Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Too funny seahawk.
Hey, how about a spoiler box with the name of the new ep for those of us who only want to be a little spoiled?
Hmmm? Who wants to use the first spoiler box in months? Anyone remember how to make one?
PiperGrissom said:
He knows we want and need GSR intact. I am feeling good about this whole thing. I just wish it was April already!
Dangg i cant wait until april!! too long!!! now i have 2 reasons for april to come beloved Sweeney Todd comes out on DVD <33.
ohkaayy..back on topic i cant post on here all day today :( this is my last post until tomorrow *sulks* i have stupid Festival for my school band <--Geeeeeeekk...
and PiperGrissom i dont think you are looking too hard ive seen certain signs too! im still undecided about wanting a GeekBaby, but a marriage would be the best thing yet to happen on csi =P
Anyone out there?
I have never used a spoiler box, and have no real spoilers, so I feel very safe saying that I think Sara will be in the April 3rd show!!! Anyone else?
1. I think they are married and it happened right after the proposal by a JP in Las Vegas.
2. I'm now thinking Sara comes back for the trial. I never thought about that before. I read it in a fan fic and I think that makes the most sense.
3. No geekbaby. I still prefer the idea that either no kids or they adopt a foster kid (like the fan fic "Castles in the Air.") I see them as better older parents.
4. Days until new CSI...43 days...days since Sara left..98
I'm so glad that the true-blue ship fans stuck around to see this happen ;) and idahomom you've got the count down to a tea, good job ;)I want to see Sara pregnant, and see him with his chest puffed out, and the thrill of their geek-baby, and all that jazz

desertwind said:
I'm so glad that the true-blue ship fans stuck around to see this happen ;) and idahomom you've got the count down to a tea, good job ;)I want to see Sara pregnant, and see him with his chest puffed out, and the thrill of their geek-baby, and all that jazz[image][/image]


I want to see that too. Maybe we should all email Rambo and beg. I think I'll do it now! :D
OK, Piper me too, lets do it, he's so awesome, and the more e-mails he gets, the more he'll bring this to the table for us ;)when we didn't know if she died or not, and I was freaking, I e-mailed him and he e-mailed me, and said he "couldnt divulge any ep. material, but said you'll be pleasantly suprised" so I knew she would live ;)

JorjaFoxFan, here's a link to the Jorja Returning story: CSI Files . The video of her KTLA interview can be found on youtube.
Merci Beacoup. oh i have seen that before, it just didnt click in..=P i think shell be in the April 3rd ep too PiperGrissom and desertwind where did you get an accurate e-mail for Rambo?? lol i am "technologically Challenged" A.K.A. Special.
JorjaFoxFan All the TPTB's e-mails and addresses are at YTDAW, and so I got it there, and e-mailed him, it was the summer before the premiere of "DEAD DOLL" and it was June, and I heard back from him about the end of July, and I posted on here.. so it's way back somewhere. It took about 6 week's for him or his staff, to get back to me. I was thrilled because it had his name and his e-mail to my e-mail, so I did save it for ages, but alas when I did a restore, on my PC, it disapeared :( so that's all I can tell you, but I was stoked me, and I'm a fan for life! that he took the time and effort to respond to me, as well as other fans!

You can get Rambo's email on his website, just google his name. I've recieved a couple of replies from him with in a week before.
idahomom said:
I'm now thinking Sara comes back for the trial.

At first I liked the idea, too.
But then a thought hit me: Wouldn't that be a little too close to the Danny/Lindsey plot on CSI NY?
It would (will?) be very hard for the writers to make this happen without creating THE jumping the shark moment
I don't think it would be a 1:1 rip off, but the parallels are obvious

Again, I could imagine this very well off screen. The trial could be the reason for Sara's return, but we wouldn't actually see her testify. Maybe Grissom will be off one case and it's mentioned that her trial is on and he's there. But then, wouldn't the whole team have to testify?

Well...42 days to go.
Ok, I emailed our Rambo and asked if he would be the one to write Sara's return. I also begged in a very respectful way for a geekbaby.
I haven't heard from him since the end of the strike, and I really don't look for a reply for a while. He is busy! :lol:
idahomom said:
I'm now thinking Sara comes back for the trial.

i never even thought of that..i think that would probably be one good way for Sara to make an enterance. now Seahawk i dont watch CSI NY so i dont even know what the Danny/Lindsay plot was, something bad for the show overall? aaaanywho..the whole team would have to testify, but what would be so wrong with that> they all support sara and its not like Grissoms gonna take her ight there in the court room. and wouldnt a trail her get closure? i mean then she could be totally done with that aspect of her life and try and move on..another thing about a GeekBaby, i like the idea but that means Sara wont be there for every episode because of a baby, like they're not both gonna be working if they have a baby so i personally would give up a GeekBaby to have Sara and Grissom together in every ep..just my personal opinion.. :rolleyes:
I don't watch CSI NY regularly...and it's partly due to this cheesy plot that I lost interest (for details see: )
Short version: She has to testify in the case of her murdered friends as key witness, but breaks down. Recess. He turns up and his presence gives her the strength to complete her testimony.

The GeekBaby: Depending on how long CSI will continue to run, I can live without one for long as Sara returns ASAP
Towards the end I'd like to see it happen, but not as a main topic on the show, more in line with how they handled the relationship so far (sweet scenes every now and then, but staying out of the main focus most of the time)
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