Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I am really sorry if the question is dumb, but only other forum I've ever posted at is Gateworld and let's say that it's a little more beginner friendly.
Welcome zuz and it's not dumb at all. ;) To post an image you have to first have 100 posts. Until then, you can post pictures as URL links as you have done. You also need 100 posts to have an avatar/icon. If you have any questions, the FAQ might help. If you can't find your answer there, you can send a PM to ask for help or post in the Questions, suggestions, feedback (QSF) Forum. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

MiamiDade said:
I am really sorry if the question is dumb, but only other forum I've ever posted at is Gateworld and let's say that it's a little more beginner friendly.
Welcome zuz and it's not dumb at all. ;) To post an image you have to first have 100 posts. Until then, you can post pictures as URL links as you have done. You also need 100 posts to have an avatar/icon. If you have any questions, the FAQ might help. If you can't find your answer there, you can send a PM to ask for help or post in the Questions, suggestions, feedback (QSF) Forum. :)

Thanks, MiamiDade. I have scanned FAQ before asking here but I have missed this one. So again thanks for clearing that up. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

well i've finally managed to see the ep, and can i just say first off that that opening sequence nearly made me sick! lol spinny camera or what!

anyway, onto the GSR! total squee at Sara correcting Ecklie that they "are" in violation of the regulations, not "were", and i loved it when she said "2 years ago *pause* i think it was a Sunday" lol as if the day of the week really makes any difference but shows Ecklie how important the relationship is to her.

loved the car scene, you could tell Grissom was not happy when she said she was moving to swing but knew better than to argue with her. loved Sara's laugh, we so don't hear that laugh often enough...

end scene, my fave bit was when he'd got into the go-cart and looked at her, oh those eyes! totally "i'm so into you" eyes *squee*! but OMG Sara looked so sad, a kinda "this is the beginning of the end" sort of look *sobs*, the music did NOT help either *sobs harder*

going back to a point someone rose, i can't remember who sorry - but wonder how transferring to swing will effect Sara emotionally, I know she's not eaxctly leaving them behind like she did when she came to Vegas, she'll still see them, but she's being ripped from the only people she's ever been close to, but while it's obvious that they'd obviously discussed it beforehand that he would transfer shifts if need be, she felt his role within the team was more important than hers and that her transferring would affect the team less than him switching.

am still confused as to why Ecklie said about "it didn't need to come to this, Catherine could have done Sara's evaluations" (sorry if that's wrong, it was quite late when i watched it)- so is he being extra mean just because they kept it a secret? violation of regulations is violation of regulations whether it's in secret or out in the open - so i don't really understand why the punishment is different. sorry i really am rambling now....
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

an interesting article with a clip regarding A La Cart. safe, no spoilers.

click here

i think the best part of it is this little paragraph that certainly helps us understand Sara's emotions in the end of the episode:

"Coming into episode two, Grissom (WILLIAM PETERSEN) or Sara have been invited not to be on the night shift anymore," Jorja reveals. "Sara has decided it should be her who should leave and go to the swing shift ... For Sara, the idea of not working with Grissom anymore is devastating. The only friends she has are on this shift, so after the most devastating thing [that happened] in her life, she is going off alone."

i think in our interpretation of Sara's sadness we forgot that she's not going to work with Grissom anymore either. i mean sure she's going to see him after work but they are on separate shifts now. their time together will be severly limited from now on. they will sleep at different times, work different hours, hang out with different people, work different cases. sure she is also sad that she's leaving the team, but IMO she's worried about how less time she's gonna have with Grissom. she won't work with him anymore, and it was the primary reason she came to vegas. she's not loosing Grissom as a whole, but still, a part of him.

she's still laughing and smiling b/c she knows that even though so many things are changing everything could've turned out much worse. all in all - she's pretty lucky.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

After the episode I cried myself to sleep. I cried for an hour. I was so sad. I hope that she doesn't leave. Grissom needs to stop her, someone should move with her. I was hoping the car scene was a flashback. I thought Sara would be in the background while they were on the go carts. We need Sara. I need Sara on CSI. If she leaves to swing shift then I will stop watching CSI.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I'm not sure that I'm worried yet. When they split the team a few years ago, did we not see Cath, Nick and Warrick anymore?
they just split the time of each episode. I still believe that they are going to show them, I just think that they had to do SOMETHING. I mean, there was no way that Ecklie was going to let it slide that they were breaking the rule, ya know. That is the part of that scene that really got to me, when he said he would have worked out something. NOT!! He would have made their lives a living hell and been all over the rule breaking part.

My question, Exactly HOW, did Natalie flip the Mustang on top of Sara? Am I the only one who didn't notice any kind of machine or anything. She just stood there and the car came down. The footprints were bad enough, but really is she magic as well as psychotic?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey all, i dont really talk on this much i just usually lurk but these 2 eps have brought me out the woodwork!!!! i dont want GSR to end!!! we waitin for about 7 years for somethin to happen and then it does and we havent even had a kiss or a hug yet???? i mean come on! if they have been goin out for so long ud think we'd get some romantic gestures! And then the way sara looked at the end of A la Carte, it was like she was on the outside now lookin in on her family, will she just go to swing and they will write her out of the show even tho she should be able to see them or will she work in swing for a week and then decide she cant take it without Gilert and move away! i cant take the drama! :mad:

I read on the csi files news bit that there is a new older woman coming into the show and that she is goin to be a possible love interest for Grissom??? how can they do that to the show? i mean in Living Doll he says that sara is the only one he has ever loved so how could he move on from her so quickly? im confused! i hope this doesnt ruin what used to be a fantastic show!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Welcome vixster
glad your here.. and on your question from this week's TV Guide Oct.8-14 on the new girl, it states as follows, and she's not older, and probably if there were any interest it would be for one of the other CSI boys! Grissom loves Sara, and will never love anyone else!


joins the cast on October 11, as a curious intern Ronnie Lake "Sara's the one I annoy the most, because I ask so many questions" Lucas says. "But Jorja's been fantastic showing me the ropes" Ronnie investigates the murder of a homeless man with Sara in her first episode, and a body found at a construction site with Greg in another. And just when you think the CSI's are done rescuing each other, they're put to the test again with Ronnie. Will she survive for more than 4 epsiodes..Exec. producer Carol Medelsohn says "That's a mystery even our CSI's haven't figured out"

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Ok, I can not BELIEVE that no one else has commented on Grissom's jaunty little cap at the end of the episode. I guess we're all just so preoccupied with rumors and timelines...

Also, do we know how Ecklie found out about the geeks? I mean, he wasn't in the room, was he? And I seriously doubt that one of the CSIs would have run to tattle on them either...

Anyway, I'm about to watch the episode for the 15th time (I'm just kidding, I haven't actually counted). This time there will be no annoying commercial interruptions or pausing to laugh at the rediculous crime against humanity Grissom choses to wear on his head.

Alright, something's been bothering me. Tell me the truth, am I the only one who kinda sorta liked GSR better before the rest of the team knew? I mean, there was something so private and GSRy about it that I don't feel like we have now. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE seeing them walking around hand-in-hand and talking about when they first got together and everything, but I liked it better when it was just them. *sob*
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Nope, you're not the only one. I feel that way too. Everything's so different now, I loved when they were in the car, but that was just the two of them. It's just not the same ship I fell in love with *shakes head sadly*.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I have mixed feelings about that.. I like it, but at the same time I did like the 'secrecy' of it, when only them and we knew :confused: will any of us ever be perfectly contented and happy about them? :( time will tell
and on his dress change, maybe sh'es responsible like "hey Gilbert, ditch the straw, when we go out" :D she did shave him, so maybe she's got him a whole new wardrobe! I've never seen him with a black cap, and a checkered shirt before.. you go Sara! And how Ecklie knew, many ways, he saw him come to the hospital with Sara, he's dense, but not stupid, and the water cooler talk, and his observance of the "I've taken care of it" in "Nesting Dolls" gossip, or maybe brown-nose Hodges told him, to score points! however he found out is not the point, he did!

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

desertwind said:
will any of us ever be perfectly contented and happy about them? :(

That's an interesting question. It seems so simple, yet I feel like explaining my feelings about it. So I'm going to go all fanfiction-y, and over-analyzey on you. :) Brace yourself.

Okay, so content and happy. Well, the thing is, I'm fairly content right now. I mean, I don't hate anything that TPTB has given us, but there are more things I'd like to see. Then I think, well, there's still time. So my mind is content with what we have. I'm happy that they're together. They've been together for how long now, and we only had evidence in Way To Go. I like what we have, a lot better than the nothing we were shown through season six.

Umm so about this discussion about which GSR is better, before or after the reveal. I'm not sure which one I like better. I like right now, where it's still like 'WOAH THEY'RE TOGETHER' for the CSI's. It's new. It's different. It's ... something else. So right now, while it's something that just makes some scenes so funny :p, I like it. But after it gets old, which it probably will, I'll probably want the old, sneaky, secret romance GSR we had. :D Cause it was just so adorably cute.

.. I was planning on this post being longer.. it didn't turn out that way. Cause I jump topics quickly. :p So, I did not go all fanfic-y.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey, moving on, it's out in the open, everybody knows.. we all know :eek: lets hope they do the wedding ceremony. They've been together for 2 years or 9, they need to make it official.. and settle down , and this does all hinge whether Jorja leaves or not.. so pray she doesn't, and even if she's on swing, it's not the end of them!!!!!we'll still see them both!!!!!

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Is it just me or is this thread exceptionally slow today? I mean, this right now is the first post of the day! I had to scroll down almost to the bottom of the page to find it!

I don't really want a BIG wedding, that wouldn't seem right for them, I want a nice quiet wedding with their friends. And if Ecklie's there I'll have a heart attack, because that doesn't make sense. I want a wedding, with Sara in a dress and Grissom in a tux, but it doesn't have to be big.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I have to say i feel the two years was after Committed but before Grave Danger
because the trigger scene is a PERFECT example of why we all love GSR. They work effortlessly together (they are the best CSI's and work the best together) Grissom would never reveal something so intimate to someone he was not intimate with and Sara had not smiled like that in what 2 years.

That is why i hate that Sara moved shifts a huge part of the show and its chemistry is Sara and Grissom working together my favorite episodes are when they do cases and the other CSI's mingle around about I find the Grissom Sara and Greg ones good. Just watching these two great actors play these two characters together so effortlessly and having that kind of geek mind meld is half the fun of GSR. And half the fun of the show not realted to GSR Sara is so great int he solve the puzzle scenes and Grissom with the quips they just play off each other so well

I really hope this means we get more Sara, if this past week's ratings were any indication the younger fans want more Sara not less because she was not really in A la Cart.

I hope we get the rest of her past, bring up her mother and brother. I mean have TPTB read some of the great fanfics out there.

It would have been easier to keep GSR geek mind meld with Grissom on swing because they will always need him to consult on bug cases.

so either Sara is gone or they are doing swing this way to bring up her past because of the trauma she just went through
I also think Grissom is going to feel guilty about having her get the punishment.

I think the most amazing thing said about GSR in the episode was when Sara said a Sunday it just harkens to her ability to observe all the little details. In ways that are different from Grissom. he may have said 9 years, but Sara said is was a Sunday.

Sara Rocks
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