ziggy great news, maybe you and your fiance and GSR can have a double wedding

, good to see you back

.........and I am so stoked, I picked up my mail,& my new Tv Guide, was in it, and the first thing that hit me was gorgeous Billy Petersen on the cover, [he takes my breath away] second is says over on the side "
JORJA IS BACK ON CSI" and 3rd, I open it up and on the letters section, they printed a letter I sent them I squealed with delight, and showed it to mega customers, while on my rounds.. it says, and I might add they edited it to pieces, but that's OK. and it's the 1st letter printed, I stared like forever, thinking I was hallucinating~~~~
Thank's to CSI for my favorite couple's great coming-out and my name and city!
also two more letters I'll post for you all~
"In last year's season finale, Grissom confessed that Sara was the only person he ever loved. I think that pretty much puts our least favorite dominatrix, out of the running"
Brooklyn, N.Y. I loved this one :lol:
"Grissom and Sara forever"
Ceara, Brazil
No negative letters about them, and a cute pic of them at the go-cart track!