Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

GSR_Sara_Gil said:
Before the theme song Sara and Grissom have what fans call the Romeo and Juliet scene which since they were star crossed and forbidden. I feel this is a subtle hin to the fact that if they have not got together together they are dating which i always found to be the more important thing that they admitted their feeling and are dating

Thanks for answering my question GSR_Sara_Gil! "Go To Hell," is on tonight! I'm so excited! :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

"Go To Hell," is on tonight! I'm so excited! :)

Absolutely! I'm spoiler-free this year so no idea what's gonna happen, but I'm really excited to see how they will play out the split in the team. Do you think they will show the rest of the team's reactions to losing Sara?
Man, at least when Ecklie split them up in S5 they still had some of the others to work with. Poor Sara is all alone!! *sob*
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Is it time to start thinking of a new thread names? All the Jorja-is-leaving talk of late has made "We're Not Ready to Say Goodbye" seem appropriate. Because we aren't! At least, I'm not. *sniffle*

Anyway, I'm hoping something lovely and shippy happens tonight. If it is true that Jorja won't be around much longer (and I'm spoiler free, so I have no confirmation on this), then we better get as much quality GSR between now and the time of her departure as possible! (I'm still hoping she and Grissom leave together--maybe at the end of this season when Billy's contract is up, but I'd be okay with a Sara leaves/Grissom follows and joins her a bit later scenario, too. I'd like it even more if we had a Doug/Carol from ER resolution, when the character who left first returns for the other character's final show.)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

, an insider tells that the Oct. 18 episode will feature a very unorthodox marriage proposal by Gil to Fox's character, Sara.
:) :D :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

zappy said:
, an insider tells that the Oct. 18 episode will feature a very unorthodox marriage proposal by Gil to Fox's character, Sara.
:) :D :)

hoooley moley :eek: I don't know what to say.

Um, yes, I'm spoiled. Suck on that. Anyway, now that we've ditched the Jorja talk, how's the GSR going? Great, right? I haven't posted in ages, but omg two years ago!!!

Holy crap we have a timeline. And we know it was a Sunday. Like the ones with the cherries on top. ;)

I just wanted to pop in and say hello.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

That's a good thread name LadyDisdain "IM NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE" very appropriate, and lets stay positive that she stays, and welcome all the newbies and on that 'cheeky glint' it's posted right above here, on the pictures... and Happy Birthday to Pink

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Okay, so I live in Canada, so the episode already aired here. :)

Umm I'll say something about the actual episode when I don't need to use spoiler tags. But I want to say something about the promo for the next episode. :)

WOAH! it just confirmed what someone said earlier about Grissom proposing to Sara. Well, it wasn't really proposing, it was just... bringing it up. Do couples talk about it before it happens? Or is it a surprise? I wouldn't know, I'm not married. My Mom watched the episode with me, and then she left after it ended. So, she missed the promo video. I RAN downstairs as fast as I possibly could and yelled what happened in it to her. lol. I was a BIT excited. lol
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I think they have talked about it, see picture above, privately, not blabbing it to others, their very private end classy, plus we all know their out and a couple, so time will tell on this, but it sounds like Jorja is staying, and that rocks
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE PROPOSES!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! If i wasn't afraid of scaring my new roomie away, I'd be bouncing around my apartment screaming!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG i hyperventilated, that has never happened. couldn't breathe properly for a total of ten minutes then proceeded to watch the promom twenty times in a row. a nonchalant and the look on sara's face...pricless...this makes me think they're going to round off sara's character w/ a nice wedding...make way for her to leave on good terms or something...which makes me sad, but a happy ending is better than a bad ending! let's hope thhough that this means they'll have to keep her in some capacity to be MRS. GILBERT GRISSOM!!!!!!!!!!!! damn....what a ...just....DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

All I have to say is that the episode didn't live up to the hype. That's it. No spoiler there. Just my opinion.

I wouldn't call that a proposal, but I think she'd say yes. The promo did say that the episode would change her life. If she says no, what's gonna change? It's actually sorta funny they stuck that gsr music video in there cause i just finished making one today.

i was having a little gsr fun time and so i made a video and i'll put in in my profile if you wanna watch.

i'll tell you something, goo goo dolls writes the ultimate gsr does lifehouse.

Anyway, long live GSR.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, F***!!!!!!I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS, I JUST CAN'T!!!! somehow i'm so happy! i was against-marriage and all, but now after i saw this promo, i'm freaking out!!! and i don't care if she says that she doesn't want marriage, it's the fact itself that he proposed that makes me squee so bad right now. i mean would there be anything more Grissom than proposing to his girlfriend when they're both in those bee-suits and making it so *by the way*? i love this show and i don't think i'm going to make it until next week!GAAAAH
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

::drops in::

Hey guys! ::waves::

So...I've been away for a while but LET ME TELL YOU.

HOLY. MOTHER. OF. GOD. I think I just DIED and went to fan girl heaven! ::SQUEE!:: I...OMFG. HE PROPOSED! OVER BEES! I...AHHHH!!! Must...make...coherent...sentences...::breathes:: Okay. She's TOTALLY going to say yes. Her face? PRICELESS. It was like "WTF...did he just say what I THINK he just said?!" ::sigh:: I F*ing LOVE this ship.

Okay. Now that THAT's OVER. was wonderful. Nuff' said. Takes the spot of my most favoritist(Is that a word?) Episode EVER.

"Hello Gilbert." ::sigh::

A La Carte. Meh. It was kinda boring. I LOVED the go-kart case though. How cute was our GSR? I just wanted to hug them. The BOTH of them. The car scene was absolutely adorable. And I LOVED Sarcastic!Sara in the beginning.

::sigh:: I love this ship. I'll never get tired of saying it.

Okay, I'm done. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I think that it's the fact that Grissom didn't get down on bended knee in the middle of a candle-lit restaurant and propose to her with a big, long speech. He made it Grissom, and it was just an "off-hand comment". It's sort of the ideal way to do it - not over-the-top.
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