Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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I like the theory.. When you look at the promo it looks sort of faded while Sara is looking at the envelope.. However; Grissom's beard is gone (So it can't be from LoG, unless TPTB are really that lame at continuity.) I do like the that theory! :) I kind of hope it is in "real" time though!
Ya sorry for the slang, but I'm not gonna say he looks "hot" in the hat, so I need to come up with some different material. And Baller is a good thing, and yes I do have the hat.
Slang is fine, I've learnt a new word now. :lol: You have the hat? You must, I repeat must take a photo and show us lot. :lol: Maybe put it on the photos thread in misc? Please. :)

I'm loving the flashback theory, it was rather fuzzy wasn't it. I hope it's a flashback, and since they are in a bedroom, on a bed we could even get a kiss! :eek: *prays*

Also, LadyBox your boxes are back in action! :lol:
i'm baaaack, yo. two days earlier than planned, yay.

Ending Happy.

oh. good. lord.

billy was SSSOOOO HAWT in it that i have to concentrate on breathing. i'm not sure if there is anything higher that stage 8 of WPHS, but i certainly developed something even more intense.

in other words, i almost lost consciousness when he was collecting the DNA sample from that lady. also when he was smiling while talking to Brass about the way the vic got the alergy attack was adoooorable. and the first scene near the body was just hawt. he really trimmed up, yo. i love him. certainly this was the playful, sexy, quirky Gris from earlier seasons.

and now GSR. i think what i wanted to say about this scene has been already expressed in here. but did anybody else got the impression that when Sara said "I don't think I make you sad" and grinned at him, it meant that they have amazing sex and that she brought him many times to a very extatic point? ya know, in the way that every smutty fanfic describes it. it was almost like "oh don't tell me our sex makes you sad, cuz i remember last night you where very far from that".

yeah, yeah, i know the whole conversation had a deeper meaning yada yada yada. but my interpretation makes me giggle the most, lol.
ok i died when he said the stuff about the human connection so I can't imagine what Sara's reaction was behind those sunglasses!

did anybody else think the dude with the arrow in the picture of his wife reminded you of Grissom?
Adzix said:
i'm baaaack, yo. two days earlier than planned, yay.
Yay! Welcome back Adz! We missed you!

How did I know you were going to obsess over Billy after EH? :lol: Oh wait...because he hot. :lol:

and now GSR. i think what i wanted to say about this scene has been already expressed in here. but did anybody else got the impression that when Sara said "I don't think I make you sad" and grinned at him, it meant that they have amazing sex and that she brought him many times to a very extatic point? ya know, in the way that every smutty fanfic describes it. it was almost like "oh don't tell me our sex makes you sad, cuz i remember last night you where very far from that".

Oh yeah. TOTALLY. She makes him happy...very happy indeed. :lol: :devil:

On another note...

My dad sucks. Seriously. He came home from picking up my brother from work and he told me "Go walk to the hallway and take a whiff." I was scared. I walked out there and you know what I smelled? guessed it. BLEACH. Jerkface. :mad: I wanted to hit him so hard.
Adz! Welcome back! *hugs* Squeeing over WP's hotness in "Ending Happy" just didn't feel right without you!

LOL at SxS's "GSR Disorder." I guess you could say that this thread is definitely a carrier, hey?

Mr. B, we so need to see a picture of you in the hat. I don't care if you draw it in stick figurines... We'll still get the gist of it!

Butterflylove did anybody else think the dude with the arrow in the picture of his wife reminded you of Grissom?
You mean, the guy whose dead wife's picture got a frakking arrow in the forehead?! GAH! Don't say things like that! I'm on tenterhooks as it is!!

And now for something completely different (seeing as you all just can't shut up over that stupid promo): I wrote this in the debate thread as an argument against the "Grissom is with Sara, therefore he's a yucky unethical doodoo-head" sentiment that I see bandied about so often on the boards (often without any sort of rationale attached, I'll add). It struck me that it might give us food for thought over here, as well. So read, and enjoy:


As for the "unethical" nature of the relationship, I think that depends exactly on how you define what is "right" and what is "wrong" in this context.

For the sake of argument, let's assume that there are, in fact, rules that prohibit the dating of supervisors and subordinates in the Vegas lab, and that these rules are actually enforced (that is, the lab doesn't do what a lot of law enforcement workplaces do and simply turn a blind eye to it because A, they live and work in an environment that encourages extreme closeness between work colleagues, and B, they know that rules governing human relationships almost always fail because when it comes to each other, people are going to do what they want to do - or, heh, who they want to do). That would have to be in place before you'd have any grounds for calling Grissom's behaviour "unethical" - and so far, we don't know that this is the case - but we'll assume that it is, for now.

If I remember correctly, didn't Grissom make the following quote to the priest in "Altar Boys?"

"I believe in God. In science. In Sunday supper. I don't believe in rules that tell me how I should live."
(You can find this conversation at )

This says to me that Grissom, a man who in "Double-Cross" admits that he has some sort of spiritual faith as well as faith in science, nevertheless does not believe in blindly following rules set down by an institution that governs that faith - in this case, the Church.

On top of that, according to the conversation with Catherine given above, he is a man who believes in adhering to the spirit of the policies and procedures of his workplace rather than the letter. This is why he's willing to handle things internally when he believes that it will allow him to keep good people that have learned their lesson, rather than follow these P&Ps strictly and get his people in more trouble than, as he thinks, their behaviour deserves.

Therefore, in light of this, why do people think that Grissom would never, never, never date a woman at work that he's fallen in love with? That he would never date a woman at work casually, I can see. That's precisely what such policies and procedures in the workplace are designed to handle - to erase workplace tension and potential harassment suits due to supervisors and subordinates not being careful enough about making decisions to sleep with each other. Because the majority of workplace liaisons are going to be one-night-stands or casual affairs or marital affairs or relationships that parties have jumped into without really thinking about what they're doing, it's far easier to simply ban such liaisons rather than try to help these people deal with the repercussions of them.

Therefore, the letter of the law is: No relationships under any circumstances. But the letter of the law does not take into account that, sometimes, a supervisor or a subordinate in a workplace might really, really click. They develop a closeness that is not mercurical, groundless, or shallow. They genuinely fall for each other. They're in love. It's genuine, serious, and deep.

Really, there are few among us who are so "ethical" as to throw a relationship that significant away because a workplace rule says that you're not allowed to date them. In that sense, Grissom is as human as the rest of us. Moreover, Grissom is a romantic; we can see that in the fact that he writes love letters with Shakespearian sonnets, in the way that he confesses he doesn't want to have sex if it doesn't come with love. And he has fallen in love with Sara, as he told us last Thursday night. Therefore, putting this together with his beliefs that institutions should not tell people how to live their lives, it makes perfect sense to me that Grissom does not see his relationship with Sara as unethical. If he felt less about her, then it would be. But he doesn't - he loves her deeply, and therefore that trumps manmade rules that portend to govern human relationships and interactions. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Grissom thought that, once he realized that he did love her, that it would in fact be unethical not to pursue it. "This above all: to thine own self be true" is a "rule" of life that I can see Grissom taking very seriously, indeed.

Now if you want to argue that he's handling the situation incorrectly - that he should step down as supervisor, or switch to another shift, or that Sara should switch to another shift, if they really intend to make this relationship work - and that this is where Grissom and Sara are being unethical, then I just might agree with you. I think it's perfectly understandable, mind you, but it's a conclusion whose argument makes sense. However, I strongly suspect the reason they haven't done any of the above is:

---A, the graveyard shift is considered to be the "cream of the crop" of talent (wasn't this reinforced again in "Lab Rats", with Grissom and Robbins snarking on the day shift?), and it would be putting a well-oiled team at a disadvantage to suddenly transfer one of their members out - especially seeing as the two members in question had already been smoothly working together for years (I would argue five) before getting into any sort of relationship.

---B, it's been established several times that between working overtime on the job and going to court and having to eat and sleep, our CSIs have very little time for personal lives. I watched "Harvest" last night - that was the one with the little girl who was basically a organ field for her sick older brother, right? - and Nick was saying that this was the reason he hadn't had time to take his firearms test again. If Grissom and Sara end up on different shifts, exactly when are they going to see each other? They'll be working different cases, working different hours. And while it might be nice to work out a timetable where each one sleeps while the other is working so that they can spend the eight hours off they have in common together, I can tell you from experience that the human body does not work like a well-oiled machine that you can turn on and off with a switch, especially when you work nights. The common complaint that I hear from couples on different shifts is that they never get to see each other. It causes enough difficulty in an established relationship; it'd be disastrous on a new one. Therefore, Grissom and Sara may have decided that they have a better shot at staying together by working the same shift - at least for now.

---C, in the final analysis, this is a television show and Grissom and Sara are fictional characters. Grissom and Sara still work the same shift because the show needs them to work the same shift in order to tell its stories. That said, if TPTB are wise about it, then they will show the fallout from this down the road.

I'm not saying that Grissom and Sara shouldn't face consequences for keeping their relationship a secret. Just because I'm convinced that Grissom does not think he is doing something unethical in the grand scheme of things, and because I'm sympathetic to that point of view (hey, I'm a romantic too), does not mean that Ecklie or the Undersheriff or a few other people in power are going to feel the same way. In fact, the few clues we've been given this season - Grissom and Sara's alarmed look at Ecklie's enigmatic statement in "Built to Kill II", Sara's comment that she hates deception and thinks it eventually comes back on a person in "Redrum" - say quite loudly to me that TPTB do not intend for that aspect of GSR to be swept under the rug. There are consequences to the decisions that we make, especially when they go against the rules of an institution in society - some of the greatest love stories in literature hang upon that fact. I fully believe that, while Grissom and Sara are not doing anything "wrong", they will nevertheless have to pay a price for their relationship. I'm quite looking forward to it. That's what puts the meat into relationship stories.


What do you think? Are Grissom and Sara being unethical - even a little bit? How will the team react? How will the higher-ups react? How do you see the show handling the GSR when they are eventually outed?
Are Grissom and Sara being unethical - even a little bit?
I don't believe they are being unethical. I also, personally, don't disagree with co-workers dating co-workers in the workplace in real life.

How will the team react? How will the higher-ups react?
I thin the team will be shocked, but I do believe Ecklie will have "something" to say about it.

How do you see the show handling the GSR when they are eventually outed?
I don't know about this one. I really will have to wait and see, because I just don't know. They can't make Sara or Grissom go to a different shift, I mean, that would destroy the whole point of the "Night Shift".. Basically wait and see for me.
Wow, MissDee. :eek: You put a LOT of thought into this. Let's see if I can come up with something...

A situation, like this one, jsut recently happened at my job. And it's kind of ironic because the age gap is very similar between these people. Anyway...that's not the point.

Point is...the guy was her boss. I think they kept it quiet for a month or so and then decided(to see if it would work, first.) to bring it out into the open.

Now I work for a major grocery chain. They don't play nice when it comes to things like this. Needless to say, my boss got transferred and she's still there.

This man was very much like Grissom. Very set in his ways and he would go on dates, and be with woman and what not. He wanted to spend his life alone. But then he met this girl. He completely did a 180 around her. Now he wants to get married and have kids and the whole shebang.

What I'm trying to say here is, not matter who you are, no matter how hard you try, you can't deny your feelings and you can't control who you fall in love with.

To a point I see them being unethical. I think they should trust their co-workers(and friends) enough to know that they woun't say anything. They have worked together for 7 years. That's a long time. They all know pretty much everything about eachother. I do think they are being unfair in that aspect-yes.

Well...considering the circumstances involving the finale, this one I'd rather not discuss for the unspoiled.

I really think Ecklie will be accepting of them. I really do. He's become...less-buttwholeish since his first round of Head Supervisor. I think he'll take it well.

I really hope they handle GSR subtly. Like...the cute moments and what not, but not have it a burden on the rest of the team. Like, they shouldn't work cases ALL the time, but mix it up a little. As you said, it still is a crime drama and we don't want this to turn into GA. I mean, they still are very private people, and I'm sure they aren't going to be doing it on the layout room table. (Although, that's really what we all want. :lol:) But it'll be a lot different now that it's out in the open.

Okay, that's my two cents. :D

WOW INDEED MISSDEE the writer/author on this thread :D and again, is this video on YouTube a done deal?. or maybe, or know one knows.. what's the deal on this? and welcome back Adzix you little gad-about ;)

desertwind said:
and again, is this vidoe on YouTube a done deal?. or maybe, or know one knows.. what's the deal on this?

I'm pretty sure it is. I dunno whether it's for LL or TGTBTD....but he gives her the figgin' letter. That's squee worthy enough for me. And they have a dog. ::squee:: No matter when, where or how...I'm gonna die. SERIOUSLY.

Someone commented on my GSR shirt yesterday. She said "Where did you get your shirt?!" and I said "I had it made." And she said "I WANT IT!" I was thinking in my head "Too bad. It's one of a kind and it's mine." :lol:
aww thanks everybody :) Dee i already said it on the EH thread, but i'll say it again, you're amazing.

okay, did anybody else notice a slight similarity of the surroundings and Grissom's position in here and here? the one thing that changed? Geeklove.

i do believe that in eyes of their bosses Grissom and Sara are unethical, but i think that what Dee said explains it perfectly. they are ethical in the full picture, when you take into account all the variables.

about the teams reaction, i can see them being either "i knew it" or "how could i not see it coming?". i think Catherine and Brass (and maybe Nick) will be reacting in the first way, but Greg, Warrick, Sofia and Hodges (if he's ever going to find out) in the latter.

IMO, the relationship won't get outed until the very end of the show and CSI may be ended using GSR storyline somehow. i can't really see this show going on and everybody being aware of GSR.

BUT another interesting thing would be if only one of the characters found out. i can see the show going with only Brass knowing. to be honest i would very much love that. he is pretty close to both Grissom AND Sara (remember the cough drop) and he's a kind of guy who would keep his mouth shut and wouldn't have anything against them being involved. cuz i feel like all the other team members would ache to talk about it with each other so much, that GS could get in trouble if Ecklie found out.

so my money is on only Brass soon finding out.
yea, u brought up a really good point... thats sounds like the way it would go down, but i really want cath to kno!!
I saw ytube over at YDTAW and talking about Grissom and Sara will be exposed soon. Nick said, in a nice way, "I don't think it good idea if you date someone you work with." I hope GSR fan don't get mad at him for saying that. I can understand Nick is saying that, because he don't want the teams to break up again if Ecklie find out about them. He don't want to lose Grissom and Sara

Mod. if you think this is a spoiler. You can put the spoiler box in it. I don't think this is a spoiler.

edited to add spoiler code
Okay seriously...I've watched the EH scene like 5836954 times and I'm not sick of it. It makes me smile everytime.


I freaking love this ship. :D
totally! i effin luvvvv GSR! as much as i love H\Hr! as much as i love yo!bling! as much as i love Fox\ scully!

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