Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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YAY 24 HOURS TIL "LAB RATS." I am excited.

When Sara doesn't call Grissom when she tells him she will, I bet you the cocoon will hatch and Grissom will know something is wrong or be reminded that she hasn't called yet. Just my opinion!

and SaraSidleRules8 -- I was a Rocky and Kimberly shipper! It's totally how it should have been!! just kidding.

I also think no other couple could top GSR with all there intimacy and on the other hand, THEY'RE TOTALLY IN LOVE! I also think that they already say I love you to eachother cuz in WTG he says "say goodbye to the people i love" and she say's "i'm not ready to say goodbye". so i think he probally has said it before, and her to him as well.
also think no other couple could top GSR with all there intimacy and on the other hand, THEY'RE TOTALLY IN LOVE! I also think that they already say I love you to eachother cuz in WTG he says "say goodbye to the people i love" and she say's "i'm not ready to say goodbye". so i think he probally has said it before, and her to him as well.

I agree with you, GSRlover. I'm sure they've already said it to each other "off screen." (Just like I'm sure they have kissed plenty. And done other things plenty.) If I ever hear them drop the "l" word to each other, I'll assume it isn't the first time it's been said. Just like when we see them kiss (and we will see them kiss! we must! right?), we'll assume it isn't their first liplock.

Man, they better kiss before the season ends. Can't take a summer of no kiss. Must have the kiss to obsess over and see in eight million fanvids, etc., etc.
THANK'S Turtle and sweetheart, no need for spoiler boxes on my question..of things that happened in the past! their a bit overused here anyway, just a regular post would have sufficed.. I as well hope they bring this to conclusion.. enough of the waiting, whatever is in that 'cocoon' wants out :D

Thanks for the link NicknGrissom! Much appreciated for the sake of my sanity.

As for ships, I never shipped any other CSI couple before GSR. I am a multishipper, these days, but my primary ship has always been Grissom and Sara. I didn't have a ship at first, because I started watching from the beginning on DVD and couldn't stand Sara at first. Not kidding. But, I quickly warmed to her after a few episodes, and then fell in love with GSR. I loved their flirtatious banter, the way he loved to be in her presence... It was just juicy. Geek Love is my primary ship, and always has been because it's about growth. These two individuals have grown and changed since day one, and they have been able to grow together, to adapt to one another. That's what a real relationship is about. Sure, this is just a television show, but I like when there's a sense of authenticity.
wait, wait, wait. which Clark and Lois? the Dean Cain/Teri Hatcher ones? cuz you know that like a billion people on this thread shipped them too, right? i was totally bananas about them. and i still love Dean *drools*
Yepo, those are the ones. I haven't seen it in absolutely ages, probably 8/10 years? It was a vague memory. I must search the re-run channels, I loved that programme. Dean is gourgeous, totally agree. :devil:
Speaking of the hat, I've been shopping for one that he wore in Shooting Stars, I'm gonna try to pull off wearing it.
I'm lost for words. I. just. love. the. hat. :eek: If you ever get one you have to show us what you look like, it would make my year. :D
I remember feeling pretty shippy
That's the way to put it LadyBox! That was what I wanted to say in my previous post. There you go! Those are the words I was looking for, I did pass my GCSE English, honest. :rolleyes:

Are those bad shivers or good shivers you are experiencing?

Just like I'm sure they have kissed plenty. And done other things plenty they've done it. Does anyone remember there was that phase where everytime anyone said "did it" it was cool to giggle? Just me? Nevermind. Oh I would like to point out that I was 10. ;)
Man, they better kiss before the season ends. Can't take a summer of no kiss. Must have the kiss to obsess over and see in eight million fanvids, etc., etc.
God yeah, plus the awesome icons that we all know that Adz would make. ;)
You're welcome GSRlover and Alyssa. I hope you enjoy it over there. I got it over at IMBT, someone put the link for GSR fans.
My mistake, it IMDb. Where your favorite star does in movies or tv show? You can go there. You put your favorite person's name and take you there and look for IMDb.
mrb Speaking of the hat, I've been shopping for one that he wore in Shooting Stars, I'm gonna try to pull off wearing it.
SSRules That's the hat we're talking about mrb. ::shivers::...

That's okay, Mr. B... just sort of deliberately mention in passing someday all accidental-like that friends tell you you're a WP doppelganger, like, all the time, and you're soooo sick of it... and not only will these fangirls allow you to wear the hat, they'll hunt it down and buy it for you. ;)
I guess it's safe to assume that since Sara will be squished under a car, we can rule out all those pregnancy rumors floating around since season 1? Sorry, I'm just hating the sound of the finale. I'm looking forward to seeing LH!
that was running through my head..they could play off that she was preggo, but lost the child while in shock..or IF and i do say IF TPTB really do decide to kill her off doc rob will be the one to break the news to gris? that would be a heartfelt episode.. ok another box!

ok fellow spoiler whores..discussion time! ive had scenerios running through my head left and right. CSI usually follows the same calendar to real life. if they leave us a TBC with sara pinned beneath a car how are they going to play that off in season 8?? we open to sara in the hospital, gris at her side, and then we grasp at flashbacks to learn how gris got to her? though possible, and very under the CSI umbrella of stunts, id love to see it all unwind in front of my eyes. oo oo, i just had another thought! what if they open S8 like they never left off from S7, play the whole rescue scenerio, then flash forward to see gris at the hospital or at the morgue? ::cringe at the morgue:: hmmmm. ok im leaving before im late to work!

woo! new csi tonight!!! well for me tomorrow night..pssshh stupid work.
The dreaded blue boxes! Must not look. Must. Not. Look. Must think of Billy's beautiful eyes giving me a smoldering gaze of lust.

Ah. I feel much better now. Resolve strengthened. Spoilers avoided.

I am so thrilled for tonight's episode. Although chances of GSR are . . . limited, it is going to be so great to see the lower decks in action. I wonder if any of them might prove better detectors of GSR than the CSIs (who probably have a willful blind spot.) Wouldn't it be funny if one of them picked up on a little something between Grissom and Sara that the CSIs proper missed? I don't mean that the tech needs to make a grand discovery about the complete nature of their relationship or out them or any such thing. Just that one of the techs might notice the flirtiness, stroke his/her chin, and wonder . . .

It won't happen, but it's the only way I can see GSR making an appearance. Although (and I'm not sure if I have to spoiler box this, but I will for those who are not watching promos) . . .

. . . Sara does have that line to Wendy about never knowing what goes on in your office. That's a bit GSR-y. But I'm not sure that's enough to keep people going through grading/midterms!

New CSI in 12 hours! (At least for those of us on Pacific Time.)

And, look, Egg! I've got a spoiler in my post again!
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