Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"
I have been keeping tally on the people around for the GSR moments, and they are as follows:
Warrick - 5
Hodges - 2
Brass - 1
Catherine - 3
Nick - 1
Greg - 2
Sofia - 1
Ecklie - 1 (although does the "of course you do" count, then it would be 2
My personal favourite is "We found GSR on the backseat" (or something like that, can't remember exactlyif you listen closely enough, every time someone on the show says "we found GSR in the bedroom", you can hear every GSR fan on the planet giggle knowingly.
...I never in my wildest dreams expected her to do the actual shaving on camera...
there are gonna be some awesome bloopers
e.g. "don't cut me" "careful" and of course laughter! :lol: i love both of their laughs 
Warrick - 5
Hodges - 2
Brass - 1
Catherine - 3
Nick - 1
Greg - 2
Sofia - 1
Ecklie - 1 (although does the "of course you do" count, then it would be 2