Apparently this ends the spoiler boxes for me as I know them. Someone pull out the tissues. I'm gonna cry. I said I was going to go spoiler free for the next season, and I meant it. Really really meant it.
Which means that I haven't read those two little boxes. And it makes me sad.
Reading the spoilers will not bring me happiness. Reading the spoilers will not bring me happiness..."
Maybe once season 8 gets into full swing and I don't know anything AT all about what you might be talking about this will get easier. [sarcasm] Right. [/sarcasm] What I'm saying is once your only ahead of me by three or four episodes and not an entire season gap, maybe it won't bother me so much. Who am I kidding? By the end of the summer I'm going to be banging my head against a wall and singing about monkeys sitting in a tree.
Anwyays, a fade to black kiss? Would make me scream at my TV. And probably throw things. Full fledge Three Year Old tantrum. It would not be pretty.
You know what would be kinda cool though? Just a... peck. lol. Like when she's leaving for work. Or to get grocerys. I don't know how TPTB could make a full tongue action kiss... work - I mean this is CSI. But a goodmorning kiss when she gets to the lab... or like is leaving the lab.
Admit it, you'd all squee. Because what we do see of these characters lives is the mundane (can you call solving crimes mundane?), and what I mean by that is that just as we think of going to our jobs as something we do over and over and over... so might they. Sure, their mundane is a little more exciting then ours, but really? When was the last time you laid a big fat one on your boyfriend/girlfriend while you were at work? With tongue I mean. lol. This isn't making much sense is it? Sorry.
So unless TPTB decide to break the code and go for an at home scene with the geeks, what could cause them enough, (whats a good word? Emotion maybe?) to kiss with as much passion as we want?
Yes, thats a question directed at everyone.
And boo to S8 spoilers being released already - if they so have... perhaps they're just rumors? Can I read rumors? NO. Bad. All spoiler boxes with anything to do with S8 are BAD.
Like this summer isn't going to be long enough as is. Boo I say!
That is all.