Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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yeah, i think sara will return as a lab tech and wendy wil take her spot. Wendy kind of hinted at it in a previous ep. while talking to hodges
Your welcome Piper I didn't realize that wiki had a membership offer :eek: thank's for that. And, since Sara walked off her job, what do you all think Icky Ecklie will do when she comes back? he's such a prick :mad: on the SPOILER thread. they've already got ep. 8x13 and it's name.. wow that's fast! I wonder if she'll be in this one, or later down the line, and I'm curious to see if her man shaved off his beard :D

PiperGrissom said:
I think Griss would be a very cute, loving daddy. I hope we get to see it. *sighs*
oh i definitely agree, its just hard to imagine right now..this all makes sense in my head =P
and i should head over to the spoiler thread..havent been there in a while, they've already got the name of 8x13? damn, that was fast..
I dunno, I'm not entirely sure that they're married...yet. They're not really the type to rush into something major [though with their intensity, I could be way off-base]. And a baby? Both Billy and Jorja have said that it's out of the question, but I'm hoping that our recently re-employed writers will be nice and toss that our way. I've always wasted precious class time with these two scenarios:

A)Sara pops up randomly in the lab one day, freaks everyone out [especially everyone's favourite character, Ecklie :D], makes sweet love to Grissom on the desk. Happiness galore. Confetti abound.
B)Sara pops up randomly in the lab one day, wearing a loose hippie-esque shirt in a sad, sad effort to conceal the baby bump. As in scenario A, freaks everyone out, but this time Ecklie faints down a small flight of stairs and suffers two minor concussions along with a minor skull fracture, but lives to tell the tale. Again, happiness galore and confetti abound, plus a babysitting job for Linds.

Ehh. It's still developing.
Still like the idea of a scene at the minature killers trail where the camera starts on Natiale at her table with her lawyer looking nuts. Then moves to the proscutineg atroney who asks Dr. Grissom to describe Natieles affect the night of the kidknapping. The you here Sara's voice and the camera pans to her.
Are there any other fan fic writers that are having writer's block? I am trying to write new chapters and start a new fic, but I am so excited about Sara coming back-my imagination has totally shut down. Anyone else with this problem?
im still very out of it, has it for sure been confirmed that Jorja is coming back? to visit or full-time? can somebody maybe post a link to an info site..if its allowd. :confused: :confused:
PiperGrissom said:
Love both ideas. I think all that about Billy and Jorja NOT wanting a geekbaby was BS to throw us off track.

I think Billy and Jorja did probably say no to a baby at that time because they knew she was leaving, but that doesn't mean they'll won't want one now! :)

I could see us getting the pregnancy news as Grissom and Sara ride off into the sunset together at the end of the season. :)

I think a baby is a great idea, but actually showing them with the baby I think would be a little odd for CSI, but I could see the baby making a cameo sometime next season if Billy and Jorja leave this season, yet still guest-star.

Oh, and desertwind, Ecklie looks to be at his finest in your first pic from Nesting Dolls. He looks evil, scary, crazy, and just plain Icky Ecklie! :lol:

JorjaFoxFan, here's a link to the Jorja Returning story: CSI Files . The video of her KTLA interview can be found on youtube.

Of course, none of us can say she's coming back 200% percent, but she sounds the most definite she's ever been, since she claims she knows how, when, and why she'll be back and others like Carol Mendelson have hinted at her coming back. I'm guessing she and a few of the writers sat down and talked about her future storyline during the strike.
Glad I could be of service with my Ecklie antics. Those caps are absolutely priceless, desertwind.

Are there any other fan fic writers that are having writer's block? I am trying to write new chapters and start a new fic, but I am so excited about Sara coming back-my imagination has totally shut down. Anyone else with this problem?
Every minute of every day. I'm starting my third attempt tonight, and I was stuck before my pen hit the paper. I think I need to get a beta...Time to make my way to the fanfic forum...

Back on the geekbaby thing, I hope the writers were chatting during the strike. You can only picket for so long before your arm starts getting tired, and they must have been doing something together. Maybe we need a tribal chant to appease the mighty storyline gods and get our GSR lovechild...
I hope the writers were chatting during the strike. You can only picket for so long before your arm starts getting tired, and they must have been doing something together.

"1, 2, 3, 4, we want more dough!"
"Hey, that's boring. Let's discuss GSR baby names instead."
"I'm totally for a girl. Deborah, fits perfectly...Hebrew for "bee", fans are gonna love that...You know it's all about the little hints..."
"Little hints? If we're writing a baby for them, we won't need any more little hints."
"Maybe we could name the baby something that has to do with butterflies? Like JK Rowling did with that Chinese girl in Harry Potter?"
"Dave, when will you stop with your butterflies? We're waaaay past that. We have bees now."
"Humph. But what if it's a boy?"
"It is whatever we write it to be. Remember, we are the writers. We have the power!"
"Hey that reminds me of something: 1, 2, 3, 4, we want more dough!"

Sorry, couldn't resist...

I'm on team would ruin the CSI vibe if it was given screen time

But we're experts on little hints. We don't need a visual proof for knowing what's up.

Now, after 8 years of frantic searching, we'll be very suspicious of any bump, mentioning of doctor appointments, sudden changed attitude towards people with babys, dumb excuses for showing only Sara's face and shoulders, strange Grissom quips about the mating cycle of some insects (butterflies? bees?) and the miracle of life
I have already seen the signs of a possible geekbaby. Of course, it may be because I am looking too hard.LOL! I have also seen the signs of marriage. I think they left the bees and went right out and got married. Hodges did tell Sara that she looked like she was having a good day. Grissom looked like he was up to something when Catherine asked what he was doing!
I also agree that the writers, although not actually writing, had time to use their very talented minds while on strike and thought of things to do. Rambo knows we want a marriage, he knows that alot of us want a geekbaby. He knows we want and need GSR intact. I am feeling good about this whole thing. I just wish it was April already!
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