Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Thanks for posting, I have been VERY busy posting the video everywhere! LOL!
I am thinking we are getting ready for a GSR reunion. TPTB are trying to mend fences with us. It's gonna work if we get GSR back together!
seattlegsrfan said:

Whoo hoo, they wouldn't bother doing that for a dead ship.
:D :D :D
I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO agree with you. GSR lives and will be back!

I just had to laugh at how much CBS has adapted itself to the Internet/youtube/fanvid community. It really looks like a fanvid...only it's an OFFICIAL fanvid
maybe that's what they did to keep the video techs busy during the strike...OK by me :lol:
Wow...that video had all my fav clips in it...except for the GB&GL clips, they are some of my fav ones but I like to think of them in a different context. Hopefully, the fact that CBS are still kinda advertising GSR (I love how they use the term we do) means that there will be a reunion soon. Fingers crossed anyway.

And thanx desertwind and pipergrissom ...sometimes I know I come across as being rude and didn't know how people would take that so thought I'd clear up any confusion (if there was any) early.
Yeah, why put out a video for no reason? They are getting us ready. I was ready without the video, but now, I am to the point of combustion!!! LOL!
i hope so! aweh. i love the video, i always cry in GB& sadd. and this is kind of random but Desertwinds stills reminded me..i seriously LOVE Natalie, shes so amazing, shes smart and just..awesome! lol i HATE what she did to Sara but i absoulutly love her..its kind of creepy, like a watch LD almost just for her.. :devil:
Well I don't know about Natalie, but I think the actress that played her was amazing.
She should've gotten an emmy nod IMHO.
That video totally rocks...It gives me hope for April and May. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! Now, how many days until Jorja returns? I don't know?!!!
DAMM, my computer wouldn't play it, it just froze :mad:, it never got passed Grissom and Cath, so please tell me, what it was about :confused: thank's anyway seattle ;)

aweh, that sucks Desertwind it was basically just a combination of the BEST gsr moments through out ssn 1-8, they're really cute and they're put together really well, i hope you get it working..ill try and find it on another site for youu. :)
desert, I just tried the link and it's lagging for me too. They've had nearly 2500 hits since this morning so I imagine it's YouTubes server rather than your end. I'll check around a bit and see what I can find for you that might work better.

Desert try this, the link is on post 1996.

Okay, that's strange. Go to without using a link from here and go to the GSR thread, page 100, post 1996 and click on the link. let me know if it works for you.
desertwind said:
Your so cute Jorja wasn't she awesome in "DD"? and BTW, where'd you come up with that name? :D a vegan cake huh, would he eat it too? and I just feel, something is going on, we no nothing of, on her coming back soon.. don't you all feel it too?




DD? I cried. Absolutely sobbed. It broke my little GSR-shaped heart. One of my absolute favourite epis.
Well, obviously Jorja/Sara is my idol. Jorja-An Fox, Jorja-Ann [one "n" too many. getting it fixed. whatever.]
Yes, a vegan cake without eggs and stuff. May not be as easy to find a recipe for it, but she's worth it. :D Ehh, he might, but it's optional; I'm always baking cakes for the *cute and muscular* guys in my Marine Corps Drill team, so I've become relatively skilled in the baking department :]
I'm totally feelin' that vibe, like it's just radiating all over the place.
I totally agree with everyone that the GSR video means something.

CBS is trying to add excitment and mystery to the beginning of the second half of the season. They want to start with a bang! :) Hopefully it's Grissom and Sara! :lol:
oh i agree. they're definitely trying to tell us something without saying it. --wow..everybody think back to the season where something finally clicked for you and are like "omg, grissom and sara!" lol, did we ever even imagine that everything thats happened in the last couple seasons would ever happen on csi?? or, for that matter be on page 11 of thread #32 :D i love it.
I know! I remember back when I first saw the little bit of flirtation between Grissom and Sara in season 1 and thinking, "Hmmm, I might just watch this to see if this relationship goes anywhere..."

And now, eight years later, we're canon, possibly married, and are getting hints that GSR will have a bright future! :) It's so great!
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