Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

gsrLOVE said:
I still think they were together before Committed :D

I am so spoiler free for Season 8.. All for GSR. I haven't looked or even tried looking for spoilers at all. Well once, but I forgot I was being spoiler free lol. But yes, I'm totally on the SF CREW! :D All Hail GSR.


Me too gsrLOVE! ::high fives:: It's actually not as hard as I thought it would be....

Hurray for GSR and team SO!




ETA: "Play With Fire" is on...

It's hard to believe we came from THAT to where we are now. ::sigh:: Seems just like yesterday...::reminisces::
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Yay for SF! For me that's the only way to go. I've slipped up in the past- given into the temptation to read those little spoiler boxes. I did well the second half of last season, but all S8 I will be COMPLETELY SF. It could be the last season and I want to make the most of it. Whenever I start to slip I just think of WTG- when Sara came out in her robe and how I had NO IDEA that was coming and how great that was. I think my face looked something like this- :eek:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I just watched "Play With Fire" It was amazing. I went nuts at the end when Sara asked Grissom out. And we all know why Grissom said no; obviously he couldn't hear her. He probably thought she said "Do you want to eat beats?" or something. Poor Grissom.

I need to buy this show on DVD. I have some MAJOR cathing up to do.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

wings23 said:
Whenever I start to slip I just think of WTG- when Sara came out in her robe and how I had NO IDEA that was coming and how great that was. I think my face looked something like this- :eek:

Mine did too.

Holy crap. I was like :confused: and :eek:. Then, like Billy said "People will say "Did-did THAT just happen?" And I seriously said "DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!" My jaw dropped, my heart raced, and I was speechless. Seriously. I'm in an apartment and I SCREAMED, and my mom yelled at me to shut up. :lol:. So I screamed into a pillow. :lol:

::sigh:: Those were the days. LOVE GSR canonness.

But I swear, I am going to be on pins and needles this season opener, because you KNOW we won't find out what happens to Sara until the END of the episode because TPTB suck like that. :rolleyes:

I just hope that won't be my last CSI episode EVER...
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Yea I was in my appartment at my university watching WTG and I started screaming when Sara came out. The walls are super thin and the RA lived next door so he came over to make sure no one was dying. And I was just like- oh no it's alright, I just found out Grissom and Sara are a couple now. I don't think he really understood.

But I swear, I am going to be on pins and needles this season opener, because you KNOW we won't find out what happens to Sara until the END of the episode because TPTB suck like that.

You're right. I hadn't even thought about that. That will drive me crazy! I will be on the edge of my seat the whole epi. My heart was racing all through LD. I didn't know it was going to be a cliff-hanger, so with a minute left I thought Sara was a dead woman. I nearly had a heart attack. And of course, I'm in the airport, in Sydney, fighting a 9 hour delay, trying to watch this after I'd downloaded it, and I thought people were going to call airport security on me because I was freaking out so badly. Boy do I have the strangest experiences watching CSI.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Me too, I screamed, and was then embarassed, because an elderly couple lives next door, and I was thinking they were hearing me, and maybe something was way wrong, but they never said anything :lol:

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey SA KATE 937, I want your shirt, will you be selling some? While Grissom was talking in WTG, I was like mom, Sara is going to come out and she was like no it is going to be Catherine, then when we saw the legs I was like that is totally Sara, she said whatever. Then it turned out to be Sara and I got up and I was like OH MY GOSH, did that just happen? I was so loud, I woke up the entire neighborhood. Then I told my mom I told you so and then I got in trouble but she let me rewind the entire scene, so I stayed up the entire night rewatching the scene over and over again. Then during Living Doll, I was screaming at the TV and my cousins were there, I was so embarassed because they had never seen me like that, I was crying and I was mad, but then I was sad and happy. I am going to sit in front of the TV during the premiere of season 88 and rock back and forth, but I am sure that in the end Grissom will ride on a white horse and he will save Sara, at least that is what she will see. They might even try to make it another TBC.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Yeah, I'll admit I screamed when I saw Sara at the end of WTG. But that's really the only time I've ever been loud about a GSR scene :lol: I did cry when I was alone thinking about LD haha. Oh gosh what GSR can do.

And.. GRR.. I'd so watch all the episodes with GSR in them, cause I'm totally going through WITHDRAWLS but my STUPID DVD player is broken with my CSI SEASON SIX DVD ONE in it!! Very angry, and I can't fix it.. Honestly, my mom was bugging me about it all night and I was beginning to yell at her telling her, "Seriously, if you're going to talk bad about CSI right now, I'm not in for it. Unless you can get my DVD out of there, UNSCRATCHED.. I want to see Grissom and Sara on the bed!" and she's like, "You've seen it like a million times."

Parents just don't understand.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I know how you feel GSRLOVE, my parents don't understand my obssession. It is very hard because they do not understand what I am going through, but you guys do.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

but my STUPID DVD player is broken with my CSI SEASON SIX DVD ONE in it!!
You Know You're Addicted to GSR When: the random DVD that gets stuck in the DVD player (every single time!) out of all the DVD's that you own - is CSI. With a big GSR episode on it.

Yes, this has happened to me. Twice. So I learned to get out my screw driver and pop the top off. xD I've broken two DVD players, but my CSI collection is still intact. lol.

As for screaming at CSI? Well, I bit my lip so hard during WtG that I think I drew blood. But I didn't scream. I didn't need the cops banging at my door ruining my celebration. I'm also an apartment dweller.

Besides, I wasn't breathing. You can't scream when you can't even get air into your lungs. Seriously... I'm 100% sure that I didn't take one breath from the time Grissom started talking to when Sara finished.

And then I was like... omg. o.m.g. OMG! And called people. lol. I feel sorry for my friends.

I have uh... squeed at a tone so high I'm sure only my neighbors dog heard me. But quietly. And into a pillow.

Speaking of high pitched sounds - Is it wierd that I can hear our lights going out? Like if the bulb is dying? It emmits this high pitched frequency for about 10 minutes before it goes out. Almost drives me batty. And nobody else can even here it.

Anyway... Long Live GSR.
Go team SO!
GSR rocks my... wow. My socks are just plain old Hanes today. White. *sigh*

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Holy crap. I was like and . Then, like Billy said "People will say "Did-did THAT just happen?" And I seriously said "DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!" My jaw dropped, my heart raced, and I was speechless. Seriously. I'm in an apartment and I SCREAMED, and my mom yelled at me to shut up. . So I screamed into a pillow.
I was in my kitchen watching my 9 inch LCD screen TV, so I was leaning against the kitchen counter with my eyes glued to the TV, because I knew something was going to happen. And then Grissom was rambling and Sara walked out, and if I hadn't been leaning on the counter, I'd be dead right now. Seriously, I was very lightheaded. And I was speechless.

How do you find the words? It was GSR in the freaking bedroom for crying out loud! And I was in my kitchen. So instead of screaming, I celebrated with some ice cream. :)

A week later I was lurking in this thread.

Speaking of high pitched sounds - Is it wierd that I can hear our lights going out? Like if the bulb is dying? It emmits this high pitched frequency for about 10 minutes before it goes out. Almost drives me batty. And nobody else can even here it.
I can smell rain before it rains. But I think everyone can do that.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Parents just don't understand.

No they don't. Not one little bit. Right now I'm on vacation with them. It's the first time we've been around each other so much since I went off to college a couple of years ago. They truly think I'm nuts with all GSR obsession. I overheard my dad tell my mom "I told you college turns them funny". haha.

I did cry when I was alone thinking about LD haha. Oh gosh what GSR can do.

I came close to crying, but did not. I can promise you that if Sara dies when S8 starts I will lose it. I will completely and utterly lose it. I will be a crying mess. And I won't even have a box of tissues just in case, because I'm Stupidly Optimistic.

Ok so I'm on vacation and there is a butterfly farm up the road from our place. I might just wonder on over there today. And speaking of butterflies, have ya'll ever noticed how many butterflies there are just scattered around the different CSI epi's? I can't remember them all but just out of the one's I watched yesterday, they had one in "Abra Cadaver" (technically a moth) and "The Execution of Catherine Willows" (when Grissom walks into the room of the girl with the drunken father- there are 2 on her bulletin board). These were both before "Butterflied" but still...

Can you tell I'm having CSI/GSR withdraws?
I'm seriously thinking about going to Chicago to the CSI exhibit before I go back off to school this fall. whoo hoo

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

wings23 said:
Whoa there should definately be a GSR magazine! Okay that probably would never happen, but there really should be a CSI magazine because a couple of pages in TV Guide every now and then just aren't cutting it.

I know! An online magazine! Mwahaha! :) :) All about the lovely-ness of GSR!

Grissom and Sara are holding hands behind their backs!

I guess we'll never know, but it does kinda look like it. How great is that?

Nice shirt by the way SA_Kate_937

This is what my lack of new CSI info has brought me to, elaborate conclusions about one small scene! This is another of those, you know you're obsessed moments...

Thank you, I love the shirt. Wore it today, but it was sooo cold that I just huddled in my jersey.. Luckily, No School Tomorrow to keep us safe from the violent strikers as even non-government employees strike aswell! Yarr!

sidlewannabee said:
Hey SA KATE 937, I want your shirt, will you be selling some?

Um... no. Because shipping costs an arm and a leg and I'm selfish. If you want the pics that I put on said T-shirt, I can give them to you, and you can get your own printed. :) :) *is amazed the power her t-shirt has* :D :D Thanks for the comp though. :p

When I first watched the Bedroom scene, it was not on my actual TV and not part of the actual episode... I watched it on At my birthday party, when my and my one GSR/CSI obsessive friend decided to download the infamous clip. We were jumping up and down like mad people waiting for it and when it eventualy downloaded, we watched it and then screamed!

We scared everyone else there! And we started jumping up and down in our seats, repeating, "OMG, OMG, OMG..." It was insane! It was a You know you're obsessed with GSR when... moment... :p :)

I still can't wait to find out what happens to Sara. How do you think that episode will play?

Will Sara be safe and sound miraciously at the beginning of the episode, with only hints to how she survived?
Will they spend the entire episode finding her and rescuing her?
Will they find her at the beginning of the episode and then have other cases interfering later on?
Or will it be a mixture of all of the above?

Make your choice.... :devil:

I personally have no idea! I'm worried that it is going to be the first one for reasons that all the other seasons have started a few months after the end of the last season! AH! *is scared at thought*

Kate. =) :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Darn :(, I wanted the shirt. Oh well. Can I have the pictures SA KATE 937? I will find a way to make my Save Sara t-shirt.

I hope the episode will be the 2nd choice, they need to spend THE ENTITRE EPISODE finding her and rescuing her. In the 6th season finale, when there was a TO BE CONTINUED with Brass, they started up exactly where they left off with the paramedics rolling him into the hospital. We can only hope they will do the same for Sara. I think I will cry during the episode wether it be for joy or sorrow. I am pretty sure I will cry for joy though because there is no IF SARA lives, it is WHEN SARA lives.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

SA_Kate_937 said:
wings23 said:
Whoa there should definately be a GSR magazine! Okay that probably would never happen, but there really should be a CSI magazine because a couple of pages in TV Guide every now and then just aren't cutting it.

I know! An online magazine! Mwahaha! :) :) All about the lovely-ness of GSR!

Seriously I would so do that if there weren't copyright laws. That would be such a wonderful way to be entertained this summer AND to spread the GSR goodness to all the ANTI's and company. Bleh laws are over-rated.

I think they'll find Sara somewhere towards the end of the epi. I don't think they're done with Natalie so I'll be interested to see how they use her character now that she's in custody. With most shows I'd be worried that this could turn soapy, but with CSI I'm worried that it would be just the opposite, that Grissom and Sara's interactions and emotions will be toned down too much. This episode will be about finding Sara- they don't need to worry too much about keeping GSR on the back burner here.

there is no IF SARA lives, it is WHEN SARA lives.

That is such a perfect attitude. I have got to stop saying if- I'm on Team SO for crying out loud!
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