Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Has anyone noticed in the episode "Happenstance" that when Grissom is talking to the husband of one of the twins, he says to his son "Here, come draw a Butterfly"? I never noticed it until I watched last night's episode.. What a cute little shout out to us GSR fans with the lack of Sara in the episode. (Pssst. David Rambo, our GSR GOD co-produced the episode).

Also, Vote for Jorja Fox as "The World's Sexiest Vegetarian" By clicking here!! :p
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Wow world's sexiest vegetarian? I must admit, that was a hard choice, between Jorja, Pink, and Benji Madden :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

THANK'S I voted for her, I'm a hugh fan, and no wonder she's so thin.. veggies ;) and here's a small pic of Grissom bringing her a 'veggie burger' :p "BTK"

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Uh, Yay Grissom and Sara, uh, I hope she's not dead. Thanks.



I think it's been... ages. Hi! I saw your oh so cute kitty icon and got excited. Though, last time that happened it was just Sarah having a case of identity crisis...

*sigh* I haven't been around... Season finale's tend to do this to me. There's only so much romantic speculation one can do. You know?

Especially when one half of your OTP is stuck underneath a car in the middle of nowhere land.

However I did like the positive quote from JF in the interview mentioned on the csifiles page. Yay.


I have to go to bed, I was just dropping in to say that I haven't abandoned ya'll again like I did last summer.

Yay for GSR.
I love GSR.
GSR rocks my pink, yellow, and green striped socks.

Go Tean Stupidly Optimistic!

wOOtwOOtwOOt! :facepalm: I can't believe I just typed that. I'm sorry.

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

*sobs* I had a GSR nightmare. It was horrible, the worst dream ever. I keep having nasty Grissom dreams. The first one was me and G shooting people with a hairdryer, then he gave me the hairdryer and I didn't know how to work it, so I died. The other one was Grissom trying to kill me, oh and he was wearing ladies underwear, and that scared me for some reason in my dream. :rolleyes: It was a dream! Anyway last nights one was the worst, I will tell.

Ok, so it started off with Sara being magically saved by G (Go Team Stupidly Optimistic!) so they celebrated by going on Big Brother. :lol: I repeat: dream.
So Sara got voted off first, the first part of the nightmare, then they were all voted off one by one until just Grissom and Catherine were left. Then, oh it's horrible, Grissom cheated on Sara with Catherine. *shudder*
Even worse it was really graphic, and narrated by that guy from liverpool who usually narrates on the actual show. (Brits will understand what I'm going on about) Get this, it was like narrated as if it was a smut fic, seriously. :eek:
Just when they were getting to the worst part (if you catch my drift) I woke up, and I was SO angry, and I felt really nauseous. :(
I feel violated, I'll never be able to get those images out of my head. :eek:
Not. Nice. :(


I'm going to go and get those images out of my head now...
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

no wonder she's so thin.. veggies
Ha, no fair, why dont all us veg.'s look like that? Jorja also has no but, i mean seriously, i am jealous(although i am aware that she is highly-paid actress with personal trainer, and not some person who instead of exercising gets on computer and obsesses about TV shows.:lol:)

GSR rocks my pink, yellow, and green striped socks.
what is it with you and your socks? last time in was kitty socks , i think. lol.

I'm going to go and get those images out of my head now...

Wow, what have you been drinking?

Ow, there is something wrong with my foot, it hurts and now i am limping through te house like an idiot.

Ummm. There isn't much GSR in this post, but it is summer give us some slack, 1/2 of us have gone into some strange depression and don't want to talk about the finale and the other 1/2 are stupidly optimistic and having weird dreams*cough*egg*cough*.

Yay, my mom agreed to let me see PotC 3 tomorrow!
That had nothing yo do with GSR.

~Vegetarianism is love, Choco-B
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

As I'm pretty sure I told you guys, I was in Europe for the LH episode and the finale, so obviously I didn't do any morning after polls. So here they are, definitely late, but oh well.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

For tGtBatD. I voted Other. Because I didn't like the way they left GSR, but I loved LH(LH rocks my pink and brown argyle socks!), I didn't like how the angst was one scene, I am and Angst wh*re! I want angst!
For living doll:
I am stupidly optimistic! Sara is the only person he EVER loved!!! How can you not love that, regardless of Sara trapped under a car.
~Vegetarianism is love, Choco-B
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Just saw the titles for the first four S8 eps on Hard Evidence; Aftermath; Epiphany; High Roller. If you're an optimist like me you can figure they all can be GSR. Maybe on High Roller G & S will ride a roller coaster together.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

seattlecsifan said:
Just saw the titles for the first four S8 eps on Hard Evidence; Aftermath; Epiphany; High Roller. If you're an optimist like me you can figure they all can be GSR. Maybe on High Roller G & S will ride a roller coaster together.

I am all for Stupidly Optomistic...but I DON'T like those first few titles...kinda scare me a little. Aftermath? Hmmm..scary. Epiphany? Yeah....even worse.

:( :(

::jumps into unbreakable GSR bubble:: SARA WILL NOT DIE....SARA WILL NOT DIE...SARA WILL NOT DIE...::hides in corner and rocks back and forth::
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

interesting titles.....weird that they came out so early :rolleyes:....but maybe not..... SARA CAN'T DIE :mad:!!! yeah

i am also all for stupidly optimistic....any small sign shes staying..... good for me... :)

"Aftermath" could be a good thing or a bad thing.... like the final scene in the premiere like...sara being saved...then the first scene in aftermath in like the hospital...yeah thats my optimisticness for ya :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Ah, don't tell me I have to start going through Spoiler Counselling so soon, with new spoilers already coming out!! :lol:

For the poll, I voted Number One in TGTBTD.. I missed the GSR angst, and Grissom clearly does NOT have any feelings for LH..

The finale, I choose Number Two.. I think it could've been a meatier scene, and we needed some more GSR. :p
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

in the poll i voted "other" about TGTBATD. simply b/c i agree with the first sentence of the first answer (in other words, i LOVED that angst) but i think Grissom still feels something for LH. i'm not saying he loves her, cuz it's been cleared that he doesn't, but he cares about her and has more feelings for her than for any other woman he'd met except Sara. like Billy said, he has feelings for them both and is quite lost in it.

did i tell y'all that i love those two ships? no? well, now y'all know. they're awesome.

about the second poll i picked the first answer b/c it's a morning after poll, not a minute after. i was very pissed at 21.01, very. i knew that the whole episode was amazing, it's just that we were left with a cliffhanger that pissed me off. but when i woke up the next day, i knew i will rewatch that episode many times.

yeah, yeah, i came back from my camp. it was awesome, except that some "friends of my friends" slept in our house in the woods cuz it rained and well, i was woken up every 5 minutes. so i didn't sleep at all really. but i was again the "mommy" of all drunk kids there taking care of them. cuz i wasn't THAT drunk. i'm a nice girl, yo. lol

i feel like seriously watching some old eps. i think i'm gonna get some from my favorite season. and everybody here knows that my fave is S3, right?

i don't know why but i just loooove S3. i know we have lots of GSR angst, Hank, LH and all that around our Geeks but ... i just love that season. maybe it's b/c i like the way Billy looked in those eps.

i'm such a moron. alright, see y'all.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

^^ Speaking of old eps. with some lovely GSR angst.. I watched "Blood Lust" last night. You know, the infamous "I need you," "I have you" and "Grissom?" :lol: Catherine totally knew Sara had a thing for Grissom. (Psst. He had a date, and even though Hank and Sara were going out.. Gris and Sara totally went out together :lol:)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I voted for the second one and the second one. :) Because...well the second ones say why. :rolleyes:

having weird dreams*cough*egg*cough*.
It wasn't just wierd, it was friggin' scary. *sobs*

Maybe on High Roller G & S will ride a roller coaster together.
:eek: Yeah! and they're gonna ride it together, and they'll puke up on each other, and everything will be totally awesome dude!



Also I know I'm not the only one thinking what I'm thinking about the first ep title, am I? Don't deny it. ;)

yeah, yeah, i came back from my camp. it was awesome, except that some "friends of my friends" slept in our house in the woods cuz it rained and well, i was woken up every 5 minutes. so i didn't sleep at all really. but i was again the "mommy" of all drunk kids there taking care of them. cuz i wasn't THAT drunk. i'm a nice girl, yo. lol
Don't listen to her. She's still drunk. :lol: *whistles* You're trip sounds kind of Blair Witch, btw. :eek:

So, yeah...

Sara's not gonna die. :D <<Have I ever mentioned how much I love that smily?
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