Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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oh my i thought that was correct and i slipped into my deep dark depression. i came out lol since it is false. I think she'll be back! :) :(

Sorry Adzix ^^ i had to do it. JK tho!

GSR is Love.
I'm glad I don't believe everything what ariticle or Michael Austillo said about Sara being killed off at the end of the show. I don't want Sara get killed off, if they do killed her off. There is no GSR, :( You might way to killled off Grissom, he cannot handle Sara gone. He need her in the lab and he need her with him. The dog that going to be on CSI on Thursday night. That's Billy's dog. I thought that was Jorja's dog. She does bring her animal with her, so it Billy and George Eads. Please, let me know if they are killed Sara off. I will put my name on Jorja's petition to get her to stay.

I didn't bash our GSR. I love them together. Long live GSR forever. I still love Snickers.
NicknGrissom please, PLEASE change your spoiler subject. Put it to something like "Jorja Fox" or the like.
Hah, so Mystery said it was BS. And I do agree, cause it's from Star magazine. I doubt Jorja wants to leave like that, and I don't think William Petersen would want her character to die anyway. But worst case scenario is that we get a kiss before the end of the season. If that's the worst... Um...oh yeah, so we know fo sho that the promo is Leapin Lizards, which rocks. And I had a question. Is there a certain number of posts you must have to view spoilers at YTDAW now? Because I heard that recently, and I don't post alot there, so I wouldn't know.

Um, I think we should make spoiler titles as general as possible or just name the season/episode it might relate to, for the spoiler free folks.

And no more smilies for Adz. :)
I have to admantly disagree with the description of LH, I don't think she's more striking or prettier than Sara. on the contrary..different.. she's a "lady of the night' to keep it nice! take off the tons of make-up.. the bright red lipstick,the false eyelashes and dyed hair and what have you got.. she is exotic, no doubt. but Sara is a natural beauty.. natural hair.. and minimum makeup.. her beautiful brown eyes. her gorgeous cheekbones, and her sensuous lips.. to me, she's got it all

I fix it. I don't know what coming over of me. I saw my mistakes, sorry about that, Mod.

I won't do it again.
NicknGrissom you need to change the spoiler title. That's where you wrote
Jorja Fox said about her character being killed off.
Does that make sense? The spoiler is in the title, which kind of defeats the object of the spoiler box. :rolleyes:
butterflylove206 said:
is that why all this fanfic keeps poping up about G&S having a dog? *sighs realizing shes not crazy* I'm so glad that appears to be the letter! I wonder why he didn't give it to her before? and why now? If you want to say somthing about what I just said put 'butterfly can read' please

Just to make your day brighter (I hope ya like this) The dog first appeared in a youtube promo. promo-spoiler free don't click... And I think all this stuff is happening in Leaping Lizards, but I'm still not sure...

Desert, um, if that's a promo pic, i'd take it down, just to be on the safe side ;)
^It's not a promo pic. It's a shot from a behind the scenes at CSI, or something like that. ;) Well I saw it ages ago. Love the bandana. :lol:

Ummm, I love GSR.
<insert something about GSR>


Guys, the mods are gonna probably pop in here. Remember, we should be referring to spoilers by their title of ep, air date, or production number in our spoiler box titles! Keep the unspoiled unspoiled!

And, I really don't have anything to say, but it Adz was just spoiled, my heart has broken. I audibly sighed... I am excited about whether or not Sara dies, obviously, but I think we need to try to keep it under wraps... That one promo picture is simply not enough to hold me over for long, though. I mean, I can't wait til we get the finale promo. I mean, it's out there. So many people are now aware of the Sara factor, that it's going to be crazy to see what happens with the promotional campaign!
I agree with Adzix, this is utterly ridiculous. After being reminded over and over and over about the spoiler rules, people still seem to screw them up. I've been spoiled enough, and didn't think it could get any worse. All these pages with spoiler boxes, why can these subjects not be talked about in SPOILER THREADS? What are they for if threads like these are treated the same. I'm not just talking about spoilers themself, but some people even hint at them. Everyone is aware there are numerous spoiler free people that consistantly post in this thread, but evidently they do not care.

ETA: I don't want to come off as a prick, because I am not upset at all of you, just a chosen few.
*sigh* I'm not sure how many times we need to say this, but the message is not getting through to some of you.

Please make sure that the subject line of your spoiler, ie. the 'SPOILER! about:' part does not contain an actual spoiler or spoiler speculation. Just use the episode name or the word 'finale' or something equally vague so nothing is given away.

Having said that, please do not threaten other posters if they accidentally reveal a spoiler. This has been an issue before and 1CSIMfan has already posted that it's uncalled for. There is always an unfortunate element of risk when frequenting internet forums, and people are human and make mistakes. We appreciate that remaining spoiler free is really important to many of you and we try to keep tabs on this thread as much as possible. We cannot be here 24/7 though, so we really need you to all be as cooperative as possible. Thank you.
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