for an opening scene of the first new episode?
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

bengali13, that would be so perfect! :) It would be a small, understated scene, which would be absolutely perfect for them.

Also, bengali13 we're all glad you're feeling better! :) Only two weeks and one day until new episodes!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

I'm still leaning towards the "we see Sara in her vest and the name tag reads Grissom" scenario. It would be a nice conclusion to GBaGL where she ripped the Sidle tag off her vest.
I'd also love just to see her wearing a wedding ring, but TPTB already did that with Warrick, so it would be a bit unimaginative. As a compromise, we could see her sign some papers and clearly see the signature...
Alternative #3: Ecklie talks to Griss about some HR paperwork (change of marital status, name, address...whatever) and accidentally lets slip something like "and tell your wife she needs to sign this, too" in front of the whole team. Their faces? Priceless.

I don't know whether I'd like to see an actual wedding scene. As a shipper, of course I'd love it.
But the show's concept always drew strength from not showing characters' personal stuff in length and detail. That's what keeps it apart from standard drama/soap opera shows.
So, considering the nature of the show and that G&S are rather private people I think I'd prefer one of the above mentioned scenes without an explicit wedding scene.
Although it would make excellent bonus material. "GSR - The wedding you never thought you'd see happen"

*goes back to counting down days until April 3*
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Welcome back bengali13 you've been missed, & and that your feeling better... and BTW, who's the icon of? and I like your scenerio and yours too seahawk and you too seattle boy you girls sure do have imaginations:rommie:I just want her back, in any capacity, CSI is blah, without her:( and speaking of their wedding you'll all like this:bolian:

Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

That is my husband and my two sons. It was taken almost three years ago. My how time flies.

I really hope we get to see something. I mean CSI Miami has a wedding on their new episode. They have been promoing it all month right? I don't want them to take up the whole episode, or even to see the whole wedding, just a snippet of it for like 20 seconds would be so great. that would take up less time than the proposal, but it would give us some squee time for weeks. And the non GSR lovers couldn't complain that we got too much air time if it is just implies, ya know?
Anyway, It's good to be back and I've been trying to stay healthy long enough to keep up, it's just hard.
Hurry Up April 3rd!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

i really don't think we are going to get a wedding. besides, they need to get together first to even be a 'them' :p

i'm certain they will be back to being a couple. it's just a matter of when. but, like i said, i just can't see them getting hitched on screen. anything is possible, i guess, but a wedding should be left for fanfics.

idk, if they will even want to get married after she's back. maybe they'll decide not to. who knows?
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hey all, new here as i'm usually found floating round the DuCaine ship. I'm i reading right? Sara is coming back? Finally! I was beginning to think the show was on a downhill spiral without Sara. The show just didn't seem right without her.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Welcome Wolfca glad you joined us, yes she's coming back on her KTLA interview in Feb. the interviewer asked her point blank , and she replied "I'm retunring, but can't say when or how":thumbsup:soo we're all waiting in anticipation, and if you read the new Marg interview [bet she knows] she just visited Jorja at her home in San Clementine, CA. wow:eek: ritzy area, and she surfs there, nice ocean area! anyway, hopefully it'll be soon, they kept her "is she alive or dead" a hugh secret, so this is one too. I hope they do show a marriage, it's about time, and so far the only ship/cannon on this CSI is GSR
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

YAY! Glad she's back. I too hope they get married. CSI was the first to put 2 CSI's in a relationship so why not take a second biscuit of 2 CSI's getting married?

I think if they don't it'll just make us veiwers think that being a CSI is great but don't expect a happy life, as you'll be doom and gloom. Besides they're engaged so they have to take the next step and all the rest after that;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

AMEN, Wolfca Horatio got married, and what happened was sad.. and question who the hell are Jake & Johnny:rommie:saw it on the Miami thread!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

True Horatio did get married, but it wasn't to another fellow CSI. Jake is a new guy on the scene dating Calleigh, or it's and on off relationship due to fraternization rules. Not sure, don't really pay attention to him:guffaw:. Johnny? new one on me:confused:
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Sorry just clicked, Johnny is another name for Jake Berkley
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