Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Sorry, I don't really have anything to say except ADZIX!!! what in the world are you thinking of with that icon? Are you trying to collect rotten tomatoes or something? Holy crap!
Desert, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. Well, I'll assume you liked our story . And yes, we do have quite the imaginations. Quite the wicked imaginations.
Oh, and hi Bengali, glad to see you back. And welcome Wolfca, glad to see some fresh blood.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Fresh Blood? Oh dear?:( Nah only messing:guffaw:. Thanks for all the welcomes:thumbsup:
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Sorry, I don't really have anything to say except ADZIX!!! what in the world are you thinking of with that icon? Are you trying to collect rotten tomatoes or something? Holy crap!
lmao. well, it's common knowledge since, like, thread 16 that i'm both GSR and GLH :p i think they can coexist. i wouldn't really mind if GLH happened again right now. that would probably mean the end of GSR but i could live with it.

i realize it's highly unrealistic though, mainly b/c Grissom and Sara are very much in love, and unless she broke up with him, he'd never cheat on her. so i'm on your side, don't worry ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Sorry Adzix I was stunned by your icon as well, EWWWW:klingon:co-exist, on what planet:evil:no way Jose ever.. he doesn't love Lady Goth, and never will, that's your choice that you want to ship them, but well, I'm not here to dice another fan. I just don't understand:confused: and just a brief comment, if he did sleep with her, and it's highly unlikly, because from his own lips "sex without love, makes one sad" but if he did, it must not have been that great, because 3 years elasped and they never saw each other, how does any G/LH fan explain that:wtf:, anywho.... I'm wondering when there will be news on Jorja, I've been looking everywhere, so far nada an here's what Sara has been up to while she's been gone, practicing her dancing skills, and Grissom snuck off to San Francisco to have her teach him, see seattle, I can stretch my imagination as well!


And the review with one of our writers Allen McDonald stated. Grissom & Sara "are in love, and are soul mates"
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Gris_4_Sara that's so fantastic.. good job:thumbsup: did you ask him about when Jorja's coming back? just wondering.

Um, sorry no. Didn't ask about JF coming back. It's number 1 on my list of "Things not to ask David Rambo".

Here are the rest:
#2. Geek Baby
#3. Geek Wedding.
#4 Geek Sex scene
#5 Geek Threesomes (with Brass)
#6 When did they first "do it?"
#7 Denali sex
#8 What do ya think of LH?
#9 Sofia??? What was he thinking??
#10 The cocoon

I actually asked about the cocoon one time but he didn't mention it in his reply, so I'm hoping he was distracted by a way to write #4 onto TV!
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

and just a brief comment, if he did sleep with her, and it's highly unlikly, because from his own lips "sex without love, makes one sad" but if he did, it must not have been that great, because 3 years elasped and they never saw each other, how does any G/LH fan explain that
well, i don't think i need to explain anything, GSR thread is not a place for that. i just like them together.
Sofia??? What was he thinking??
oh man, to that i agree. i think somebody (and it was Ilovebilly if i remember correctly) asked him about Sofia and Rambo said that they just went for a dinner and afterwards realized it was better to stay friends. the only problem that i have with it is timeline. i mean, it looks like only a couple months later he got together with Sara.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

In "Ala Cart" Grissom told Ecklie he'd been with Sara for 9 years, and Sara said "they'd been intimate for 2:thumbsup: so they've always been together on some level, and no one else has ever been important to either one of them romantically:beer: this is what the writers have brought to the table on this show! and Gris_4_Sara good ones on the Rambo questions not to ask:bolian: #7, really, and as we're winding down the last part of S/8, there's no Melinda Clarke on the horizon, thank gawd, and there's a strong possiblity, that Grissom and Sara will ride off into the sunset before this season ends. I don't want that, nor do other fans here, but some of the 'red flags' point in that direction:( I'd love to see them go for a decade, and then go!

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Oh I know what you mean Desertwind. I was just having a laugh with my list,even though I would not ask Rambo most of those, I was kinda semi serious about the Sofia one.

I mean really - Sara was soooo peed off when she saw him with Sofia in his office. I'm wondering whether TPTB did that out of spite or just to amuse themselves. I hate that episode.
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hey, Gotta link with new pics from Divine Comedy. WP is looking HOT. And look at the pic they photo shopped together to hang on the 'fridge. They must've gotten too much grief for that pic they used in Sara's locker in GB&GL.
ETA: Just went back to look at the posts above. Good work Desert, I can't even do that sort of stuff.
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

OOOH--LA-LA. lord have mercy, he's gorgeous & gets better with age:drool: I'd drop dead if I ran into him, he takes my breath away,:eek:and the cute pic Cath is holding with G/S can't wait to see that. I wonder where they're at? and thank's seattle I can post pics. but I can't make videos like you do, big kudos to you:thumbsup:

Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

and the cute pic Cath is holding with G/S can't wait to see that.

Looks like San Francisco, with the bridge in the background...probably 9 years ago at the Forensic Academy conference
The pic is sooooo adorable.

Yay for more GSR background story!
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Yeah, over at YTaW on the Divine Comedy thread they took the pic that Cath was holding, reversed it and manipulated it so you could see it was Sara and Gris in front of the golden Gate. __________________
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Ya' think it's San Francisco seahawk? but this is the new ep. how would SF play a role in this? maybe your right, can't wait, one more boring week, and now it's basketball:( and Cath is not stupid, she's got to have known. I know Brass knew, on his comments may times, he's sharp and in tune with both of them:thumbsup: thank's seattle that's so awesome, meaning they were going out in San Francisco, so they have been together for eons!

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Um, I would keep some things in spoiler boxes... just a suggestion.

But I'm pumped for April 3rd. Sure, there may not be GSR straight up in it, but I'll hope for any hints at all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

I told you that Grissom went to San Francsico on his vacation, during the show went on strike. Sara is happy now and now she need to come home now to be with Grissom and he need her, because he not feeling good and he is lonely and miss her.

GSRLUVER- I wrote something over at 8th season picture spoiler and it nice. Can you check it out? It about your signature I like it. You got the right word when Grissom said that to Sara about her ponytail, but the wrong episode.

Guys, don't mention Sofia or Lady Heather in here. I have never like Sofia with Grissom or Nick, she has no chemistry with them. No offense Adzix, I know you like Lady Heather with Grissom, but I don't, because she scared me.
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