Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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Lol, GSR videos rock no matter what. Nick video would be good for "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy". Hehe, I could probably find the song if you need me to. Just PM me
SaraGrissom said:
I used to know of a website that had them all listed in season and episode order. I had to redo my computer from scratch the other day, so I lost my favorites...but I'll see if I can find it again.

First and foremost welcome SaraGrissom ;) another GSR fan[/b]
and here's a list we've mostly all seen, but it has every GSR moment that they've had together! I give big accolades to the person who researched this, and put it all together!
Thanks for the welcome desertwind. The list was something like that but she had her own site and there were pictures to gawk at as well. Lol. Most of the moments had the exact transcipts to the scenes if not well done summaries. I'm still searching for it. It may be a long road lol
Take your time, and when you find it, be sure to post it.. I watched [after the fireworks] last night 'TOYD'
and what great scenes they had together, and the 'eye sex' at the end, after Greg and Cath left :eek:


Wasn't that best GSR moments thing linked on this thread about mid-may? I went to it & they had lists compiled at the end of the last three or four seasons.
ha season finale today here finally!!!!
i took in internet(was too much wait), but is not the same see in TV!!
i'm nervous again he he he

it had an assault in the bank close to my home,a girl with 22 years was killed.
this become make me so sad.
it could be me
I that so good that it has season finale today!
always CSI for make me happy!!!

someone saw Emmy list? nothing CSI yet. GRRR
what wrong with these ppl???

It might have been, seattle, but I'm not sure. I know for a fact that the list had *all* seven seasons including Living Doll. I'm going to have to go through my GSR-Yahoo Forum emails...that may take a while. lol.
I recorded TOYD, the ending got cut off, and I didn't get to see the part after Cath and greg left. I almost cried, no lie. Thank goodness for youtube.
YouTube and DVDs work wonders. I get to fastforward to the GSR-y parts without the time of commercials or things that have nothing to do with GSR. Lol. Gotta love the Geeks.
I need to buy the DVD's badly. There's so much of this show I haven't seen, and they only show so many episodes on Spike. I hate being a late watcher. Better late then never I suppose.
And that's the exact reason Spike stinks, seattle. lol. I'm all ready to recite and quote and then it's not there. I'm not sure if it bugs me or my parents more, because they get to hear me rant about it during the stupid commercials.

Speaking of which, Bang-bang and Way to Go are on Spike tonight!!!! *claps happily* Yet another time I get to see the GeekLove...I feel bad for the other shippers. No wait, not really. *turns Spike on ahead of time*
WtG is on tonight?
*looks over at my dad in his office* *sneaks over to tv*
Oh I should tell you guys, I think I committed some horrible GSR sin.I hit a butterfly.Like I was on vacation and I was driving the boat and all of a sudden I see a butterfly coming for me, I stare at for a good 10 seconds and it hits the windshield.

Ok so there is my interesting not really related to GSR story.

Has anyone seen eggy lately? She like dropped of the face of our CSI world.

Ok what I am saying aint making much sense so i will shut up.
Yep, Bang-Bang followed by Way to Go. Get the popcorn ready ya'll.

Awwwww about the butterfly. Beware, Grissom may come get you in your sleep. ^_^
QUESTION, Don't you all have these recorded already? I do thank gawd, I will probably watch the "WAY TO GO" but I've got my DVD's and the old stand bys VHS's from the earlier seasons. my wall unit is a mile high with CSI tapes :D


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