Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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how their job effects the CSIs
Yeah but in Cath's case how their previous job affects being a CSI. Saw LLV last Tuesday, just dreadful what she did. :(

I'm spending all my speculative energy on figuring out what's going to hatch out of that damn cocoon.
:eek: You know I had basically forgotten about that! Bad shipper. *slams head in oven door* I can't be bothered to speculate, I'm tired. Just...moth...G said cocoon.

i thought sara and cath had a scene in the last episode about "wierd gifts" but it was changed to stinkin sofia
Anyone give me a quick summary of what happened? PM me if it shouldn't be in this thread. Bunch-un! :D

Took me a while to figure that one out! Thought for a minute you were drunk again Adz! :lol: Only joking. Your a church goer. ;)

i just realized i have a horrible reputation in here.
Not only for that here is a list of peeps and their reputations! I'm bored, what can I say? :rolleyes:

Adz - Drunk...and icon makererer! :lol:
Sarahvma - Polls, I love polls, whenever you put a poll up I get so excited! :D
Alyssa - Episode breakdowns in awesome detail. ;)
Cb - Keeper of Lists
DW - Piccys
Turtle - That is all. :lol:
LadyDisdain - Loves those spoiler boxes! Have you posted without a box yet?! :lol:

I can't actually come up with any others. :rolleyes: Peeps help me out? :lol:

I've used 5 :lol:'s in this post (well now 6) that is too many. Oh dear....refrains from using graemlins. It feels wierd.

Anywho, toodles!

ETA: I forgot!

Fogi - fanfics! How could I forget the fanfics!

ETA2 One last thing. I was thinking that whilst it's a good title "Waiting for the coccoon to hatch" could become out of date. What if the coccoon does hatch and we still have the same thread, it could look silly if you catch my drift? Just a thought. *smirk*
Sarah, the "Pure Love" one might be considered too close to "Purejoy", and be seen as us ragging on the Grillows shippers. "We're together, get used to it", while enormously cute, might also be seen as equal-opportunity antagonism. Maybe we should check with a mod on those? It's not like we don't have lots to choose from. :p

Egg, I see I'm left off The List. Whether that means I'm getting eaten by the Smoke Monster or filleted by Sylar, I'm not sure, but in any case the prognosis for my continued existence doesn't seem good at this point....

mrb105, nice to see you in here! :) Popping by for a quick hello? There are usually no spoilers spilling out here; we're pretty careful about that. (Translation: Adz would be looking for us with a meat-axe and a murderous glint in her eye....)
I have a feeling that Sara is visiting SF because of some interation w/ LH. I watched LH's Box last night, and it seemed obvioust that LH and Griss had atleast a one night stand, and he hurt her in that episode. I think LH's too smart to play games with Sara, and I don't think she cruel (unless you want her to be and pay her)... I think she might let it slip innocently, and Sara's gonna be super jealous. I LOVE LH, but she's a better match for my Greggo. In the end, Griss is going home w/ Sara. LH was just keeping him warm and in practice. :devil:
Egg, I see I'm left off The List. Whether that means I'm getting eaten by the Smoke Monster or filleted by Sylar, I'm not sure, but in any case the prognosis for my continued existence doesn't seem good at this point....
Nooo! Continue existing! I just forgot...such an idiot. :( You tend to be optimistic I think, how's that for a reputation? Oh and cracking the non-spoiler spilling whip. In a non-sexual way of course. :rolleyes:

I LOVE LH, but she's a better match for my Greggo
You read that cincoflex fic?...actually I'm not sure who wrote it, I think it was Cincoflex, may have been someone else. I really should write down who wrote the awesome fics I read. *sigh* Being an idiot again. Anyway, it involved Greg being LH's submissive. ;) Am I allowed to talk about smut fics? I'm really confused...:(
Sarah, the "Pure Love" one might be considered too close to "Purejoy", and be seen as us ragging on the Grillows shippers. "We're together, get used to it", while enormously cute, might also be seen as equal-opportunity antagonism. Maybe we should check with a mod on those? It's not like we don't have lots to choose from.

We've had incidents in the past where I've left options off the list without explanation, and it leads to a big thing. Typically, I've noticed, the more controversial ones don't make it to the next round anyway. If they do, I'll deal with them then, but this was just sort of about clearing the hedges, I suppose.

Adz - I think Catherine's always known. In the second episode, when Grissom says Sara's name, Catherine repeats it incredulously, like she knows exactly who he's talking about, and almost seems to be giving him a, "C'mon, what are you doing here?"

Also in Crate and Burial she gives him a funny look when he goes to tape Sara up.

Burden of Proof, she correlates his hesitation with Sara to a bad relationship in his past, and compares that to the problems resulting from her marriage. Even though she then goes on to talk about the lab, I think it's clear that she's basically saying, "You're in denial about your feelings for Sara because someone hurt you, but you gotta deal with it."

Butterflied may have been the point when she figured out it wasn't a simple flirtation, though. Or it clicked for her just why Grissom was SO obsessed with the case.
Ok thank you Adzix but what does TGTBATD mean? sorry

I didn't know if you guys knew but Grissom is with Sara at her condo when she is packing and then she leaves and he knows about SF. So i think they are on good terms but the reason she goes "mysteriously" missing is because he thinks she is on a 4 hour drive.
Egg You tend to be optimistic I think, how's that for a reputation? Oh and cracking the non-spoiler spilling whip. In a non-sexual way of course.
Heh. Miss Dee: the LH of Spoilers. I do have long (dyed) reddish hair, and I am noted as rather philosophical and mysterious at times.... Yeah, I can live with that.

And, to further cement my reputation so that Egg doesn't forget me again: I got permission from the mods to start a "Tips for Posting Spoilers in Non-Spoiler Threads" in the Questions, Suggestions, and Feedback part of the board. If you have any comments or tips of your own, please leave them here. :)
In response to MissDee , I've noticed over the course of the season, I have become fond of the GSR. Ya call it sad, I am a male, posing in Shipper Central, in a non-lesbian thread, but whatever, Grissom deserves to have a woman.
Do I really have a spoiler box in every post? Goodness gracious! I'd like to say that this post would be an exception, but, unfortunately. . .

Your post is freaking me out a little. From what you say, it seems that Sara'a failure to arrive at her destination is what tips off the CSIs. But the trip from Las Vegas to San Francisco is more like 8 hours than 4. (It's about 4 hours from SF to Reno.) And if it takes them over 8 hours to figure out that Sara is missing? Ack! She really might be dead by the time they find her. I've been keeping my cool (for the most part) when it comes to the finale, but the fact that we don't know Jorja's contract status really freaks me out sometimes. :eek: And now, the long delay in noticing she's gone . . . :( Holy cow!

Welcome, mrb !

I have become fond of the GSR. Ya call it sad, I am a male, posing in Shipper Central, in a non-lesbian thread, but whatever, Grissom deserves to have a woman.

I don't think it's sad, I think it's great! And Grissom absolutely deserves to have a woman. Particularly a woman as hot and kick-ass and smart as Sara!
I have become fond of the GSR. Ya call it sad, I am a male, posing in Shipper Central, in a non-lesbian thread, but whatever, Grissom deserves to have a woman.

Yeah, because he doesn't deserve a man. Oh, and welcome to the thread! :) Nothing sad about it. ;)

3) "Shaving = Geek Foreplay" may be flagged as inappropriate by the mods. We're not meant to use anything sexual as a thread title

Church, Adz. Lol, that was the one I liked too. It's okay to be a pervert though. We need people like you to make hot, half-naked Billy icons for everyone suffering from WPHS.

Like me, cause I find myself searching for his movies and googling him. Alot. At school while I'm working on a spreadsheet.

What can I say? He's actually hot. Like, I'm not in to the whole old man and flannel thing, but when he was younger.

Whoosh. Okay, I need to leave cause I'm on the wrong thread.
Adzix said:

to me Catherine's expression in the end of their conversation suggested that she connected the dots (also b/c of the way Sara delivered her last line). Cath has seen how this case affected Grissom, and how uncomfortable Sara felt talking to her about him and Debbie. taking into consideration scenes like this one, also that Catherine is a great CSI, i'm not going to ever doubt that Cath felt that there is something more between the Geeks, at some point. maybe not resolved (cuz it wasn't) but that something was there.

Wow ~ so I'm not alone in thinking Catherine guessed that there was something between Grissom and Sara during that scene! The first time I saw "Butterflied," that particular moment and its implications went completely over my head, but the second time I saw it, I latched onto it immediately. Also, I totally agree with sarahvma that Catherine sensed the strength of Grissom's feelings for Sara in "Burden of Proof" well before he himself did. Which makes me surprised in a way that she didn't connect the dots in "Leaving Las Vegas"...but, of course, she was dealing with some heavy personal issues at that point, so I guess I'll forgive her. ;) Or maybe she figured by then that the two of them had finally given up on each other. Or maybe she suspected the truth, but just didn't tell Nick. Any way you slice it, I think she'll be one of the first to know, if not the first.

Oh, and as long as you're keeping score, chocolate_bunnys: I am on Team Spoiled, Team No Hat, Please!, and Team Heck-Yeah-They-BETTER-Get-Married! What can I say? You can call me a diehard old-fashioned romantic, because it's totally true...*sigh* ;)

-- geekprincess
"Shaving = Geek Foreplay" may be flagged as inappropriate by the mods. We're not meant to use anything sexual as a thread title.
I think it's best to leave that one off the list for the reason stated. Thanks guys. :)
mrb105 said:
I am a male, posing in Shipper Central, in a non-lesbian thread, but whatever

This is a non-lesbian thread?!?! :eek:

*looks for an escape hatch*

Hey, mrb, don't worry about being a bloke amongst all us femmes. There are one or two male GSR shippers around. I haven't seen them here in a while, but they're around somewhere. We haven't killed them for food or sold them into slavery or anything... yet... Just kidding (or am I...?) :lol:

Jeez, how long have I been gone? Sarah's already got the thread title poll up and we're into the second round. Bloody hell!

I've been a bad bad shipper lately. Totally pre-occupied with RL and writing and stuff. Muchos apologies. ;) LLV aired here last week (le Keppler is introduced to us tomorrow night) and even though I've already seen the final scene, like, a million times, it still made me a little achy in the heart. But at least I know I still have a cocoon, a beautiful love letter, a squee-worthy reunion, a shaving scene and some tear wiping to look forward to in the near future :)
Since making a new poll is just going to be confusing, if one of the restricted titles makes it to the next round, I'll just replace it with a runner-up.

And yes - bad, bad shipper, Fogi!


Nothing is spoiled for this one with regards to GSR, but I do kind of think that given the fact that Sara is talking to Wendy about them rooting around in Grissom's office, the chances that something will come up are high.
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