Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

BUMMER, sorry, just like the 'FAKE SIGNS' in Vegas, it cracks me up, all bogus! they can't use the real CASINO/HOTEL logo, because of the same reason :eek:

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Desert! What's that huge-mongus white building, kinda looks like it's off strip by a block or two? Probably the largest white sided hotel in Vegas? :) I'd research it but that would mean work. And I just got home from work. lol!

I know you guys already have, but I've just started watching S6 in order picking out all the possible GSR goodies and hints of the relationship. I liked Sara's look after Cath was talking about it being a bad idea to date someone you work with. Never would've picked up on that otherwise. ::Taps fingers:: Hmm. So how is everyone?! No spoilers yet huh? Shouldn't they be busily writing by now? lol, ok I'll stop by laters. ::Runs away, arms flailing::
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I think it's WYNN/LAS VEGAS, it replaced the old SANDS or it could be the BELLAGIO, where Billy has been spotted having dinner! [there close in proximity] or MANDALAY BAY ;) I can't tell, I hardly ever go down there, the traffic is horrible, only when family or friends come to town, I live in N.LV about 20 miles from the STRIP, under the mountains ;)here's a Las Vegas site, for you to check out ALL the Casinos/Hotels ;)

MORE WYNN Steve Wynn is a flthy rich billionaire :mad:



Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I need to go to Vegas! Thanks Desert!

I just stumbled upon a CSI Soundtrack from 2002. That was funny after seeing someone suggesting it here. They need one for this season though, lot of good tunes in S7. CSI: Miami has one too. Yeah I'm ordering Cold Burn, can't wait for that, lol! People are going to call the insane asylum on me for my obsessive behavior. Meh, as long as they give me pens and paper I could still write lovely GSR filled fics. Alright, back to lurking..
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Your welcome Herz come on down ;)crazy town :eek: and this just was in my new TV Guide~~


Thanks for the wonderful cover of CSI's Grissom and Sara [5-28] If I needed a push to subscribe, that was it! I screamed when I saw it at the grocery store!
name withheld.. Sam Mateo, Calif.

JORJA, HOLDING TV GUIDE does this look like someone who's leaving?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

So...I'm watching the Tony awards. I screamed "KEPPLER!" when Liev came on. It's like a CSI reunion tonight! And when Jay Johnson won an award, all I kept thinking about was that damn doll and that creepy song. ::shudders::

I was really looking forward to seeing Billy tonight, but I guess he had other plans. :( Marg is gonna be on though. Should be good.

Wow, no GSR in this post.

GSR rocks my socks.
I want a sexy Season 8 GSR romance! :D
GSR needs a spin-off...all on its own...just imagine...:devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

A GSR magazine would be great BURNEDTOAST. We should make one. I'm sure I could scrape up some money to order it. Hey SARASIDLERULES8, that is my favorite scene from Blood Drops too. I like how Sara makes a joke. It shows that she has a sense of humor. I love your icon DESERTWIND. Oh, and I love your pictures too. I made a button or a pin this weekend and it has a picture of Sara and it says Save Sara Sidle. I am going to wear it all summer and I am going to put it on my backpack for school next year :D. GSRLIZ, I am going to read your fanfic. I love reading fanfic. I am going to go watch Rashomama now :D. Bye.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

AH! I hate school! And my none CSI friends! They all have to be sooo negative!

Ahem, anyways, I'm happy because although we usually have to wear uniforms to school, we are now allowed to wear civvies because all the government workers (teachers, nurses, etc) are striking and targeting schools and children in them. For the safety of the kids, the staff of our school decided that it was going to be civvies (civlian clothes... I think :p) until the strike is over! Yay!

And I am determined to wear my CSI shirt tomorrow! Even though it shall only make sense to me..... And whoever I explain it to. :) Here are pics of said shirt:
Front of Sara/GSR shirt
Back of Sara/GSR shirt

People in the UK (or DVD Region 2, like moi) have always only had Grissom and Catherine on the front... And it is most likely to stay that way... Grr...

Damn them anti's! They shall not slander our ship just because they have no taste and cannot se the beauty and love of GSR! I haven't talked about GSR at school yet... I just have problems with people who think Horatio is better than Grissom (ahem, no! Grissom wins... hands down!)

My friends who do watch CSI with me, are all pro-GSR! My friend and I were watching, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (6x13) the other day. And when we got to the scene where Sara says,

Hodges, didn't you know that grey hair can actually be quite attractive.

I paused the recording (as I had watched this without her before) and made her focus... We then watched that specific scene 20 times over! In slow-mo (I love PVR/Tivo) and in normal motion and... in slow-slow mo. And we can to a conclusion!

Grissom and Sara are holding hands behind their backs!

And we officially came up with our own theory of where-abouts GSR started.... Yes, I know this theory may be ludicrious (sp?) and not make sense in how they play their relationship at work... But, come on, you gotta let a fangirl dream, can't you? :) :) :D They could have hid their hands beneath their clothes, and the way that pulled away from eachother... was definately indecitive (sp?) of them holding hands... I've had experience when it comes to these things and watching other couples!

If you have no idea what I'm talking bout, go find the clip on! Please.. it's soo sweet! I also love the scene where Lois makes Grissom get that scared look on his face as she tries to get out of the both! :) :D It was soo classic!


csi_love said:
How are we going to talk about GSR all summer when Sara's all stuck under a car? :(

We can be obsessive about past episodes and scenes and disect them to pieces! mwahahaha! Or be obsessive about how much sexual tension there was between Grissom and Sara in earlier seasons (Tape Me Up scene. OMG! I watched it again... Sexual tension was rife there...)

I don't think that the fact she doesn't have a driver's license has anything to do with it. Maybwe she got a friend to help her and said friend will suddenly show up and spill where Sara is?!?!?! Go team SO!

They cannot kill Sara, even if they do do it well. Lose of fans, they can't just fire her and Jorja wouldn't leave. Grissom would then have to sink into a depression, as would the rest of the team as it would be OC without it. And... I just love Sara tooo much to let them kill her, they cant kill Sara! No! Why did you Angst Whores make me suddenly realise that Sara could die! Why?!?! *goes to cry in corner because she cannot live without her GSR and Sara Sidle*

I want to stay Spoiler Free for S8... Not gunna last that long though...... :) :)

<b><i>desertwind said:</i></b>
Here's one going waaaay back to S/1,'BLOOD DROPS' and how in tune they were even then
<img src="">

G & S have always been intune... They were meant for eachother....

I am all for visiting Vegas just because CSI and GSR are set there! And because I now have an obsession with the city. *rubs hands evilly* ;) :p

Jorja does not look like she is/wants to leave! Jorja will be staying!

You know you're obsessed with GSR/CSI when.. you receive an email forwarded from a friend from someone called Erin O'Neil and almost jump out of your skin because you though it said Ernie Dell. And he is supposed to be dead.
GSR is my obsession.
GSR shall live forever in my heart.
I write too much and I would spend my life savings on a GSR/CSI mag!

... Kate. :p

Edit- Did I just say Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? I meant Bye Bye... Watched a movie called Kiss Kiss Bang Bang though...
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Whoa there should definately be a GSR magazine! Okay that probably would never happen, but there really should be a CSI magazine because a couple of pages in TV Guide every now and then just aren't cutting it.

Grissom and Sara are holding hands behind their backs!

I guess we'll never know, but it does kinda look like it. How great is that?

Nice shirt by the way SA_Kate_937

I watched "Play with Fire" last night. I haven't seen it in forever, *sniff* the last scene always makes me sad.
But GSR is canon now so I was happy again until I remembered Sara was stuck under car.

I don't think that the fact she doesn't have a driver's license has anything to do with it.

Probably not, but I was just questioning whether or not Natalie actually knows how to drive. Or if she has a car. Now that I think about it she probably does know how to drive- I guess I was just doubting because I can't see her sitting down in driver's ed, but I guess Ernie Dell could have taught her, and of course she could steal a car. And a tow truck.

I know we've all had our theories about how long Grissom and Sara were together before the WTG reveal, but I would really like for the season opener to include someone telling exactly how long they've been together. I've been rewatching all the seasons, and all during season 6, I'll see a GSR scene and I'm like- ok are they together at this point? I hate guessing games.

Ok I'm going back to the beach. Go Team SO!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

hee hee I'm watching Invisible Evidence as we (I) speak (type). I'm watching it with my cousin and he just doesn't understand
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

A GSR mag. would be awesome, at least a CSI mag. you'd think by now, someone whold have come up with one :eek: maybe we should start one :D and nice T-Shirt shots ;)and in "NESTING DOLLS" this is when I think, and after the intense reveal, she told him, and after the hand-holding, I think they took it.. to the bedroom, and when Ickly Ecklie said "what are you going to do about her" he goes "I've taken care of it"
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I LOVE "Nesting Dolls"! Sara is just awsome in that epi- the way she doesn't take any crap off Ecklie is great! The girl has got spunk and I like that. And somehow people still debate over whether or not she's a main character. How is she not a main character??? I seriously DO NOT get that!

Anyway- I never thought about Grissom and Sara getting together in S5. Hmmm that would make sense though. There was supposed to be that hotel scene in "Gum Drops" 6x05 so it would make more sense for them to get together in S5. I'd just love to know for sure.

!*Go Team SO!*!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Sound like Jorja is staying after all. I didn't get the tv guide for June something through June 18. I hope she staying. They did that before, first Nick, second Brass and now Sara and Who next. Warrick, Grissom, Greg or Catherine.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

wings23 said:
I LOVE "Nesting Dolls"! Sara is just awsome in that epi- the way she doesn't take any crap off Ecklie is great! The girl has got spunk and I like that. And somehow people still debate over whether or not she's a main character. How is she not a main character??? I seriously DO NOT get that!

Anyway- I never thought about Grissom and Sara getting together in S5. Hmmm that would make sense though. There was supposed to be that hotel scene in "Gum Drops" 6x05 so it would make more sense for them to get together in S5. I'd just love to know for sure.

!*Go Team SO!*!

Hey wings welcome. glad you here. everyone's got their own interpretation of when they "consumated their love" :eek: this just made sense to me, & I loved her comments to bad-ass Ecklie, on apologizing to Cath "no I'm not" :D and how Gris stuck up for her! "I'm not firing her"! their so in tune, and so connected, such harmony, in every way, it just took him a bit longer than it did her, she hung in there, through thick and thin, and she got him

Here's a fans version of what Sara's apt look's like it's cute, a minature again :eek:


Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I still think they were together before Committed :D

I am so spoiler free for Season 8.. All for GSR. I haven't looked or even tried looking for spoilers at all. Well once, but I forgot I was being spoiler free lol. But yes, I'm totally on the SF CREW! :D All Hail GSR.

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