Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

about Grissom in Who and What, i think he was just being himself. he is not going to talk about his private life with his friends, and absolutely not with a stranger.
ITA with you...
It's not like he was denying their relationship...He just left out significant parts :lol:
He told Malone the truth, nothing but the truth, but definitely NOT the whole truth
And Sara's reaction to Ronnie is just the same: In a VERY generalized way, "it kinda chose me" is a correct summary of "The guy I had fallen for was working in Vegas, so what choice did I have but to go there, work for him and wait patiently until he gets his head out of the sand?"

*joins the rain dance to make April 3rd come directly after March 12th*
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

about Grissom in Who and What, i think he was just being himself. he is not going to talk about his private life with his friends, and absolutely not with a stranger.
ITA with you...
It's not like he was denying their relationship...He just left out significant parts :lol:
He told Malone the truth, nothing but the truth, but definitely NOT the whole truth
And Sara's reaction to Ronnie is just the same: In a VERY generalized way, "it kinda chose me" is a correct summary of "The guy I had fallen for was working in Vegas, so what choice did I have but to go there, work for him and wait patiently until he gets his head out of the sand?"

*joins the rain dance to make April 3rd come directly after March 12th*

It could even be an inside joke between Griss and Sara. We wouldn't know though because we have only seen them at home once. I can see how people would think he was wrong to say that she walks the dog but then I think that they are both private people in a lot of ways and they wouldn't want a stranger to know about their love life when even their friends don't know all that much. If anything Ecklie probably knows more then be a fly on that wall when Ecklie asked Sara and Griss about their relationship! lol!
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

nah, i think we cannot put it this way all the time. it's not 'us-them' but we all love the same show. we shouldn't get too defensive about our ship nor should we tell anybody what to think. some people don't like it? fine with me. it's not like everybody has to. and let me tell you, i've witnessed way too many ship-wars around here ;)

about Grissom in Who and What, i think he was just being himself. he is not going to talk about his private life with his friends, and absolutely not with a stranger. i would compare this scene to the one where Ronnie asks Sara what had brought her to Vegas. even though GSR has been out of the closet, she still didn't say "my dearest fiancee" but "it kinda chose me." same answer as "she walks him for me sometimes."

I'm totally not trying to tell people what to think, it's just that I get frustrated with a few shippers that I've met along the way who think that now that Sara is gone, other ships will get to be played out like Grissom and Cath or when Sara gets back, Sara and Greg. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but some believe it should and will happen right away which I think is wrong. As we all know, Grissom and Sara are still together, but their relationship is strained. It would be out of character for either to start a serious relationship with a different person right away.

I'm not trying to start a ship war, believe me, that's the last thing I want to do because they are awful and I have seen a lot of them, but I think we all know that in the process of venting frustrations or commenting on an episode, all ships get a little dinged in the different shipper threads. :( I do like that CSI has such a diverse following, though due to GSR being canon, our ship is the one that gets tossed around and bruised a little more. I too have been in situations where I have liked a ship that is not canon. Everyone's romantic personality is different which is why relationships on shows always clash. I'm not trying to convert other shippers to GSR :lol:, I was just trying to make a cute, supportive comment about our ship. :)

Lastly, I didn't expect Grissom to blurt out, "She's my girlfriend," or anything to Jack Malone, but at least have the courage to say, "She's a friend who walks my dog sometimes." Just the way he said it makes it seem that their only form of relationship is boss/employee when we all know that the CSIs are all friends with each other. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

^ i'm not saying i don't agree with you on the GSR part, it's just that we need to be extra cautious about what we say.
I was just trying to make a cute, supportive comment about our ship
well you know. you called some people 'stupid' for example. and it doesn't matter that you probably didn't mean to insult anybody, it still didn't come out right.

but yeah, this is a GSR thread so there hardly will be a war here, but i don't think we should talk about other ships or shippers. it's still a public board and everybody can read it. it could only make the animosity grow stronger.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hey guys, I just stay here in our nice little GSR cocoon. Ooops, sorry to use THAT word.
I get too angry when I venture out of here.
Also, I wrote a little Teen rated fictel last night...Sara, Catherine, and The Domonatrix.
Not quite the smackdown I envisioned, but it felt darn good to write it.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

^ i'm not saying i don't agree with you on the GSR part, it's just that we need to be extra cautious about what we say.
I was just trying to make a cute, supportive comment about our ship
well you know. you called some people 'stupid' for example. and it doesn't matter that you probably didn't mean to insult anybody, it still didn't come out right.

but yeah, this is a GSR thread so there hardly will be a war here, but i don't think we should talk about other ships or shippers. it's still a public board and everybody can read it. it could only make the animosity grow stronger.

Yeah I agree on the stupid part. I was in a bad mood when I wrote that post and it was harsh which I why this morning I changed it to silly. I was just calling Ausiello silly because half of his so-called spoilers are just rumours and never happen. I totally didn't mean that other shippers are silly or stupid, just media people like Ausiello becuase I find them annoying when they act all arrogant.

I'm sorry if you found my post offending because that was not the intent. I really was just aiming to joke about the whole "other shippers need to face the facts" thing and which is why I put a smilie at the end. To be honest, if Sara wasn't with Grissom I'd be completely happy if she was with Nick or Greg because they have great chemistry together. I attempted to write a supportive and cute post because I'm just excited about the prospect of our ship coming back. For a while I thought we had really lost it.
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Thank's seattle for the up-beat comment and cocoon it is.. were the ones.. and we rule. and that's a fact, I deal with enough angry people everyday in traffic and the workplace, I want to come on here and have fun and be bonded with you :bolian: we are all on the same page;)and speaking of cocoon, what the H ever happened to that? HMMM, did it hatch? will we ever know?

Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

^ oh don't worry, you didn't offend me in the slightest. sorry for sounding moddy :p i'm as much GSR as you are and i know you didn't mean anything bad. i became ultra-sensitive for those kinds of comments throughout the years, though.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Thank's seattle for the up-beat comment and cocoon it is.. were the ones.. and we rule. and that's a fact, I deal with enough angry people everyday in traffic and the workplace, I want to come on here and have fun and be bonded with you :bolian: we are all on the same page;)and speaking of cocoon, what the H ever happened to that? HMMM, did it hatch? will we ever know?


I do like it here, and any other thread I venture to on this site scares the heck out of me.
But, desert, if you really want bondage, you'd better try the lady heather thread....joking, don't throw anything, I'm only joking.
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

I was "told" that the cocoon is safe in Grissom's office. It's hatched and staying there waiting for the butterfly to return home. Make sense?
Seattle, I just promoted your TGTB&TD fic at the Jorja board on IMDb. It's great!!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Don't start the LH crap seattle or I will have to throw rocks:rommie:.. I won't say anything negative:klingon: and I still want to see your video, and that's next on my agenda. I finally figured how to post everything, 'gosh, mom I'll catch up with the other kids":guffaw:it's an exhilarating feeling
and so Piper the cocoon is hatched, cool, hope they do bring it back so we can see it! to show the goodness in my heart.. [yeah right] here's a pic. of our girl and Ms. Goth:devil:

LH AND SARA put something poisonious in her IV Sara:evil:
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

PiperGrissom, I'm intrigued with your line of thinking with the cocoon...who "told" you? (Only if it's safe to say) :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

PiperGrissom, I'm intrigued with your line of thinking with the cocoon...who "told" you? (Only if it's safe to say) :)

It's OK to say who "told" me, he "told" others who asked too. Rambo told me. Ask, he tells, if he can!:thumbsup:
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hey! I haven't been on in a while. :( Life got in the way. Any new's about Jorja comeing back anytime soon?
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hi EvidenceOfMe glad your back, so raise your hand if you're excited about tonights ep.:borg: ho-hum-yawn-yawn I thought is was kinda of a spoof from "Satruday Night Live" so silly, and it took away from the continutity of the MCSK. I did like the GSR parts, she's so trusting and understanding 'go do what you've go to do' but, she waited patiently and he came home to her

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