Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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i have to agree with seahawk here. i'm on Team Anti-Babies for a reason :p

besides, the actors said 'no' to the possible pregnancy idea, as far as the script is concerned. so i'm afraid there won't be any babies coming up soon, regardless to anything that happens. CSI wouldn't jump the shark in such way.
Jasmine said:
Did David Rambo had anything to do with tonights scene??...anyone knows?....cause it was just sooooooooo Sweet ..i wanted to cry!
Yes DR wrote the proposal scene. Here's an email to a fan I snagged off of YTDaW for you to read.


Thanks for your message, and especially for your words about
"Butterflied." As for the spontaneous proposal, William Petersen
always felt that Grissom would propose on the spur of the moment,
probably at work. I spent a day with a beekeeper to research what
Grissom would do with the beehive he collected in "Go to Hell." As I
was suited up and we opened one of the bee frames, I realized that
Sara would be fascinated with that sight, and also sensed that Grissom
would be enchanted by that fascination. It seemed like the right
moment, especially with Sara's escape from death so recent, for
Grissom to propose a real future together. I hope you enjoyed it.

Sincerely yours,

David Rambo
That's cool seattle David Rambo, our hero ;) it was so sensational to see this again, just to view that special scene

PiperGrissom said:
I am on geekfiction, and I do write, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to post fics. I really wanted to do the smutathon.
I miss Sara, I miss CSI. I am so depressed.

Maybe you should ask sidle77 for some help?

OK, what are the rules around here for posting GSR pictures? Does it have to be a link, or can I just post the pic?
When I looked up at the television screen at work Thursday night and realized IN AN INSTANT which episode it was, and that we were already past the proposal scene, it reminded me just how much I cared about this relationship.

Not to say I don't care now, but I'm not nearly as invested, I guess. A bit heartbroken on the whole thing, but people here seem to be a lot more cheery on the whole, hence why I rarely post anymore. I don't wnat to bring everyone else down.

I'm not inconsolable, but merely irritated with the show-runners for HOW they wrote Sara out, so it makes scenes like that beautiful proposal scene feel... bittersweet.

I have not watched a single GSR scene on my computer (and I have lots) since Lab Rats aired. I don't knwo why, but some of the fire went out.

However, when I read that fan email from DR on the board it was originally posted on, for a moment, I was a squeeling GSR crazed fan, again. And that made me realize just how MUCH I do miss it.

Silly teleivision show, but what a freakin' awesome relationship they created. I'm just hopeful it'll end better next time.
I just watched Harvest (5x03, the one where the little girl is "bred" as a donor for her brother who has leukemia)

At the end, Grissom is having this conversation in a church with the brother (who killed her), and to me, that might be the origin of what Grissom told Sara in THE SCENE in "Way to Go".

Here's the snippet from 5x03:
Daniel: I didn't realize until... today... how lucky I am. I know pretty much... how and when I'm gonna die. Most people don't. It's what they're afraid of.
Grissom: Was your sister afraid?
Daniel: Never. I'm 11 years older than her, and she took care of me. She was my best friend, and I miss her.As much pain as...I caused her... and she wouldn't give up, and she...she wouldn't let me, either.

Anyone else noticed this?
No seahawk I never thought or compared these two episodes, but I see where you could ;) interesting, and I think this writers strike is burning out, and will be settled, SOON, the forever cockyeyed optimist, and then when they start filming Jorja will return, did you all realize that when CM said "Sara Sidle will be back, Jorja never disagreed with that statement :eek: HUMMM, so how could someone say that, with out some credibilty? and just FYI, here's the lovely but sad letter she wrote to him~~

You know I love you. I feel I've loved you forever

Lately I havent been feeling very well. Truth be told, I'm tired

Out in the desert, under that car that night, I realized something and I haven't been able to shake it

Since my father died, I spent almost my entire life with ghosts. we've been like close friends, and out there in the desert, it occured to me that it was time to bury them. I can't do that here

I'm so sorry

No matter how hare I try to fight it off, I'm left with a feeling that I have to go. I have no idea where I'm going, but I know I have to do this. If, I don't, I'm afraid I'll self-destruct, and worse you'll be ther to see it happen. be safe.

Know that I tried very hard to say. Know that your my one and only. I will miss you with every beat of my heart. Our life together was the only home I've really had. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I love you.. I always will


Hey guys, I'm here to pimp my latest video. I did a lot of editing and manipulations on this one ahd think it came out fantabulous. Here Without You .

And don't forget what Jorja said on that little news blurb thing that was on E! in october; "I'd love to be back. I'm only stepping out for a couple of minutes."
Hey Jorja, TIMES UP!
:) Yeah seattlegsrfan, I totally agree with you!

Although it's been a couple of months of no Jorja on CSI due to the Writer's Strike, she's really only been gone four episodes, so that's her couple of minutes!

Hurry back Jorja!!!! :)
:) Yeah seattlegsrfan, I totally agree with you!

Although it's been a couple of months of no Jorja on CSI due to the Writer's Strike, she's really only been gone four episodes, so that's her couple of minutes!

Hurry back Jorja!!!! :)

and your so right, so **taps fingers** it's time Jorja, come on back, and I love the diversity of all the fans on here, some like fan-fiction, some videos, and some pictures of epsiodes, but we all have the same common denominator, our passion for the right couple and the only couple ever to be on CSI~

Power to that desertwind! :)

Each fan is different and unique in their own special way, but we all unite for the love of GSR! :lol: Hehe, that sounds so cliche, but it's so true! :)

dirtylabrat on flickr

Keep the faith!

Just a quick and dirty photoshop to brighten your Sunday night. :D

GSR fit together like two pieces of a sexy geek puzzle!

(if I'm breaking some picture posting rule, just let me know, and I will remove it)
Dirtylabrat! You killed me with that.
OMFG, Too funny.
So, did anyone watch the SAG awards? I watched about 10 minutes and saw MH. I know WP was presenting an award, or something. Any JF? I'm gonna have to troll around and see what Billy was wearing. Please, please, please a tux. Or a nice black suite with a black t-shirt.
Oh my, maybe some fiction writing too.

ETA: Oh yeah, black suit with satin lapels, black dress shirt & black tie. And he's still got the scruff. Link Here . Clip on
Hey! Where is everone?
OH LOOKY! I went and made myself and avatar! :lol:
Geek babies rock!

btw, I'm reading Taking a Risk, over on Fanfiction. The aurhtor is revisiting the Dr. Lurie story line. It is a must read for all GSR fans!

Hello! *echo: HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!* :confused: Where is everyone?
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