Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I want to be on team SO, is anyone on it or do youi get out on the list. My parents and my friends keep saying if Sara lives and I correct them, there is no if it is when Sara lives.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey sidlewannabee I think chocolate_bunnys is the keeper of the lists on whose on what team (forgive me if I'm wrong- I've only been in here a few months), but I'm pretty sure just about everyone here is on Team SO just because we all want Sara to live and prosper in Geek love with Grissom!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I pretty positive I'm on Team SO too, but what does it stand for? Dodges flying objects And when I find out what it stands for I'm going to feel like an idiot because it's probably easy as pie.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

No worries, no flying objects here (at least not from me) Team SO = Team Stupidly Optimistic, I guess because you'd have to be stuidly optimistic to believe Sara could survive being trapped under a mustang in the middle of the desert at night in the rain.

That being said, GO TEAM SO!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Suprisingly I didn't know that was what that stood for, but I do fall in that category. The season 8 premeire better not be my last eppy ever, and if Sara dies, it will be, no lie. So, go team SO!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

chocolate_bunnys is the keeper of the lists on whose on what team (forgive me if I'm wrong- I've only been in here a few months), but I'm pretty sure just about everyone here is on Team SO just because we all want Sara to live and prosper in Geek love with Grissom!
Dude no one is one the other teams
like no one is on team:
"OMG Sara is going to die"
Which sucks cuz that is an awesome team name!:rolleyes:
Anyways...sidlewannabee you where already on team SO...the lists are here for future reference
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

i was thinking lately that we shouldn't be so sure that Sara is going to survive.

assuming that all the rumours about Jorja refusing to film weren't a publicity gig, TPTB clearly were ready to kill Sara off in this finale. we should be grateful to Jorja Fox only (and mad at her at the same time, cuz it's apparently her fault they wanted to kill her in the first place), that we still have those 4 months and hope for a better ending. this situation brings me to a realization. the fact that they didn't hesitate to go that route means that they had a way for Season 8 to go without Sara, and with Grissom on board. how? i have no idea. but it doesn't really matter now. what's important is that they KNEW what to do; they had a resolution. and this makes me quite anxious.

what i think they would be forced to do is make Grissom deal with it in a couple of eps but make him work like nothing much happened (ie pulling off the old "Grissom has no feelings" story). but then of course in the end of the season, they would show him breaking down, to justify that he's not without emotions, but has feelings buried deep under his skin.

or something.

on the other hand, the strongest argument that speaks in favor of her staying alive, is that, well, we need the second part of this finale. of course it's gonna be pretty much GSR/Sara centered, so there has to be Sara in it. even if she dies Jorja has to film it.

and Jorja doesn't strike me as a kind of person who would agree on killing off her character and just go and film her death. and we have a bit of a proof that she wouldn't do that.

my final prediction then? she'll live. i'm ... 55% sure. lol
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight


Since that fool Ausiello has, in the latest TV Guide, changed his tune about Jorja and her contract (he says it looks like she's about to sign, after all), I am feeling very optimistic about Sara's future. Of course, a contract doesn't guarantee she won't be killed off, but it does suggest there is a strong possibility of her staying.

I'm going to try my best to stay spoiler free for Season 8. I didn't know the end scene of WTG was coming (although I had heard there would be GSR in the episode--I just figured we had seen it all with the camera duel and the shoulder touching). I was so thrilled. It really saved the show for me. I was changed from a casual fan to an obsessed one. I'd like to have some of that "shock of the new" next season, seeing as I spoiled myself horribly for the second half this last season as far as the GSR goes.

Also? We better get something about that cocoon in the season premier. That, my friends, is almost as much of a cliffhanger as Sara under the car!

*goes back to lurking*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

^ as soon as i've seen "Ausiello" written in your post i automatically stopped reading it, lol. i assume there is some spoilerish guessing made by him, right? if that's true, please put it in a spoiler box, cuz there is a fair amount of people who want to go spoiler free next season. including me *glares* :p

thanks :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Not that this means much but JF is listed as part of the cast of CSI for S8.

CBS Fall Preview

I also found this, an interview with JF. The part in the middle sort of bothered me:

"PJH: I hear that you’re thinking about leaving [CBS’s hit show] “CSI.”

JF: All I can say is they don’t call it a cliffhanger for nothing. So, everybody’s just going to have to tune in in September and see what happens to poor Sarah Sidle, who’s in a bit of a bind right now.

PJH: What are you most interested in doing next?

JF: For the most part my heart has been very much with “CSI.” I’ve been doing it for seven years, and it’s been kind of hard to do anything but “CSI,” but I’m very grateful when I say that. If something’s going to consume you for seven years of your life, for me I feel very lucky it was “CSI,” so I would love to be a producer when I grow up, and help people get their stories told."

She used a lot of PAST tense, but I'm probably just over-reacting.

The Interview

I do agree with those of you that have been saying JF wouldn't be acting so up-beat now if she was leaving the show. If the writers were just going to kill her off I think she'd be mad and she probably wouldn't be doing the wonderful job she's doing keeping her mouth shut about the season opener.

I still think she'll live though, because I can't make it though the summer thinking anything else.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

as soon as i've seen "Ausiello" written in your post i automatically stopped reading
I did the same, lol, your freakish spoiler ways are rubbing off on me, so everyone; be kind, stick it in a box.
Wait why are there spoilers already?
i'm ... 55% sure. lo
Only 55%?:lol: Id say im about 47.493% sure that sara is going to live.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

JF: For the most part my heart has been very much with “CSI.” I’ve been doing it for seven years, and it’s been kind of hard to do anything but “CSI,” but I’m very grateful when I say that. If something’s going to consume you for seven years of your life, for me I feel very lucky it was “CSI,” so I would love to be a producer when I grow up, and help people get their stories told."

She used a lot of PAST tense, but I'm probably just over-reacting.

What I more noticed was that she didn't say, "And I have this project lined up" she used a lot of future tense to even talk about maybe being a producer, and then discussed a couple of things she's been doing for years - like working with her theater group.

She has to make it ambiguous, but she makes it clear that she's been busy with CSI for a long time, and yet doesn't offer up anything she's planning to do next, but rather abstracts which says she doesn't have anything planned next definitely because she's still tied to the show? lol.

Time will tell.

As for the Ausiello thing - it's a hard path to walk, because technically it's not a show spoiler since it's just a discussion about a contract, yet the decision over that contract is a spoiler for the premiere.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Meh...Assiello makes my blood boil. He's as bad as Joan Rivers...and that's BAD. :rolleyes: I don't listen to that man. There was someone like him back in the day and I can't remember who it was...::scratches head and tries to think:: Nope. It escapes me...

As for Jorja... :lol:.I love her. She always does that "Read in between the lines of what I'm trying to say" type of thing. She'll be back. FO' SHO'. :D

55% Adz? How very optimisic of you. :lol:.

Well...I'm still on Team SO, if no one else is. I guess I am just an optimistic kind of person. It's in my nature. :) There's room in the tent if anyone wants to join me.

And yes, PLEASE put spoilers in boxes. I'm like a recovering addict. It's HARD. :lol:

Oh! Butterfly references! In Ending Happy, they shot to a butterfly on the intable in the beginning of one of the girls' room. It was the same one Grissom looked at in Butterflied. David Rambo ROX my WORLD. :D

Anyway, off to listen to new Kelly! JUNE 26th HER NEW ALBUM COMES OUT! EVERYONE GO BUY IT! :D

You know you're addicted to GSR when... Your mom buys a new mat with a butterfly on in and you scream "BUTTERFLY!" and she rolls her eyes. :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

^I was wondering that. I mean, say we find out for definite that JF has signed up for next season, (Go Team SO!), then we'll know that she doesn't die, and vice versa. So, I'm really hoping that we don't find about her contract cuz I don't wanna know, and if we find out either way (Go Team SO) then it'll be totally open in here, like when we found out that LH was going to be in an episode, everyone found out eventually, and it was posted really openly everywhere, so noone was spoiler free. lol

Oh, MissDee says that she wishes you all well, she's just been busy with school and stuff, so hasn't been around here lately. ;)
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