Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

^ guys i think we should ignore comments like this and not engage in any discussion about it. it's what people like that want, and what mods ask us not to do :)

anyway, did i comment on A LA Cart yet? i think i didn't. i loved the ep, but i didn't realize it until i watched it again. i focused too much on GSR and didn't really pay much attention to the cases. but the second time i watched it i found the cases to be intriguing especially the restaurant one.

now GSR. ohmigod. i can't count how many times i watched the last couple of minutes of the show. i think even more than the scene in Law of Gravity. the *you should go - ok* was absolutely the most adorable GSR scene ... basically ever. i love how at ease they are with each other and yo, it was the first time they went out together as a couple. and it wasn't awkward.

i also loved the scene in the car. i adore the fact that they are together for so long, and that their relationship only gets better.

i wonder if Jorja leaves, are they going to push Yo!Bling to happen. tbh, i wouldn't like it that much.

ETA something O/T

i'm watching Moonlight on CBS right now and isn't the main guy totally HAWT?

darn, i have a thing for dimpled chins.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

^ guys i think we should ignore comments like this and not engage in any discussion about it. it's what people like that want, and what mods ask us not to do
Thanks. Yes, please ignore that. Luckily Top41 took care of the problem.

BTW, that person is no longer around anymore.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Adzix said:
^ guys i think we should ignore comments like this and not engage in any discussion about it. it's what people like that want, and what mods ask us not to do :)

I agree.
People like that are just looking for a reaction.
Just ignore them.

Sorry to just pop up at a random time,
But I had to say something. :]
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Okay I don't pop in here all that often, I tend to lurk in here moreso...why I lurk and don't post I don't know, cuz I ADORE GSR! Anyway...I just got to watch last night's eppy and I wanted to pop in here and giggle a bit over just how much I ADORE that GSR are not only out about being together but are so dang cute about it! Them talking to Ecklie...loved it! Sara's "We are..." comment...that's right girl, it's so "are"! :lol: And Griss' "where do you get your knowledge of women?" comment, I literally cracked up! And then that scene in the car...*sigh!* I loved it! Sara's laugh when he said "9 years" was so free and easy and happy! They are just so cute together...I mean plain and simple, they fit! But ya know what my favorite part of the whole eppy was...and y'all might laugh at me for this cuz it was small and simple...but I LOVED them walking into the go-cart place together at the end....side by side, close but not holding hands or anything...but just the fact that they were together and open about it and easy to others knowing...I just was so lovely! *shrugs happily!*

These two were my first ever CSI ship and so seeing them in scenes like this I can't help but love it! :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

On the poll, Grissom is sentimental, so may deep comments , the man with the lines that make us all go wow :eek:, so in his mind that's the way he sees it.. so she said 2 years ago, is that S/5 or 6.. cause I'm trying to go back, and I will this weekend and try and figure when it was ~~scratches head~~~when do you all think that happened!

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

After Commited & just before Grave Danger, the Trigger the horse scene was the give away I think, Sara was looking at him & suppressing a huge grin, it just looked like they were a couple by then. In Commited Gilbert didn't follow after Sara quite fast enough, but in Grave Danger there is no way he would have told her the Trigger story unless things had progressed to relationship by then. IMO
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

*sniff* He remembered *sniff* how she wore her HAIR! *sniff sniff tear* How beautiful is THAT? Well, "Memory is a gift."- Double Cross
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

have to agree, i think it was after Committed that they got together. how sweet about the hair! *squee* i don't even think my hubby would be able to remember if my hair were long or short when we first met :p

has anyone else noticed that Sara's injuries are in the same place as to when she got injured during "play with fire"? right side of the face and left hand/arm- talk about rotten luck! lol

I have no idea either what the future will bring for Sara or GSR, TPTB obviously have something up their sleve which they are holding onto as tight as the season premier, once again I believe they fully well know what's going on but are saying they don't because they know how much it is boosting the ratings, they know how much loved Sara and GSR is and by keeping quiet their ratings are probably soaring.

I still say keep the faith, people! even if Sara is perminantly on swing from now on, GSR is not dead, the relationship is still going strong, and so is our ship :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

When after "COMMITTED"? at the end of that ep. with the sleazy mom, and her comment about "being better off" he turned and walked away. I could have slapped him :mad: I so wanted him to comfort her, and put his arms around her, after what she'd been through, that's when he's strange..unless they hooked up later :confused: so what ep. was between "Committed" and Grave Danger"? they were "Iced" and "Weeping Willows" so not GSR oriented :confused:In the car scene, I wanted him to take her in his arms and plant a big wet one.. wouldn't that have been so awesome GRRRR :mad:




The look of love
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hello, I'm new to this forum as well as to this fandom. I started to watch CSI only a couple of weeks ago when the local network started with the re-runs of the show. What can I say, CSI and GSR hit me like a ton of bricks. Great show, great pairing. I found this forum and as Grissom&Sara have been the main reason I became a fan I believe that it's only fair to make the first post in their shipper thread. ;)

To make this post at least a bit on topic here are some GSR smilies I made today.

[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]

Snurchable as long as you don't hotlink.

PS: Sorry about my English <-- not my first language. :eek:

[image][/image] ZUZ

EDIT: Oh... how do you post images here? Image tags seem not to work. :confused: Or do I have to have a certain post count before I can share some pics? TIA for help.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

*blushes* You guys!! :) Thanks for the compliments... really. You're bloating my ego.

geekprincess: Oh, I do think Sara was still a bit snippy, but it was a lot more relaxed to me than "Nesting Dolls" for example, or his disdain in... I think it was... "Compulsion" when Grissom sent Sara to help Ecklie instead of answering the page himself... So, I just meant it was more relaxed than before. :)

I think the GSR in this episode was a good balance. As said before, I think we got some of the most obvious "couply" moments I've ever seen from these two, and I think part of that was because they weren't in hiding anymore. Think about it: Most of the most intimate moments of last season were behind closed doors. They chilled on the bed at his place (I assume). She shaved his beard in the comfort of their home.

We hit season 8 running with the two of them holding hands in a helicopter full of strangers. Then they walk in AS A COUPLE to the rest of their team AND strangers, of course. It's great to see them out in the open, being a couple, and not being squeemish or frightened about it. They've already made their decision, and now that it's out, they're not going to hide it. I love that. I love that they walked in as a unit.

I also love that she convinced him to go play. It's this strange power we women have over men. Even when they try to hang back from the crowd to do what WE want, we can tell when they want to play, and we can change their mind just by letting them know it's ok. It's great! Honestly, I think the pain didn't srike her until long after that initial moment of "You should go!"

I'm going to write another novel if I don't stop. I warned you guys the first time that I could go on!

Looking forward to the future! :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Welcome zuz
and cute little GSR smileys :D have fun.. and I think when Sara said to Ecklie "2 years, I think it was a Sunday" I still am firm about "Nesting Dolls" after he comforted her, and he probably went over on a Sunday, when she opened the door, and that's when they became "imtimate", and in that same ep. when Ecklie said "what are you going to do about her" and Grissom said "I've taken care of it" :p "I need her" so I think that's what she was referring to! on the timeline, and what he meant, is the whole time they've been together and working togehter is emotionally and on cases together, and well as good old San Francisco ;)

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hmm, maybe... I don't know, I don't think they got together until at least after committed, and I'm leaning towards after Grave Danger. But I don't think we'll ever find out for sure. If we were going to get those kinds of flashbacks and stuff, I think it would've been in A La Cart.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Thank you for the welcome, desertwind. :)

zuz said:

EDIT: Oh... how do you post images here? Image tags seem not to work. :confused: Or do I have to have a certain post count before I can share some pics? TIA for help.

:confused: I am really sorry if the question is dumb, but only other forum I've ever posted at is Gateworld and let's say that it's a little more beginner friendly. ;)

And yup I'm a Sam/Jack shipper. You know... sexy silver haired CO with a killer smile, brilliant subordinate who happens to be a beautiful woman too, and frat rules standing in their way

Wait a minute what show am I talking about??? :p
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