Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

fantastic reviews as ever guys! :D

hum.. so she's going to swing? but their paths must still cross coz if you go to the season 8 picture thread there are photos of Sara and Grissom together in future episodes

not a great surprise she isn't getting moved to days though! lol Actually i think i'd pay to watch Sara and Ecklie working together!!

oh well - keep the faith guys, as they said, there are going to be twists and turns so who knows what the future is going to bring? lets not start digging a GSR grave just yet, k?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

I guess its safe to say Sara got up the nerve to ask Gilbert out. I wonder if they'll give us anymore backstory on their relationship.
In the email that Rambo sent to the ballon senders he said something about a GSR scene he'd writen that Jorja & Billy both loved from the first draft so we get at least a little more GSR.
Hey & whats up with the hair? Cath, Warrick & Nick's hair changed an awful lot for one week didn't it. Makes me wonder when they shot Dead Doll.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

anyone cant ell me what swing means? English is not my first language so i have no idea what Sara meant when she said she was moving to swing?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

It means she's moving to the shift between night and day. So she won't be with the team anymore, she'll be with a new team.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

Okay, I know everyone has probably already said what views I have on the episode. But I just have to add some things. :D lol.

Okay, so the start; my heart broke as I saw the lab techs watching Sara pass by. You can see in their eyes surprise, a feeling of relief, and... confusion? Or realization... like the question pops into their heads 'Shouldn't she be at home? ... with Grissom? ... wait, what did I just think?' Kind of something like that.

Nick's reaction to Greg knowing was priceless. He felt so left out... hahaha. Wait, GREG KNEW?!

That was my exact thought when I watched the episode. First I laughed, then I was like 'Wait!'.

On to the car scene;
I loved it. It felt so "couply" as Alyssa said. lol. It was the type of moment where I was expecting a kiss. I really was. I thought that it wouldn't be too 'BAM' out of nowhere, and it would go with the scene.

Jorja's laugh was SO cute.

It was like one of those cute, little first date laughs. The kind you only get when you're with someone you really like :D awwwww.

And did anyone notice Grissom's smile as he left Sara to go to the go-kart? We haven't seen that smile in I don't know how long. It simply said 'I'm happy'.

I'm not going to go into detail about the last moments, where Sara's loneliness sets in, cause I can't top what Alyssa wrote. :p
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

I dont think Greg KNEW KNEW
i think he figured it out remember he spent a lot of time with Sara and Grissom in season 5
plus he was holding a candle for her himself so he would be more aware of the vibes that Sara was taken shall we say
i think he was playing with Nick because Nick really is clueless most of the time
although i like him with Mandy
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

Well... WHAT more can I say? I said i'd stay unspoilered, because of the different airing times in Holland, but I gave in because my best friend kept pushing me to see the clips from the first episode of season 8. I didn't see everything, but I'm already excited to see the whole thing! And about eppie 2.. I've seen only the GSR scenes... wow... I felled all warm after watching it. The only thing I can say, is: WOHOO FOR THE WRITERS OF CSI! really, they did a great job. Sara laughs so loud, and she is sooo happy.... It's really a masterpiece! And Grissom carting, come on, but that's just... funny and SOO amazing at the same time! I knew he was a rollecoaster fan, but that he could be that kind of a daredevil, hasn't been in my wildest dreams! :devil:

I don't know what is gonna happen in the future, I wouldn't even dare to guess... Seriously, at this point; everything can happen.. Still, I keep saying what I said the past few weeks: CSI without Sara would be like the earth without the people; empty. I really hope, with all my heart, a miracle happens, and Jorja will stay... Cause I need Sara; she has been my favorite female CSI character for years now! Swing shift... I don't know.. I really don't, just like Jorja herself says... I'll wait patiently, and hope they will find a way to keep Sara on the show...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

Alyssa said:

Ecklie seems to have gotten over all his past issues with Sara. I'm glad. They have a good onscreen chemistry either way, but it made it a lot more relaxed and casual.

Alyssa, your comment really interested me because, when I watched the episode, I interpreted this scene in exactly the opposite way. Granted, this time Sara wasn't nearly as angry or volatile as she was in Season 5's unforgettable "Nesting Dolls" office confrontation, but I still perceived her as somewhat edgy and defensive. Her pointedly emphatic use of the word "are" and her "We've always had a relationship" signaled to me her flat-out refusal to be ashamed, back down, or attempt to get on Ecklie's good side (that is, if he even has one ;)). I wasn't afraid she'd blow her top like she did last time -- she remained totally professional, and that speaks to the development of her character -- but in my opinion she was still letting him know she won't be pushed around and hasn't forgotten his past treatment of her. In fact, the line "I think it was a Sunday" reminded me just a little bit of "The Accused is Entitled," where the evil defense lawyer condescendingly asks Catherine to confirm that she stripped for a living, and Catherine saucily responds, "A very good living." (Seriously...that was probably the funniest line in all of Season 3.)

I also caught the throwback to "Who Shot Sherlock?" with the gel dummy experiment, which was a really cute tongue-in-cheek reference...complete with Ecklie serving as the team's wet blanket at the end. It wasn't as effective for me this time around, though; I could almost touch the tension in the air during Ecklie's questioning of Grissom, and it was hard for me to believe he'd voluntarily hang around for the experiment afterward, even if only to snark at them for wasting the gel. I guess I'm just darn determined not to like the guy, as if you could tell... :rolleyes: ;)

The end of the episode was very moving...definitely not insanely heart-rending, like last week's premiere, but still a bona fide tear-jerker, IMO. Jorja Fox once again demonstrated her magnificent acting ability: without uttering a sound, she managed to convey a mixture of relief, pain, love, and bittersweetness to a degree almost rivaling the end of "The Return of the King" (and coming from this "Lord of the Rings" uber-fanatic, that's the highest compliment you're going to get). I can't say, though, that I expected Sara to do anything other than give up her place on the team so Grissom could stay on the night shift; for all of her internal battles and her general distrust of people and their motives, she's a truly honorable, self-effacing character who would rather bear the burden than share it, so to speak. Not a big surprise for someone who's an introverted loner by temperament and upbringing, and I can't help but think her decision will cause conflict (whether seen or unseen) between her and Grissom; however, it was still a hugely selfless act, and again, one that speaks volumes about how much she's developed as a character over the past seven years.

Alyssa does long posts at least 100 times better than I do, so I am voluntarily shutting up now.

~ geekprincess
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

Got to say i think Sara was smartly standing up to Ecklie.
I think it really flustered him and that is why he is so confused with Grissom
It almost seemed like he liked Sara
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

I loved, loved, LOVED the car scene. But I really hate that she's moving to swing. When she said "I'm moving to" I was like "NOOOO!" and then she said "swing". The only reason I didn't cry the first time was because I was relieved she was just going to swing, not like San Fancisco or something.

I came home from school and watched all the good scenes. (The Ecklie confrontations and the end.) I started crying during the car scene, and I'm still crying now. I love how she isn't afraid to laugh at him, they're in a place in their relationship where they can laugh at eachother and not be afraid of hurting the other's feelings. When he said her hair was in a ponytail, my heart melted into a pile of goo. It was just so sweet, he remembered how her hair was on the day they first met. And he thinks their relationship started nine years ago, at a conference!

I'm really going to miss these scenes. I know we'll still get some, but it won't be the same, and there won't be as many. It just hit me this morning that she's really leaving graveyard, before it seemed like a really bad dream.

I think the reason she would smile whenever one of them looked over at her was because she wanted Gil to have fun, and she knew he'd stop if he saw her looking so sad. Geez, her expression alone could make me cry! Another reason why Jorja Fox is THE SH*T! Her facial expressions are so amazing, I can't even make myself stop smiling when I'm talking to my friends about something sad that happened on CSI.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang

Hey guys, I hear the people over at YTDaW cleared it with TPTB here so we can talk abou the campaign to keep Jorja on CSI since she's kinda important to GSR.
So a quick little update, today they sent Naren Shankar a bunch of chocolate covered bugs! Check out post #198 It's briliant, I can't stop laughing. Which is a very good thing 'cause after watching Sara standing all alone on the outside & sad again last night was just heart wrenching. I had to read a bunch of fanfic this arvo to feel better. GSR fanfic of course.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan



ITS DISGUSTING BECAUSE GRISSOM IS OLD ENOUGH TO BE HER GRANDDAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



GSR IS JUST WRONG OK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are people so closed minded about relationships between
a woman and an older man? I have been in a relationship with far bigger gap than that because I love him. I want to see this now Cannon ship be positive.. And unless Grissom had a child as a teenager the Grand-dad comment shows you ignorance and bad math..
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Ha, I was going to say the same thing about the Grandad comment, but I forgot. He would have had to have gotten a girl pregnant when he was around 14... somehow I don't see that happening with Grissom... If we're mentally disturbed that means that Jorja, Billy, the writers and countless others at CBS are disturbed too. I never knew people actually did that, came in and started bashing a ship. I never thought anyone would be that rude about something on a TV show.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I know I shouldn't feed the troll but I get so sick of the judgemental reasons against GSR based on the aged gap because it is something that I have lived and it the ignorance bothers me. I have read less rude comments on the other threads about GSR and I can see and understand what Sara and Grissom have.
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