Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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seattlegsrfan said:
Look at it as educational.

You know the weird thing is that its really partly true. Because you actually learn a bit more (sometimes more then you want to)

desertwind said:
is't it ironic that she leaves, and the writers go on strik

That is ironic. Its kinda like their picketing for Sara's return. What? Yes I'm being nice. It happens once in awhile.
We need a shirtless Grissom scene. I am dying to know if Grissom has chest hair! OMG Sara is one lucky girl! She's going to come back to her Bug Man! It's winter, and she has gotten used to cuddling up to his HOT body over the last 2 years. She will be back for his smokin' hot bod. :D

/Hey Sara, my feet are freezing. Can I borrow Grissom while you're away? :devil:
NO, he sure doesn't, you'd think he would, with that thick curly hair and his thick narly beard and those long black eyelashes, but go to the WP thread, and I'll post some of him with his chest, alas no hair, and does it matter? he's still handsome regardless :p

No it doesn't matter... he still has those blue eyes, and that bow leggy goodness that makes me smile.

Everyone over talks around Grissom. It's because he says so little. It's a man thing, I know. :rolleyes: But you have to love the big dumb geek! :D
Good find desertwind! :)

I usually go to the csi-wiki for extra spoilers on episodes, but lately that hasn't been happening since there are no new episodes! :(
so i was thinking that this thread needs a vibe from the old days which is about 10-15 threads ago :p

maybe more people will join when we'll have a particular topic in mind. so to start a possible discussion i'm gonna make a poll. it would be great if y'all not only voted but also gave your interpretation of the subject. give yourself some time to think about it, cause we all know that our couple is very complex, and there is more things that we don't know about them, than we do.
Well' I've been having a little GSR party with myself the last couple of days.
I had to fight with movie maker, but I finally got a new video made. I heard that new Lenny Kravitz song I'll be Waiting and thought 'That's a GREAT GSR song'
While I wasn't doing that I've been re-reading Casa Caliente. I'm up to the new years eve party part. Umm good.
Hi Adzix thanks for the new poll. I picked #1, Grissom will welcome her back, and not mention anything, unless she wants to talk about it, he doesn't butt into anyone's personal life, ever, the only time I can remember him getting miffed & asking nosy questions was at Cath, when she took the check from Sam.. he did question her about that, because she was up for a promotion.. he'd be so thrilled to have his girl back, why she left would be irrelevant ;)

I also picked number one. I think that he understands why she is gone. I know he wishes she was with him, but sometimes people need closure on a part of their past that you just can't help with, even though you really want to. I think he is old and wise enough to realize that is where she is at and to be willing to wait for her to be ready. Especially after he made her wait for him for YEARS for him to be ready for them to be together.

BTW- great idea, having a poll Ad!! Thanks
seattlegsrfan said:
Well' I've been having a little GSR party with myself the last couple of days.
I had to fight with movie maker, but I finally got a new video made. I heard that new Lenny Kravitz song I'll be Waiting and thought 'That's a GREAT GSR song'
While I wasn't doing that I've been re-reading Casa Caliente. I'm up to the new years eve party part. Umm good.
I love the video. How ironic is this? Today I was driving home, and the song I'll be Waiting came on the radio. The first thing I thought was "this song fits Grissom and Sara, I should make a video out of it!" you beat me too it, and it looks great! :)
i have to say i surprised myself when i voted the second option. i think Sara somehow betrayed his trust, and did something (voluntarily or not, it still counts) he feared the most. she made him open up his heart, fall in love with her, and trust her unconditionally. he gave her everything he had, which he has never done before in his life. i don't think it's going to be so easy to come back to what they had like nothing happened.

however, like i said, i chose the second option and none of the other more pessimistic ones. apparently they talked on the phone, probably more than once. when we think about LD/DD we usually think how it affected Sara. but i cannot believe that Grissom didn't change in some way also. i say they will both try to do as much as possible to get back together, regardless of how much pain they could be in right now. i do believe that Grissom would need a conversation before everything comes back to place, but they would both be willing to just get past that as soon as they can.

now if we were talking about Grissom from S6, it would be a different situation. they both changed since then though.

and your welcome guys. good to see you desertwind :)
seattlegsrfan said:
Well' I've been having a little GSR party with myself the last couple of days.
I had to fight with movie maker, but I finally got a new video made. I heard that new Lenny Kravitz song I'll be Waiting and thought 'That's a GREAT GSR song'
While I wasn't doing that I've been re-reading Casa Caliente. I'm up to the new years eve party part. Umm good.

I was going to write you a PM and kindly ask if you could make a video with this song...I should have done so right when I posted the songtext in the song thread, but real life kept me from it.
Anyways, the video is just...perfect. Like my brain cinema which self-activates when I hear the song (which happens at least once a day :) )

Concerning the poll, I pick "other":
1. She will be back, no doubt.

2. They won't spend very much screentime on their private a snippet, there a sentence or two...
At least I hope that's what TPTB will do
So this "I feel betrayed because you left, even if I did the same thing some time ago but it was totally different, but I'll slowly let you regain my trust so that we can have a faboulous make-up sex scene and a huge wedding" just isn't CSI to me. Fanfiction material, definitely. GSR dream stuff, sure. But not happening on screen.
Whatever problems they have, they'll discuss (and solve) them offscreen. They just aren't the type of persons to let such a difficult time ruin their relationship.

3. They will already be married.
My favourite entrance scene for S9 is Sara doing some evidence analysis with a Grissom nametag on her vest - takes no extra time and just says it all. Or Grissom shuffling through paper with a wedding ring visible.
Small bits like that.
And Grissom is SO the type to fend off inquisitive questions with a "that's why you say 'in good times and bad'" or something along those lines.

What sums it up perfectly for me is a part of the review here for the CSI NY episode "Sleight out of hand", which aired here yesterday, which is why I read the review. It says: The Grissom and Sara naysayers may say what they will, but the CSI writers really have struck just the right balance with those two, wisely keeping their romance in the background--present, yet made evident with subtle glances or snippets of dialogue. I absolutely believe they are two people who happen to be colleagues who are conducting a discreet affair outside of work. It's realistic, it's adult, it's compelling."

So I hope TPTB will find creative nonverbal ways of justifying her return, make it authentic but not soapy, and keep the focus on the crime - with a weekly dosis of GSR snippets.

That's my 2 cents - or rather 2 Euros, seeing the length of my post
Thank's seahawk for the snippet on them ;) and on #2, I could see that one too, but they'd talk about that in private, and we'd probably never see it happening, I think, when she returns, we'll see a happy couple, like they were before she departed, and nothing will be said, maybe the other team members will gossip, and wonder, but beings their so private and always have been, I doubt the writers would show anything pretaining to a "talk" on screen ;)
and going back to S/1 from "SLL"


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