Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

AHHH, I love you all, we're the best fans on this site~~puffs up~~~and on her Jorja site, apparently she drinks Heinekin beer, anybody up for that? and I love this saying :D

I think everyone is entitled to MY opinion
Victor Borge
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I think everyone is entitled to MY opinion
Victor Borge

Well I like your opinion desert!

As sidlewannabee said
Thanks desertwind you have restored my faith again.

Yea ditto that.
No more relapses for me! 100% Proud Team SO member here!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

desertwind said:
AHHH, I love you all, we're the best fans on this site~~puffs up~~~and on her Jorja site, apparently she drinks Heinekin beer, anybody up for that? and I love this saying :D

Ha! I LURVE HEINEKEN! :D. Ever since Jorja said she drank it, I figured I'd try it to see if it was good. Now, it's the only beer I drink. Here you go desert, an icon I made.



Alright, so I don't look AS cool as Jorja.

But, Heineken makes me happy. :D

OH. YEAH. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Anyway. Aussiello? :rolleyes: That man is as reliable as The Enquirer magazine. But it's good to know he's on Team SO! :)

As I said before, I won't believe nothin' til I hear it from the horses mouth and I'll just keep on believin' what I believe because it's my happy place. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

:lol: :lol: :lol: On the beer, it's expensive.. my daughter drinks it & I love your icon SaraSidleRules very cute, is that you? :eek: and I know he's not reliable,AUSIELLO but what the H..., we've got to 'keep the faith' didn't someone else state that in history? [I know] wonder if she likes to gamble? the only story I've got about her her, is when they were filming "KILLER" S/6, I scurried downtown, where they were, and the'd already been there, but a security guard told me that the only one who was 'nice and friendly' was Jorja , and he said she was 'gorgeous' and bone thin, well we all know that. They seem to film in the off hours, and when the crowds are light, and security is tight, obviously, so I've never had the opportunity to see them yet! but!!!!!! ya' never know ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Herzeleid said:

Cath has always used her sexuality to get things out of people. I forget the episode, but she even started unbottoning her shirt to get information from an inmate.

butterflied What other books would you recommend that are full or GSR morsels?

I thought it was Sofia who unbuttoned her shirt in the interview at Brass's recommendation?

As for books, Cold Burn is definitely the one with the most GSR. I've also read Grave Matters, Killing Game, Binding Ties, and Double Dealer. Out of those, Binding Ties was my favorite and I'd say it had the most juicy GSR details after Cold Burn.

All the books are well-written with crimes and crime scenes that are on the same par as those on the show. I'd recommend them to any self-respecting CSI-obsessed fan (if that's not an oxymoron :lol:)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I thought it was Sofia who unbuttoned her shirt in the interview at Brass's recommendation?

No that was Catherine, and she did that all on her own. I think it was in LLV. No comment on that...

I love the CSI novels!!! I think that they are well written. Grissom comes off a little different than I think he really is, but other than that I like them. Cold Burn was good. I read an interview a while back with Max Collins, in which he said he had a lot more GSR in the book, but some higher up made him cut it out! That totally sucks! Binding Ties was my favorite too. I read it first and I think it has the best plot of them all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I have no hope of her coming back. I only think like this so I won't be disappointed if she doesn't, but will be pleasantly surprised if she does :)

*runs back to lurk*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Herzeleid said:
Cath has always used her sexuality to get things out of people. I forget the episode, but she even started unbottoning her shirt to get information from an inmate.

Oh OH! I know the answer! That was "Leaving Las Vegas" When her and Nick went out of town for that case where the daughter and the mother got murdered and where Grissom left on his sabbatical. Yeah...and THAT'S ethical? Oh wait, it's Catherine, it's an EXCEPTION. :rolleyes: Sorry, that was mean. No more. Bad me! ::slaps hand:: I'm done. :)

I thought it was Sofia who unbuttoned her shirt in the interview at Brass's recommendation?

Now that one I can't remember, but I remember when she did it and Brass I don't think asked her, she found out from his arrest record that he had something to do with women (Rape, battery, etc.) and she took it upon herself to use her sexuality...or...nevermind. :rolleyes: I'll be nice. :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

SaraSidleRules8 said:

I thought it was Sofia who unbuttoned her shirt in the interview at Brass's recommendation?

Now that one I can't remember, but I remember when she did it and Brass I don't think asked her, she found out from his arrest record that he had something to do with women (Rape, battery, etc.) and she took it upon herself to use her sexuality...or...nevermind. :rolleyes: I'll be nice. :D

Wait Sofia unbuttoned her shirt too???? Geez... again no comment on all that.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Now that you mention it I think Sofia did, I haven't seen the ep in a loooong time, maybe they both did at some point? Ah well!

Ok, I think I'm just going to buy all of them...CSI is to me what Pokemon is to my friend Jon...Gotta catch 'em all! Yeah, he's a 19 year old pokemon enthusiest. And I'm a 25 year old overly posessive/obsessive CSI/GSR geek who collects CSI books and writes fanfics. Wow. If it wasn't me I'd think of that as unhealthy! :devil:

Ohh..Maybe Cath did it in the interogation room? 'Cause I remember it WAS Sofia who did it at the prison...I think I'll ask in the "Episode Question" thread... All I know is that Sara never did it. HA! I know somethin'! :)

GSR rocks my bauxite!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Now I'm confused lol. Here is the scene where Catherine was at a prison interviewing a prisoner:

"There was a murder that was committed in Vegas two days before the Acheson-Curtis murders.
I think the same person committed both crimes and I think that person is you. Mr. Guffey, this is
how this is going to work. Every time you answer one of my questions, I unbutton a button.
Are you ready?" (7x11 Leaving Las Vegas)

And I do vaguely remember Sofia doing something like that too. I have all my CSI seasons on DVD, but I never paid much attention to Sofia, not really a fan of hers. But you're right Herzeleid point is Sara doesn't do that sort of thing and that's all that matters.

I guess I can use this summer to brush up on my CSI knowledge if nothing else.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Ok, Sofia did it in 6X17 "I like to watch" Cath did it in LLV. Thank god, now I can sleep!

Not too much GSR, and I apologize... ::shifty eyes:: Ya know? I love Grissom. He's such a gentleman. And that Sara? She's just so sweet and smart and beautiful inside and out. They are so perfect for eachother. Yeeeaahhh. ::daydreaming::

GSR ROCKS!! :) Sorry.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

They both unbuttoned their shirt for a suspect, but Catherine made a deal with one of them, she said everytime you answer a question I undo a button. I don't like their methods. I want ot read those books anyone care to lend them to me? One day I am going to meet the cast, especially Jorja and Billy. Anyone want to come?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

One day I am going to meet the cast, especially Jorja and Billy. Anyone want to come?
Count me in. This is after we go to lunch with Jorja right? :D

Btw the CSI novels are cheap, so go check 'em out. I got mine for $6 at a bookstore, but you can get them cheaper online if the shipping cost isn't bad.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I just saw this comment left on MySpace for me; a friend from my job at the grocery store:

"we should do like a csi reenactment at work and try and figure out who slaughtered the chickens or something. then make a cookie volcano."

Yes, I've convinced her before that Grissom was the hottest guy on the show, and now she's suggesting we do reenactments. (I'm so proud!) I wrote back and said "Only if I get to be Sara..." I am pure eviiiiil! If you couldn't guess, we work in the bakery dept. I make stuff look pretty, she makes cookie volcanos lol!

And BTW, when do we normally start giving ideas for new thread titles? I noticed we're already on page 21..AH! Who's in charge of these things? Ok, I'm leaving before I get kicked out by the mods for not making sense.

GSR rocks my metaconglomerates. HEH..That's fun to say.
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