Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I voted for the 1st one "he HAS NO romantic interest in what's-her-face", she's a friend, well that leaves lots to the imagination.. friendship is a two way street, what's LH ever done for him? and the 2nd one, "he loves her, and the only one he's ever loved"


And how was Europe sarah? glad you and your polls are back ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

TGTBTD: The second choice.. I'm a GSR freak, what can I say?

Finale: Other. 'Nuff said. Ok, not 'nuff said? I'm still mixed about what I thought. The day after I was fuming mad, but after a week now, I love the ep as a whole. I've watched it about 12 times now and I still can't get over batsh!t Grissom at the end. That was hawt! Of course I wish there was more Sara for obvious reasons.

S8 titles.. Pure speculation:

"Hard Evidence" --Geology finally playing a role in CSI?!?! The models DID show sandstone layering and darker erratic boulders on the surface. GSR rocks my rocks baby WOOT WOOT! ::Sorry, the Geologist in me wanted to play...::

"Aftermath" --Sara's safe ::Team SO::, but now there's Ecklie and office politics to deal with?

"Epiphany" --Grissom finally has one and tells her he loves her....

"High Roller" --The first GSR-free episode of the season ;P ::Only because I can't think of a connection between GSR and the title:: :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Good one Herz so chew on this theory.. If in fact Jorja was leaving, why is she hanging out in Chicago, with her cast mates? if one was fired or quit, you wouldn't be going and appearing with your ex co-workers, who'd do that :eek: at some exibit, why?.. this is a ratings ploy, do have the whole world tune in to see what happened.. they all know, and are so smug/ even George said "There's only one Jorja" hint-hint clue-clue... and she's smiling, :D and would she fly all the way to Chicago, if she's leaving I don't think so, :( what's cool on that video, is Robert [Doc] says he left early and went back to his hotel, but they all were "partying" how cool is that :D I'm positive that she's signed on for S/8.. how dense/dumb do they think hardcore fans are?

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight your theories. I hope they come true...::Team SO:: ::crosses fingers::

And desert,yeah, that only makes sense.

Guess what I saw today? I went to Busch Gardens and guess what I saw in the parking lot? Yeah. That's right. A RED MUSTANG WITH RACING STRIPES. ::shudders:: Definately pulled a Natalie and freaked out. My boyfriend was panicing and going "What's wrong?! What's the matter?!" All I could say was "Red Mustang! Sara!" I swear I'm dramatized. :lol: Oh...and guess what I bought my dad there? Teh hat. It took everything in me NOT to groan, but he loved Grissom's hat so much he wanted one. So I was being a good daughter. :D

And for the poll I totally picked other for both because I wanted MORE Sara and I wanted a bigger reveal...and LORD, less LH and more GSR. :rolleyes:

Alright, ladies. Nighty night.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Busch Gardens? Which one? I live near the one in Tampa.... :lol: but I woulda been spooked if I saw a mustang like that. I woulda ran the other direction. :eek:

I got the TV Guide magazine today and fell in love with it. Grissom and Sara will be hanging on my wall soon, no doubt about that one! :D

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Well put Desert. I wonder if TPTB will announce it or let us dwell until at least the new spoilers come out/ the first ep for the SF. To the 'hardcore' fan, especially of this ship, this is all a ploy, and we can decipher as much, but to the remaining 'average-joe' fan? God only knows what they're thinking. I've already brain washed everyone I work with into at least partially shipping GSR so they're in the same boat as me (maybe not my freight liner..more like a rubber dingy..) and they have most the same opinions so I'm no help.

Alright, I'm off to find Geological maps of LV and surrounding areas :rolleyes: ....For erhm... A trip! Yeah! For a trip I'm planning. Yeah! I love sandstone.. And uh..desert pavement.... ::backs away slowly:: :cool:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Ok, I have gotten over the five million things I had to hand in this week, I have given up on studying for exams (Ah! They're next week! *faints*), and since I am finally coming to terms with the season finale... I can come talk to y'all.

Anyways, I voted the first one on both. Because I look at CSI as a whole, not just to use GSR-obsessed fans. They did what they could to keep both us (said GSR-obsessives) and Average-Joe/Other Shippers happy. All-in-all, great two episodes. :)

Herz, are you feeling okay? ;) Nah, just kidding. I know how you feel! I want to find Sara! I tried to explain this to my best guy friend the other day and why I was freaking out. He just patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's ok." with a strange look on his face as though I was mad...

Wait, maybe I am mad... Ah! Oh well, not much different to the normal. I watched PotC 3 yesterday, and boy was it good. Can I just say, Jerry Bruickheimer always seems to produce/direct/what ever else he does the most frustrating love stories! Um, GSR, um, Elisabeth and Will. Grr... I am still pissed off about that. But I'm not going to spoil it for people who haven't seen it yet.

I just hope that the next season is the best ever, and if that is the last season *touch wood*, it will end on a high note and not dwindle out like... X-Files did.

I love GSR, I cannot wait until September (why did it have to be soo far away?!?!). I hope that TPTB do not mess up GSR or CSI in anyway.

And I hope GSR survives this tumultuos time.....

Kate. =) :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Confirmation in a few hours. Wish me luck!

It wasn't just wierd, it was friggin' scary. *sobs*

eggy , that was just plain weird. My weirdest nightmare was about cakes. They jumped up in my face and sufficated me.

Short post. Next seson is going to be a killer. Though I'm slightly worried about the episode titles. Though Aftermath could both be a good or a bad thing.

Go Team SO!

By the way, I cut myself on a bread this morning. Yup. I'm officialy one of the weirdest people in the world. :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Radical618 said:
Busch Gardens? Which one? I live near the one in Tampa.... :lol: but I woulda been spooked if I saw a mustang like that. I woulda ran the other direction. :eek:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

That's the one I went to! I live like 20 minutes away! Good to know I'm not the ONLY GSR lover in T-Town. :lol:

I definately was dramatized. So much so, I wanted to go into a corner and rock back and forth. I told my dad and he says "Was there anyone under it?" :mad: Jerkface. I responded "Yeah. You will be." :lol:

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

chocolate_bunnys said:
no wonder she's so thin.. veggies
Ha, no fair, why dont all us veg.'s look like that? Jorja also has no but, i mean seriously, i am jealous(although i am aware that she is highly-paid actress with personal trainer, and not some person who instead of exercising gets on computer and obsesses about TV shows.:lol:)

exactly!! I'm a vegetarian too and I don't look like that...

And as for the poll...
For TGTBaTD i voted for the "glad to see no romantic sparks, more GSR" option

For LD I voted for the one that was like "the "my dear" was nice, but needed more Sara and Grissom didn't seem that upset"
~ Now obviously I know that Grissom is dying inside, and the scene where he shook Natalie was very OOC for him, but I dunno...I just wanted to see him a little more riled up, but I guess it's just like Grissom to stay cool in a crisis, even if it DOES involve the only person he's ever loved :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

exactly!! I'm a vegetarian too and I don't look like that...
Not fair, all veggies should look as good a jorja!

Dang this thread is so slow durring the summer, especialy with half of out people in depretion from living doll.

Sara is the ONLY person Grissom has ever loved!
Just had to say that, it is so cool!!!

~Adios, Choco-B
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Wait Choco!

I need to be teamed up with Team SO, which isn't really stupid anymore, because from what I can tell, I think she's staying. All the interviews and stuff are just screaming it.

Yay GSR. I havent been to this board in a while. And I voted on the poll, but it was a while ago, so I don't remember what I voted for. Whatever had the most GSR in the option is what I voted for. I'm greedy.

Oh, and my little brother (okay, he's fourteen) watched the finale with me, and he likes to freak me out about it. He sneaks up behind me and starts to sing like the doll (and he's nailed the voice) and I get really creeped out.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Alright, to give me something to do during GSR deprivation, i am going to post some of the lists that look like not may people have any input in:

Outlook for Sara's Life/overall GSR for season 8:

Team Stupidly Optimistic:

Team OMG Sara is going to die !:

Team indifrent:

On Sara's Glasses:

Pro sara-glasses:

Anti sara-glasses:

Bi- sara glasses:

~Choco-B, the list wh*re
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Well, I'm definitely on team Stupidly Optimistic. :rolleyes: C'mon, they can't kill Sara before we get a kiss! However I'm not really feeling stupidly optimistic, because like Shipwrecked said, all of the evidence is pointing towards her staying. :D

For the polls, I put "loved it" for the finale (hey, I'm optimistic) and for tGtBtD, I put the "wanted another GSR scene" option because it just doesn't seem like all of their issues were resolved. Maybe (hopefully) we'll see that in the season premiere.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

And I'm where on your list? :( thank's.~~raises hand ~~ I'm here too! I'll go for the optimist and she's going to live, whithout a doubt! she was at the Chicago Museum Event, all smile :D and like I previously stated, one wouldn't go hang with ex-co-workers, if she'd not signed up for S/8.. that just would be so off the wall!

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