Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Dayum! 26 GSR threads and counting.....What a rush! :devil:

I was like 'awwww' when he wiped the tear from Sara's eyes towards the end of "Empty Eyes" and they walked away together.
Hi i am new here for posting but I always read here for info. I can't say what to say cuz i can't figure out how to use the spoiler box things. so yea hello. Grissom and Sara are the best couple on TV.
chocolate_bunnys said:
Unfortunatly...I dont have the first 5 names.*looks at everbody with BIG eyes*
PLLEEAASE If you know the names of the first 5 treads. Inform me.
Way back in the beginning of Shippers Central (around two years ago, if memory serves) we actually had three threads:

- Winner Angstiest Couple - Grissom/Sara
- GSR Forever!
- Predictions for Grissom and Sara?

Back then, we didn't have a thread cap of 1000 posts either, so they were quite long. Then we had:

- Sara and Grissom #2 - Like a Moth to a Flame
- Sara and Grissom #3 - Pin Me Down
- Sara and Grissom #4--Since I Met You
- (# 5) Sara + Grissom = Crazy or not, here we come.
GSRlover said:
Hi i am new here for posting but I always read here for info. I can't say what to say cuz i can't figure out how to use the spoiler box things. so yea hello. Grissom and Sara are the best couple on TV.

Hey, big welcome GSRlover glad your here, and with all of us, on this exciting couple.. they rule

Wow guys. Definately just woke up an hour ago from the WORST hangover in HISTORY. Yes, Adz, I thought of you. :D. And I said something like, drunkenly, "Jorja would be proud!" :lol:. titles already? Geez...I had some good ones the other day...

I think I'm gonna use one of the movie quotes...

-We feel the need. The need for GSR!
-I'll wipe your tears, to make you see(Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson lyrics)
-We know GSR's "Dirty Little Secret"
-I'll Be Your Secret, If You Can Keep It...

Those are the best I can come up with....
Egg, I totally agree with your reading of that line. If you have a dirty mind, so do I. (There is nothing spoilery about this response, so I have not put it in a spoiler box.)

As for who will find out first? I go back and forth between Catherine and Brass. For seem reason, I feel like Grissom is the one who would spill, and I feel like, if he spilled, he would spill to one of these two.

I guess someone could just sleuth it out, too, but Grissom and Sara do such a good job downplaying their lurve, that I think one of them is going to have to talk in order for their relationship to become common knowledge. And if someone is going to talk, again, my money's on Grissom. I think Sara would rather walk over hot coals than compromise Grissom, while I'm sure Grissom would bank (rightly) on Sara's forgiving his blabbing.

Just a theory. ;)

Now to wax rhapsodic about GSR.

GSR saved CSI for me. I've shipped GSR from the get-go, but by season 6, I was despairing. There were a few times that season that I just didn't watch an episode, because the hermetic closure of the classic procedural was feeling stale, and even forgetful of the promise of past episodes. (How could the events of Butterflied or Committed not precipitate more?) But then, as season 6 drew to close, the GSR returned, the episodes became far more compelling, continuity ratcheted up, and I recommitted to the show. Now I enjoy watching CSI as much as I did at the beginning. My love for the show, which was fading, was totally resurrected. I have loved this season, and it is totally because of GSR and the show's new dedication to continuity and subtly drawn narrative arcs. Some people think that GSR has had a negative effect on the other characters, and even on Grissom, but I feel that the effect has been only positive. I've really loved all the characters on the show this season in a way I haven't loved them for a long time. Greg has been great, Nick has been great, Catherine has redeemed herself in many ways. Heck, I even feel like I might like Lady Heather a little. And that's saying something.

I feel this season has shown the perfect balance of contained episodes and narrative arcs (Greggo's, Grissom and Sara's, the MCSK). It has all of the drama and none of the lame of most other serial dramas. For me, the show is a million times more interesting in its current format than is a standard serial (Grey's Anatomy) or a standard procedural (Law and Order.)

Did I mention how that's all due to the positive effects of GSR? Long live GSR!
I think you mentioned that. But you can say it again. :D Long live the GSR!!! A friend of mine made me a GSR music video. Ain't that sweet? :) It is on YouTube and if you type in 'GSR- Someday' I'm pretty it'll come up. It is by Aussie.
*Oh yeah, please don't sue me. (Watch vid to get point.)
ok sorry I've gone MIA on you, but I'm back now. First up, I was really happy with the episode. I liked that we got back to the whole 'geek-mind-meld' thing (and was it just me or was that hat Sara was wearing the same one from Primum Non Nocere?) Must say that I'm quite proud of TPTB for not screwing this up so far, although I REALLY would like a kiss for the finale but I'm not sure if that might be too much for one season in TPTB's opinion. Who knows.

Oh and I would just like to inform everyone that I am officially de-toxed from spoilers and not even tempted to find out who the MCSK is...ok mabey a little....or alot :)

I don't know if somebody already said this (I've been lazy about reading everything I missed) but how about The Trust Is Intimate? but I'm also liking any dirty-minded twisting of "where do you want me" and all surrounding dialog. The theme music thing still cracks me up too.

*pokes chocolate_bunnys* TOTALLY going to be Catherine who finds out (if she dosen't already know)and it was/will definatly be Gris who spills the pickle jar *laughs at own lame and GSR-obsessed pun*

oh and just something I think is interesting - I remember reading a bunch of places over last summer that this season was going to center alot around how their job effects the CSIs and we've had somthing for just about everybody
-Cath = the whole thing with Built to Kill & Lindsay getting kidnapped
-Grissom = he ran away to Massachusetts for goodness sake!
-Sara = EE/self explanatory
-Greg = his small issue with the James family
-Warrick = his old neighbor
but we don't really have anything for Nick yet this season do we? I don't know if you spoiled already know anything about this yet, but could Nicky be in trouble come finale time? Or were they bringing Hodges out of the lab so we would see him as a real character so they can kill him or something? Or have I been right all along and he's the MCSK? (and FYI, if I'm right and you know that I'm right, it's a rhetorical question)

wow this was a long post YAY Me! <-- sorry for my insanity I've just watched alot of NCIS and I think Abby is rubbing off on me
Or have I been right all along and he's the MCSK?
ButterflyLove, as a fellow member from among the ranks of the unspoiled, I have been SERIOUSLY worrying that they're going this route. Note to TPTB: This is not the type of continuity I wanted from "Grave Danger", people!!
butterflylove206 said:
but we don't really have anything for Nick yet this season do we?

i think there was a small part earlier in the season when he was talking with David in the morgue and the convo went something like
David Phillips:it just gets to me sometimes
then Nick looks at him with a really sad face and says
Nick: Yea it gets to all of us

maybe not exactly like tht but my memory's not great. I think therre was another small bit in Fannysmackin' when he was talking about all the "punks" in vegas to Warrick and he says "well maybe your in the wrong city bro" and nick replies "yea ...maybe"

OMG you guys are like near the end of the series ad here the good ole uk we've only just had Grissom leave on hs sabbatical :eek: i have to say though i was a bit spoiled so i know about the letter etc but i'm going to try and remain spolierless to the end of the seaason wait! spoilerless!cis that even word??!
Anywho thats ma lot for now :D
Haha, my brother just said this one should be a title name (He's not as much of a fan of GSR as I am, but..)

Two little lovebugs, sittin' in a tree...
Are you all trying to guess who the MCSK is? I bet it will be a total surprise.. or is it someone we all suspect or know? the writers are keeping this one close to the vest.. :eek:

Are you all trying to guess who the MCSK is?

I'm afraid I've been spoiled there (although spoilers have proven unreliable, so I may not really know at all), so I'm spending all my speculative energy on figuring out what's going to hatch out of that damn cocoon. I also wonder in which episode this hatching will occur: the finale? the one with Lady Heather?
I'm hoping it is the one with Lady H because I was spoiled by mistake, therefore I don't want the finale to be spoiled for me already. Or they could do a great thing and change who the Mini Killer is, but I think it is set in stone
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