Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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Lmao, of course I have them recorded and on DVDs, who doesn't? I'm not obessed, I could stop anytime. *rocks back and forth* I mean, no there isn't a wall of my bedroom covered in GSR screencaps and TV Guide/newspaper articles about CSI/GSR. What are you talking about? I didn't buy a poster that had CSI on it. I didn't color on Lady Heather's face with a permanent marker on one of the newspaper clippings and have it nearly bleed into my wall. ^_^

And awesome pic!!!
Oh I recorded both those eppys. And for WtG I started it to record at 7:59 and end at 9:01 so I dont miss anything. Then I think Sweet Jane is on at 9 on CBS.. good? Bad? I've never seen it.
Don't go driving in Death Valley/Mojave when the monarchs come flying out of nowhere (AKA migrate). I think we killed a couple thousand of 'em a couple years ago while on a Geology trip.

Which reminds me of our beloved coocoo. I miss the lil guy. .......crap. Please stop my brain from thinking these things!!! I just had a vision of Sara..ya know..kickin' the bucket.. The coocoo hatches and becomes one of Gris' specimens. One he keeps close and on display. I suck at this whole optimistic thing. My glass is normally half empty, I admit. I'm gunna go cry in the corner and think about eye!sex to get these visions out of my head.

Go Team SO?! ::sniff::
Ok that didn't work, so here is the rest of my post.

How about Bjork's Cocoon? I don't know if I can copy the lyrics onto here, so I'll just suggest that you all google them and decide. I thought it was appropriate for our butterfly lovers.
SaraGrissom said:
Lmao, of course I have them recorded and on DVDs, who doesn't? I'm not obessed, I could stop anytime. *rocks back and forth* I mean, no there isn't a wall of my bedroom covered in GSR screencaps and TV Guide/newspaper articles about CSI/GSR. What are you talking about? I didn't buy a poster that had CSI on it. I didn't color on Lady Heather's face with a permanent marker on one of the newspaper clippings and have it nearly bleed into my wall. ^_^

And awesome pic!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm sitting her cracking up.. funny, WHOOPS on my silly comments, and I thought I was obsessed, I especially enjoyed the "Lady Heather' one.. good job, go away :mad: strange, weird..sleazy woman, in her Halloween costume :D never to be seen nor heard from again!

Lmao, so that was *you* who helped me kidnap her! That explains a lot *nods*. But yes, I did almost draw on my with permanent marker. See, the picture had GSR on it in reference to the dumb-inatrix (heheh). I had it on my wall and decided to give Heather a mustache after drawing a heart around Grissom and Sara. Newspaper is not tolerant to permanent marker, and it almost bled through onto my white wall ^_^. Hehehe, whoops
I've only watched the WtG scene on Youtube. Seeing it on a huge TV in my living room was amazing. Actually seeing the entire episode was amazing. I love that scene. GSR is amazing. Dunno what I would do without those two together...
i'm so happy!!!!!
Rambo answered !!!
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee himmmmmmmm!!!!! he is perfect!!

Thank you for the nice comment about the letter scene in "Leapin' Lizards." We will probably see Bruno again this season; he's a wonderful actor! Grissom signs the letter, "Peace." The Shakespeare sonnet that he reads is number 47, a lovely poem about love and separation.
So glad you are enjoying the show. Thanks for writing.
David Rambo
Rambo's awesome for replying. I've sent him a few emails (including a copy of the essay I wrote for English class 'Why CSI is better than Grey's Anatomy'). I had mentioned GSR (in the essay) starting back when she first arrived in Vegas and he said something to the lines of, the writer's have always felt that G/S have had a long relationship...its good to know you've noticed it too. I think he's a closet GSR shipper. lol
Hmm..."we will probably see Bruno again this season"??? Possibly in some more Domestic!GSR scenes? -stares dreamily into space as my food bursts into flame on the stove- OK, this post was so pointless. Go Team SO...GSR rules and whatnot.
IloveBilly said:
i'm so happy!!!!!
Rambo answered !!!
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee himmmmmmmm!!!!! he is perfect!!

Dear Brazilian fans,
Thank you for the nice comment about the letter scene in "Leapin' Lizards." We will probably see Bruno again this season; he's a wonderful actor! Grissom signs the letter, "Peace." The Shakespeare sonnet that he reads is number 47, a lovely poem about love and separation.
So glad you are enjoying the show. Thanks for writing.
David Rambo

I think he is a GSR fan, big time! & another strong clue that Sara will be returning, because Bruno was on the bed with them ;) WHOPPE for DR SaraGrissom I LUV the dumb-atrix funny :D and if she does return :mad: I hope it's for him to tell her he loves Sara, and maybe invite her to their wedding :D

Hehehe, my sarcasm is overwhelming I know. ^_^ Yes, she can be all flirting, he'll grab Sara, kiss her deeply, and turn Heather away. Whaaaat? A girl can dream can't she?
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