Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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i have all the dvds they are great. you'll love them.

also can someone please tell me which epi this pics is from. i can't remember

Crysthala said:
Also, regarding when they started dating, I'm convinced it started sometime between s5 and s6, like, right after Nick got buried alive; they started dating and they finally confessed their burning passions fully to each other sometime between the first and second parts of the s6 finale, hence their confortableness with each other in the finale.
I agree to that except that I think maybe they are a little more comfortable in season six for it to be to new. All couples start out with that new goofy grin, I'm so crazy about you, you are the best type attitude until they settle into an actual relationship with each other.I kind of think that it is during season 6 that they moved in together. I think that they were dating through season five, where you see that "new love" kind of thing going on. Sara is getting happier and happier each episode, and in season six, I see them moving in together. That would explain the new "comfortability" with each other. Especially after Nick's ordeal, they could turn to each other. ;)
Grissom: If you keep saying 'no' to embracing the moment, when you finally say yes, it becomes bigger than you. And you are no longer you anymore. You're somebody else. Abstraction becomes reality. All you think about is her. You want to be with her. Eat with her. Laugh with her. Make love to her. Go into infinity with her. Without doors. No boundaries. No restrictions. An entire lifetime that comes down to this single frame of life.

and btw, yup the official airdate of 8x01 is 09/27/2007
OhMeGe, that is like 2 whole months :eek: Noooooo!

0.o Why dose adz have a spoiler box?...
Im scared!
^lol. yeah, you know i think even though this version of the speech was changed it gives us a lot more understanding of Grissom's psyche. cuz maybe it would be kinda OOC for him to say it, but to think it? i would actually interpret it all this way: the "it's sad" speech was what he was saying but the "abstraction, love to her etc" was what he was thinking.

let's be honest. we don't really know why Grissom behaved the way he did all those years, we can only speculate about it. the original speech uncovers this tiny bit of true feelings that he had been hiding from the world. it shows how sensitive he actually is. i believe he was always capable of loving. why was he so passionate about literature, poems, the overdramatic Shakespeare plays and love sonnets while he was the opposite of all that on the outside?

is it because he IS sensitive, romantic and caring but on the inside, and doesn't want anybody to know it? just like Lady Heather said during their first encounter (sorry to bring her up, but i think it's pretty relevant):

LADY HEATHER: The most telling thing about anyone is what scares them. And I know what you fear more than anything, Mr. Grissom.

GRISSOM: Which is?

LADY HEATHER: Being known. You can't accept that I might know what you really desire, because that would mean that I know you. Something, for whatever reason, you spend your entire life making sure no one else does.

so why wasn't he with Sara earlier? was he afraid she would get to know the real him? Lady Heather didn't need any time to figure this out, but Sara? was Grissom afraid that she wouldn't like this side of him or just the fact of being known by someone, being involved with someone was scary? why didn't he have any problem with hooking up with Heather then?

so many questions, not answered.
OMG I am so freaked right now :eek:

So I go onto my AOL to check my e-mail, now, I never get any junk to my AOL (that all goes to my hotmail lol) but today I got this odd one from someone about books...

open it up and it's about Thoreau! (as in the "i wont wait up" scene, Thoreau!) and talks about the book Grissom was reading in that scene!

I've no idea why I got this e-mail, but it is totally freaking me out - what a scary co-insidence! :eek:

mugs - that pic is from "Nesting Dolls"

have to agree with the original speach being *thud* worthy, but agree the 2nd one is more in keeping. I think some of Grissom not wanting to let people know him is because if someone knows you, then they know how to hurt you - if he keeps himself to himself and doesn't let people get to know the Grissom inside, no-one can hurt him - it's like his little safety bubble i guess. i do think he is a real soppy romantic deep in the core, with very real feelings that he is so scared of, he just wants to bury them - he doesn't even understand his feelings, let alone want to run the risk of exposing them just to have them trampled on.

gosh i got quite philosophical there :p
I agree that the "dating" relationship started in season 5, sometime between "Nesting Dolls" and "Compulsion". I think the sexual part started just after season 5 and before season 6, hence the sex and romance speech in "Bite Me", a hint of awkwardness. I,too, have bought the first 6 seasons and have been watching them daily. I love their scenes together. The last half of season 3 and all of season 4 were kind of a downer for Sara, but season 5 started to show her happier side. What a beautiful smile she has! Can't wait for season 8--I'm hoping for a wedding or a baby; I don't care in which order!
Adz I love your icon.

On the Butterflied speech, the first one is a lot more telling but the second one is a lot more Grissom. If the original had gone ahead, it just wouldn't have fit with the episode as well.
Last nights 'DOUBLE CROSS" was so intense, the preist and the best friend both actually betrayed each other, and Sara ad Grissom in the lab with the rosary beads, and he called her 'DEAR' and their conversation about GOD, interesting!



What I read, was Grissom and Sara are going to take break from each other for a while. They going to take a journal over at Without A Trace in Nov.
Spoilers are evil. I've got a new GSR video on youtube to help the team stupidly optimistic who are trying to distract themselves from spoilers. Its called The Best GSR of Season Two. Hope it helps.
hum... at least it means Sara's still alive! lol - erm... I wouldn't take this too much to heart at the mo, they're still very early on into S8 and things are changing all the time. I also don't understand, why would this info be divulged if they're trying to keep the "does she live or die" thing so securely under wraps? why swear everyone to secrecy and then tell people this? surely it gives the whole game away? nah doesn't make sense to me. also does anyone know how reliable this source is? because it says about Billy doing a crossover with CSI:NY yet i am pretty sure I remember reading on the S8 spoiler thread that Billy had refused to do a CSI crossover?
When I read that article from, I don't read anything about a break up. They are just going to let the characters breathe, and it says that all the characters will take a personal journey, not just Grissom and Sara.
yeah i thought that too, they say they're going to conclude the GSR arc, doesn't mean they're going to split the characters up (common we should know by now that they are deliberately very vague with their wording on CSI leaving a lot open to interpretation), it could just mean that in s/8 Grissom will be Grissom and Sara will be Sara and there wont be focus on their relationship, just their characters and let the characters develop individually
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