Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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sara: ohh..and by the way you left those minitures at my place
grissom: yea they've been keeping me awake for ages

I'm not sure where you got this, but this not what they said. Sara tells Grissom (and this is somewhat paraphrased): "By the way, you left the miniatures unlocked." He replies: "Yes, I've been looking at them a lot lately." Has someone monkeyed with dialogue to make it saucier than it actually is? If so, ha!

Hodges is still very much in the dark about GSR. All he could glean from the G/S convo was that he could access the miniatures (and pretend that Grissom had given him the combo to the lock, lending credence to his story that he and Grissom are confidantes).
Apparently this ends the spoiler boxes for me as I know them. Someone pull out the tissues. I'm gonna cry. I said I was going to go spoiler free for the next season, and I meant it. Really really meant it.
now this is the hardest stage Turtle. it's like drying out of a drug addict. but as less and less contact you'll have with it, you'll become more resistant. in the end, you are not even going to want to read them.

once an addict, always an addict (lol), so you need to watch out not to relapse. i'm at the stage where i just don't want to know, and blue boxes do nothing to me.

by the way, something O/T.

anybody ever read a book called We, Children from a Zoo Station? it's the best book about drug addicts that i've ever read. it's freakin awesome, and it's ALL a true story. read it, y'all. seriously. it's terrifying and shocking but also extremely powerful and interesting. there is even a movie based on it. i don't know if you can get it easily everywhere around the world, cuz it's German, but i'm sure there is an English translation.

this post is so GSR-related, it's crazy.

okay. i'm happy there is already a spoilerish mention of S8, which can mean that there will be one. i'm glad.

oh and btw, choc, i want to be in a team no-babies. i can't stand those Sara's-pregnant fics anymore, lol.
sara: ohh..and by the way you left those minitures at my place
grissom: yea they've been keeping me awake for ages
i just rewatched that ep and the conversation went like this:

Sara: (...) Oh, by the way, you left the miniatures unlocked.
Grissom: Yeah, I've been looking at those a lot.
I don't know how spoiler you are so.................................................................................................Natalie is the MCSK who takes Sara.

I would love to see a kiss cuz i think it would be soo cute and plus we have had so many little scenes and i would love to see a big KISS!

I don't think it would mean Sara is dying if they kissed. That is stupid (no offence) if they kissed it would equal death. I would want a kiss cuz it would be just so cute and no death involved.

GSR is Love.
Adzix said:
Desert, I take it you plan to kiss Sarah like that? (Hey, I'm just going by how you worded your post.) Looks like a hell of a kiss; Sara(h)'s a lucky girl.
desertwind, i didn't know you had a crush on our sarah ;) hahahaha *dies*

*sigh* you guys are having an awesome spoiler discussion i see. those are the moments when i kinda regret being s-f. i know how much fun it is to talk behind the boxes now.

i still would prefer a kiss than little moments. let's not forget that GSR is very different from any other relationship on TV and the fact that they kissed does not necessarily have to mean that it reached its peak and now will only face a downhill.

but i trust TPTB in handling it all and truth be told i'd be happy with whatever i'll get.

You girls are all so crazy :lol: I do love you Sarah but not in "that way" and I said I'd like to see them in a big smack-a-roo, like this.. and posted the pic. where did that get mixed up pertaining to sarah? :eek: so meanwhile back at the lab!! From 'TOTS' S/4.. great season!


GSRlover said:
I don't think it would mean Sara is dying if they kissed. That is stupid (no offence) if they kissed it would equal death. I would want a kiss cuz it would be just so cute and no death involved.

GSR is Love.

I can see a GSR kiss as avery passionate and desperate kiss. That desperate kiss would work great if Sara lives in the finale no injuries, so Grissom can take her breath away! :D And then the cute and fluffy kiss would work as a great way to say "She lived but she's injured." Sucks that we don't know her fate yet. But long live the fanfiction which has already given us some ideas. ;)

IE is on. Sweet.

Oh, and I don't really mind what kind of kiss it is, as long as i get to see it. Desperate or fluffy, it doesn't matter. :)
GSRlover try not to have the title in your spoiler box "kiss," that gives the spoiler free people, like myself, the impression that a kiss will happen if you need a spoiler box.
"C'mon" The late, great "Arrested Development."

I remember watching "Turn of the Screws" the first time and marveling of how shippy it was. Oh, how young I was... But, I loved the two of them under the ride together, Grissom's quip about them wanting to be alone, how he let her go first under the ride... I totally missed the line about him looking for a screw. Little did I know what Season 6 and 7 would hold for our Geeks. *sigh*
It Sara is going to died or not? Please tell me she is not going to died. I love Sara, followed by Grissom and Nick. This person in other board said, "She gonna died." And I said to her, she's not gonna died." Can you tell me she is not gonna died, so I can relaxed? If there is no Sara, there is no GSR or Snickers for me.
Okay...seriously? How many people rush home to watch CSI even if it's a repeat? ::raises hand:: My mom and I wanted to go to the mall and I had to wait for "Pin Me Down" on SPIKE before we could go. I kept checking my watch and she goes "Why are we checking our watch?" "Oh...because I wanted to see what time it was..." :lol: I'm such a friggin' liar.

Now I am enjoying my beer and Kettle Corn.

My mom was using bleach in the kitchen and I smelled it. I go "Mom...are you using bleach?" She goes "Yes." It took her a minute to realize what I was talking about, then she laughed and then I went "Now I have to kill you." :lol:

Oooo! 9 O'clock! See ya in an hour! :D
I had a pretty random question. Which episode has the scene that shows the profiles of Sara and Grissom in the sunset?

It's been bugging me all day...
haaaaaaaaaaa i'm so happy I and my friends sent a e-mail for David Rambo and we win a answer !!!!!

"Hello, all!
Thanks for writing to me. I love your message, and I love your excitement about our show. Grissom and Sara are two of my favorites, and I always enjoy writing scenes that tell us more about their relationship in unexpected ways. Can't tell you what's going to happen in the finale, but I can tell you to be sure to watch it.
Thanks again.
David Rambo

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
i'm so happy!!!!!!
Shipwrecked said:
I had a pretty random question. Which episode has the scene that shows the profiles of Sara and Grissom in the sunset?

It's been bugging me all day...

That would be "After The Show" Shipwrecked. :D

And IluvBilly? :eek: :eek: That makes me happy.
That makes me happy because that gives me hope that Sara will actually live...
we ask for a clue, tip about finale.We wrote when we had only CBS spoilers...he don't say anything but give me hopes Sara will be fine. I love RAMBO. He is a great person
SaraSidleRules8 said:
Shipwrecked said:
I had a pretty random question. Which episode has the scene that shows the profiles of Sara and Grissom in the sunset?

It's been bugging me all day...

That would be "After The Show" Shipwrecked. :D

I looove that scene! I don't know why, it was just filmed so great, it gave me the feeling they were kind of having a stand off in a way showing vulnerability to each other. Even though the scene wasn't shippy I just got that from the scene, no idea why. Anyways, I love it.

I'm with all of you guys - I want a GSR kiss the season. It would really make the season spectacular. Season 7 has been so great so far and if they gave one last scene to give me a heart attack, then I'll love TPTB forever. I wanted angst, but now that it's so close to the end of the season I just want electricity.

The kind we'll see from Batshit Grissom, hopefully. Le siiiiigh!

Happy freaking birthday, Turtle!!!!! It's probably tomorrow because Talk seems to do that, but whatever! Happy brithday anyway!


Here ya go!
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