Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

You know you're obsessed with GSR/CSI when... A song from a GSR music video comes on over the Muzak system and you start laughing hysterically with flashes of GSR going through your head. Yep, that was my day!

SaraSidleRules8 I'm getting my copy on thurs, I can't wait now. See how bad I am with spoilers?? Every book I ever buy I read the last 2-3 pages FIRST. I'll never be SF, it's not for me. That kinda rhymed.

Alright, nice to see the return of the blue boxes, even if they're not really about S8. :) Keep em comin' guys! lol!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Okay, so, You know you're obsessed with GSR when... you see those big ol' bug glasses that are so similar to Sara's and you immediatly start thinking of "Ending Happy" and the "You make me very happy in bed you sex maniac, you!" :devil:

Can we start the new list of "Spoiler Free for Season 8" and "Spoiler Addicts" yet? Or is it too early?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

gsrLOVE said:
Okay, so, You know you're obsessed with GSR when... you see those big ol' bug glasses that are so similar to Sara's and you immediatly start thinking of "Ending Happy" and the "You make me very happy in bed you sex maniac, you!" :devil:

Can we start the new list of "Spoiler Free for Season 8" and "Spoiler Addicts" yet? Or is it too early?

I sooo did that the other day at the mall! I tried 'em on and went "Oooo. I look like Sara now. Wait...these are ugly, why am I wearing them? Oh yeah, because she's a sex maniac in bed. Right." :lol:

And I LOVE ur avvie, gsrLOVE. My favorite is "I swear to drunk I'm not GOD." But that works too. :lol:

Herzeleid said:
You know you're obsessed with GSR/CSI when... A song from a GSR music video comes on over the Muzak system and you start laughing hysterically with flashes of GSR going through your head. Yep, that was my day!

:eek:. Muzak. You know you've worked somewhere long enough to where you know all the songs.:lol:. Believe it or not, that's where I get most of the songs for my vids. :lol: Now I've seriously lost it. :lol:

Herz, you're gonna LOVE the ending. Trust me. ;)

You know you're addicted to GSR when... Most of the songs you hear on the radio remind you of them...

She'll be back...she'll be back...she'll be back. Just praticing. :D

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hi guys!

I'm usually hanging out in the Danny and Lindsay thread, but I'm very curious about what'll happen to Sara, since I'm also a GSR-shipper. I'm afraid I just don't have the time to read all the posts in this thread, so if you know something about S8, then please tell me.

Thanks! *waves to everyone in here*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey JenP *waves back*

There isn't much to say about S8 yet. Everyone at CBS is doing an exceptional job of keeping their mouths shut about what will happen to Sara. And it's probably still a bit on the early side for spoilers. (I totally think Sara will live though).

Gosh it's sure quiet on the GSR front today **looks around, sees tumble weed roll across page** oh well, that tends to happen during the summer huh?

Yay for GSR!
GO Team SO!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

a little ?
oh shoosh.
Yay! Wait. Pats? What am I, a Dog?
a million dollar question - would you like to be Bruno?

hypothetically of course.
I just realized 75% of this post is from quotes off of Adz's post. 0.o Adz you are a very quotable person.
is it cuz i'm a genius? yes? no?

anyway, a made a new batch of icons and updated my LJ.

teasers, yo:

to see all click the link below. peace up.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

wings23 said:
(I totally think Sara will live though)

That's my feeling as well. I can't imagine Jorja Fox being so polite and obeying orders (that means: not telling anything about S8) when she doesn't return. 'Cause that means her contract isn't renewed, and if that happens, she would be pissed, I'd say!

So thumbs up, Sara surely will come back!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey JenP. Welcome. I haven't heard anything about season 8 but I will let you know. Someone made a GSR Music Video with the song Everywhere by Michelle Branch. Everytime I hear it I laugh. All of my friends and family members think I am crazy.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I can't imagine Jorja Fox being so polite and obeying orders (that means: not telling anything about S8) when she doesn't return.

Exactly. That's one of the main reasons I think she's coming back. If her contract deal had gone over badly with her, I don't think she would be all smiles. I mean what incentive would she have to keep quiet?

I was on AIM with my friend earlier and I echoed some of my sentiments above to her and she said she thought JF and everyone are trying to trick us by acting all chipper. Somehow I can't really see that.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

well, what if Jorja doesn't know yet, herself?

cuz, i'm pretty sure she might not. they didn't resume filming anything, and they still have some time until they do. they may be still negotiating and Jorja could be just keeping the good publicity going, despite the differences between her and TPTB.

who knows?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

well, what if Jorja doesn't know yet, herself?

huh, good point *smacks forehead for not realizing this*
And CSI doesn't start filming again until July...
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Adzix said:

cuz, i'm pretty sure she might not. they didn't resume filming anything, and they still have some time until they do. they may be still negotiating and Jorja could be just keeping the good publicity going, despite the differences between her and TPTB.

who knows?

That's depressing, mostly because it makes sense :( But whatever, Team SO will prevail!

Aww man SSR, you ruined my last GSR reference post from Cold Burn :mad: Haha jk, I'm glad all can read and enjoy, even if I wasn't the one to post it.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

butterflied08 said:
Adzix said:

cuz, i'm pretty sure she might not. they didn't resume filming anything, and they still have some time until they do. they may be still negotiating and Jorja could be just keeping the good publicity going, despite the differences between her and TPTB.

who knows?

That's depressing, mostly because it makes sense :( But whatever, Team SO will prevail!

Meh...whatev. I'm still on Team SO. And I will be until I hear different or until the beginning of Season 8. I mean, having her move up two notches in the credits, to me, is a GOOD SIGN. But, again, that's me. YMMV.

Aww man SSR, you ruined my last GSR reference post from Cold Burn :mad: Haha jk, I'm glad all can read and enjoy, even if I wasn't the one to post it.

Awwww! I'm sorry to ruin your fun butterflied! Now I feel bad. :( You can post one from a book I haven't read. If that'll make up for it...
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

SaraSidleRules8 said:
Reading the WHOLE book was SO worth the last paragraph.:eek: I seriously almost peed my pants. :lol: TOTALLY major GSR greatness right there.

I liked Cold Burn, but I read the last page first (I do that for EVERY book I read, I don't know why) so I was hoping for more things throughout the whole book. Then, when there wasn't much, I read the last page and was like 'YAY!' But it's definitely a good book, the case is interesting, if I remember correctly.

If Sara were to die, I think it would depend on how they played it that would allow me to watch again. I'm not sure how to explain that, but it would depend on Grissom's condition and whatnot. But, that would be hard for tptb to pull off, so they BETTER not kill her off.

Um, yeah, that's all I really have to say.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

SaraSidleRules8 said:

Awwww! I'm sorry to ruin your fun butterflied! Now I feel bad. :( You can post one from a book I haven't read. If that'll make up for it...

don't worry about it, please! I was just messing around.

hee hee hee, I'm watching Nesting Dolls!! It's so cute when Grissom busts in and is all like "I heard you've got 2 bodies covered in tar?!"...he's so excited about it! It's also hilarious when Sara is talking to Greg who's all cleaned up for court and goes "I did not know your hair could do that".

Quick question, when Sara got all pissed and she said that Catherine let her sexuality cloud her judgement, what exactly did that mean? I'm not clueless and I've seen this episode hundreds of times and I've just never gotten it
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