Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Sorry for the double post, but I GOT AN AVATAR!! *jumps for joy* Ok, I am done now!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

HI Guys, i loved the new board!!
i can't wait for 8x12!!! i know will be G-R-E-A-T...awww ;)!!!:drool::drool:
someone knows who is the writer? i'm counting the seconds!!

Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

I am not sure who's writing it, but when I heard from Rambo last time, he said he was busy writing. Sounds good to me. HE writes GREAT GSR!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Heey all! i havent been posting in a while, been quite busy with..well..reading :angel: but i am back now! haha i missed the update, nice addition to the site for sure. i too cannot wait until 8x12, should be great! im sure over the WGA strike all the writers had some truely amazing ideas that they couldnt wait to play out!

All this yip yap about avatars reminds me i should change mine too :D thx.

well...thats all i got right now, lots to do -gotta keep truckin'

and now im out, toodles!

*off to read some HP..still suspensful after the 15 zillionth time -like CSI!*
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

CONGRATULATIONS PiperGrissom good job,:thumbsup: and nice icon and IloveBilly yours is great too:thumbsup:.. you girls rock..

IN THEIR BEDROOM with Hank too:guffaw:
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Oh guys, I thought I'd just hop in to tell you about something very funny.

You see, I'm not a shipper at all, but I was watching CSI last night and there was a very funny GSR-moment. I haven't watched the full episode though, only that scene (I was zappin')

Sara walked in and she told Grissom she had found someone to watch over Hank (the dog, right?), then she walked out and a FBI-guy who was also in the room asked Grissom who ' that girl' was, and Grissom said, "Oh, she walks my dog sometimes". The FBI-guy was like: "That's how relationships at work start". I loveeeeed the look on Grissom's face!

Anyways, I thought I'd just share this. *hops out*
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Hi Roosey and that ep..would be 'WHO OR WHAT" the 'crosssover ep. and probably the the best so far, it was with Anthony LaPaglia, the star of "WITHOUT A TRACE" and that was a cute moment:thumbsup:it show her melting down and not being able to deal with the whole gruesome crime drama anymore, a preview of "GBAGL" where she left!

JACK AND GRISS I don't have a pic. of that particular scene, maybe someone else does.. and seattle I'm so frustrated, I tried to view your GSR video, and all that came up was the beginning singing, and then it kept stopping..DRATS:scream:

CRAP, none of these pics are posting..this new site is driving me nutty

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

ahaha. I love that little scene. Someone recorded it for me, but I lost it! :( noooooooooooooooooooooo

Gah. Three weeks, two days, five hours and twenty minutes.

Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

haha yea Roosey. that ep would be the crossover between CSI and with out a trace..Who or What i think it was called. i loved it too!! i like and dislike the was Grissom said, oh she walks my dog sometimes..because..well..i cant even describe :D

*Oops, didnt see that Desertwind already took care of that onee!*
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

i like and dislike the was Grissom said, oh she walks my dog sometimes..because..well..i cant even describe :D
I think I get what you were saying. Like, it was cute, but it was also like he's being know...and not being able to just say it. "Yea, I'm doing her. What are you gonna do about it?" Am I even close?
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

JorjaAnn you get it completely, i just couldnt think of the right words :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Desert, glad you tried to watch my vid. Try clicking the link in my signature, that might work. I don't know why links from this site don't want to co-operate sometimes.
So, I wonder why they're showing the Dominatrix this week. Maybe this time around Sara will haul off and smack Catherine. Hmm... There's an idea. I've had a very bad day and was thinking of writing an angsty one shot to make me feel better. Maybe I'll re-write Domonatrix instead. Mwahaha.
And why, when I try to use spell check, does it say to download something I've already downloaded?!
Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

Thank's seattle I admire and respect you, that you can do videos:thumbsup: I want to view I'll try what you suggested! and I loved your comment about Sara smacking Cath:guffaw:yes, indeed and pushing LH out of her bed:scream: stupid [rhymes with witch]:evil:all she ever does is cause chaos for Grissom and Sara so compassionate and so understanding. I'd like to smack Gil for going to help her out..again..I find her to be a Halloween character from a Haunted House, and I've seen ladies of the night here, who resemble her.. EWWWW cheap..sorry I don't like her:klingon: I can't stand that ep. supid and back on topic.. has anyone heard anything about Sara returning. did you all read how that guy Allen McDonald the writer, says Grissom & Sara love each other & are "soul mates":bolian:

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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

First off, I totally agree with the people who think Grissom was being a bit of a jerk saying that Sara "walked his dog sometimes." It shows that he's a bit of a coward when it comes to their relationship. He's afraid what people will think. I'm hoping that when she comes back, he'll smarten up and realize he needs to be more confident with their relationship or he could lose her.

Second, I loved that interview with Allen MacDonald. It gave me a new perspective of how CSI works. I never knew that they had a list of generated ideas to choose from. I just figured that they had a few going at a time, but not a whole list.

It was also nice to hear him praise Jorja, since silly people like Ausiello try to make out that the writers hate Jorja, and to also know of another writer that likes GSR. Other shippers need to face the facts that our ship is supported by the people who act, write, direct, and pay for CSI. Not to forget all of the viewers that support GSR! I hate to break it to them, but GSR is not going to just stop or disappear. :)
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Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

since stupid people like Ausiello try to make out that the writers hate Jorja, and to also know of another writer that likes GSR. Other shippers need to face the facts that our ship is supported by the people who act, write, direct, and pay for CSI. Not to forget all of the viewers that support GSR! I hate to break it to them, but GSR is not going to just stop or disappear.
nah, i think we cannot put it this way all the time. it's not 'us-them' but we all love the same show. we shouldn't get too defensive about our ship nor should we tell anybody what to think. some people don't like it? fine with me. it's not like everybody has to. and let me tell you, i've witnessed way too many ship-wars around here ;)

about Grissom in Who and What, i think he was just being himself. he is not going to talk about his private life with his friends, and absolutely not with a stranger. i would compare this scene to the one where Ronnie asks Sara what had brought her to Vegas. even though GSR has been out of the closet, she still didn't say "my dearest fiancee" but "it kinda chose me." same answer as "she walks him for me sometimes."
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