Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I put Brass, with Doc and Catherine tying for second. Of course, I couldn't actually say that on the poll. So I said Brass. lol.

Really, Warrick should logically be the first one to figure out, but... Oh, Warrick.

Having said that, it makes sense that it would be Catherine after her conversation with Nick in the truck. I dunno... it'll be whoever they think will generate the most drama for the situation.

Yeah. Catherine.


MissDee, are you coming on to me? You can't win the competition that way

Dee is a bigoted trollop and she knows it.

*self congratulates*

There's another word for that. *cough*

I'm torn (not in an Natalie Imbruglia kinda way - I'm not lying naked on the floor or anything)

You lie like a fox, madame.

And not a Jorja Fox. A regular fox.

And, as AL said above, CATHERINE already knew Sara's name before she arrived in town, so she knows some of the history there.

Catherine said "Sara Sidle" the way Sara said "Your former mentor?" in The Accused is Entitled. There was definitely some former knowledge there.

Finally, DOC ROBBINS seems to know everything that's going on in the labs. He has sources (David ) and he always seems to know more than he's saying. So I suspect something has reached him on the grapevine by now.

I think Doc would probably be the one to sort of give him the pat on the back with the least amount of "But first, you should remember..." type caution. I think Brass would joke about it, but still sort of be saying, "I hope you know what you're doing" and I think Catherine would give him a lecture on office politics. All three would be happy for him, but just in the way they go about it.

So like I said - depending on what they want the scene to be, they have 3 very different tones to choose from.

I found it interesting, though, that Catherine suspected he was seeing someone and hasn't really dropped any hints.

In saying that, I've always had this cute notion that Greg would find out first, purely because I'd love him to be the smart one who figures it out first. And, of course, if Greg knows Nick knows, because they tell each other everything in bed

I know that was supposed to be sexy, but I just picture Nick and Greg giggling together in footie pajamas. lol.

I think Greg, after what happened in Fannysmackin', would be really hurt if he found out, and would make this sad little "happy face". I dunno - I forsee being slightly heart-cracked by whatever Greg says/does in reaction.

And then, naturally, runs into Nick's arms for comfort. And footie pajamas. lol.

Is Team Bi-Baby people who can't decide if they want one or not, or people who want them to have half a baby?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

sarahvma said:
Really, Warrick should logically be the first one to figure out, but... Oh, Warrick.

Alas, poor Warrick. I knew him Horatio.

HoCaine: Ah, if he had my sunglasses of truth and justice, he would have discovered the secret relationship months ago...

Yeah. Random... :lol:

*self congratulates*

There's another word for that. *cough*

Oh yeah? *raises eyebrow* What might that be?


I'm torn (not in an Natalie Imbruglia kinda way - I'm not lying naked on the floor or anything)

You lie like a fox, madame.

And not a Jorja Fox. A regular fox.

I am no regular fox! TS,a little help here!

And, as AL said above, CATHERINE already knew Sara's name before she arrived in town, so she knows some of the history there.

Catherine said "Sara Sidle" the way Sara said "Your former mentor?" in The Accused is Entitled. There was definitely some former knowledge there.

Exactly. As though Grissom has brought her name up a bunch of times in conversation - not so many times that he'd realise he was talking about her ALL the time, but enough so that Catherine would be going, "Hmm. Sara Sidle, eh?"

The inflection of her voice when she said "Sara Sidle?" that time was "Sara? The woman you clearly want to boff? Are you sure that's wise?"

I think Doc would probably be the one to sort of give him the pat on the back with the least amount of "But first, you should remember..." type caution.

Oh yeah. I can imagine Doc saying something like: "Sara's a lovely girl. Don't screw it up."

But it really felt like he was trying to get some info out of Grissom last season in "Bang Bang". There was something in the way he asked Griss if he'd ever been close to marriage. I don't know, it felt like the Doc had already heard something at that point...

In saying that, I've always had this cute notion that Greg would find out first, purely because I'd love him to be the smart one who figures it out first. And, of course, if Greg knows Nick knows, because they tell each other everything in bed

I know that was supposed to be sexy, but I just picture Nick and Greg giggling together in footie pajamas. lol.

Nawwwwww. Now I've just got this adorable image of them in bed together wearing footie pajamas. As if the Love weren't cute enough already :)

Is Team Bi-Baby people who can't decide if they want one or not, or people who want them to have half a baby?

I don't know. I'm starting to think that people want them to have a little bisexual baby. Which, you know, valid lifestyle choice. I'm totally open to it if they want to adopt me. Although, you know, I'd have a hard time having two such hot parents. It'd end up sick and wrong... :devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Alas, poor Warrick. I knew him Horatio.

HoCaine: Ah, if he had my sunglasses of truth and justice, he would have discovered the secret relationship months ago...

Horatio would figure it out immediately. I mean, when he puts his hands on his hips and whips off those glasses?

Magic happens.

Oh yeah? *raises eyebrow* What might that be?

*bats big bunny eyes*

I am no regular fox! TS,a little help here!

Maybe a Michael J. Fox.

Exactly. As though Grissom has brought her name up a bunch of times in conversation - not so many times that he'd realise he was talking about her ALL the time, but enough so that Catherine would be going, "Hmm. Sara Sidle, eh?"

"And she has the prettiest hair. And she likes Physics. And she has a gap in her teeth, but I think it's cute. And she thinks I'm funny, and..."

The inflection of her voice when she said "Sara Sidle?" that time was "Sara? The woman you clearly want to boff? Are you sure that's wise?"

*snort* A little like when she warned Grissom again Sofia. But in that case, it was a little bit more, "Watch it - she's hitting on you, but she's Ecklie's" and less "You're flying in the object of your affection, you idiot?"

I don't think that's what Catherine's cold attitude later was, though. But her look during the Tape Me Up scene said she wasn't oblivious. That, and in Butterflied when she was acting as a relay between the two of them.

Oh yeah. I can imagine Doc saying something like: "Sara's a lovely girl. Don't screw it up."

Congratulations, Gil. Tarantulas out of the bedroom, though.

But it really felt like he was trying to get some info out of Grissom last season in "Bang Bang". There was something in the way he asked Griss if he'd ever been close to marriage. I don't know, it felt like the Doc had already heard something at that point...

I think Doc may have been a little fed up with Grissom speculating on marriage when he'd never, himself, been married. It could be read as him being suspicious. Like, he's going, "How the hell would you know how married couples act?"

A little like someone pointed out WAY back in Bite Me. Mr. "I don't know what a car fight is" suddenly dissects the irrationality of the couple's set-up.

Nawwwwww. Now I've just got this adorable image of them in bed together wearing footie pajamas. As if the Love weren't cute enough already

They're so cute - they're like bunnies wrapped in chocolate wrapped in cotton candy clouds. lol.

I don't know. I'm starting to think that people want them to have a little bisexual baby. Which, you know, valid lifestyle choice. I'm totally open to it if they want to adopt me. Although, you know, I'd have a hard time having two such hot parents. It'd end up sick and wrong...

*shakes head*
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Are we trying to figure out a new title for a new thread?

Aw, I love Geek Babies. That's cute.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Are we trying to figure out a new title for a new thread?

Nope - I think it's fairly clear that It's So Obvious, Isn't It is going to be the champ. lol. Like I said - GSRs seem to favor a plainer, to-the-point thread title.

Next one? I say we just go with:

What's she gonna shave next? You know, something classy. Ironic, isn't it? We're going to make it to the next title before the episode, and Thursday is probably going to inspire, like, a thousand new thread ideas. lol.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

thank you guys for marking which spoiler boxes i can read. i am loved, lol.

ooooh, awesome timing with the poll theatre. voted for Catherine, although Brass would be my second choice.

i don't know. when there was only one person i could vote for, i just had to choose Cath. Brass is a great detective and i see him making a funny comment about them, but i'm sure it would be more interesting to see Cath finding out first. Brass would probably look at them, grin, and say "finally". Cath's reaction though would be a lot more intense b/c she is a woman, and Grissom's friend. a very good friend it is, whom he invited to his house more than once and with whom we've seen the first glimpses of the private Grissom. also, in the early seasons when there was Snickers, there might've been some Grillows too. i'm not implying anything, just wondering if Cath would be jealous. but in the end, i think she wouldn't. maybe in S1, slightly but not now. gawd, i'd give my whole peanut butter jar to see Cath's reaction *hyperventillates*

so i was talking about the shaving scene with my polish GSR friend - zia. this is my perfect scenario (note that i don't know any details of the scene): Sara is shaving Grissom's left side. at one moment Grissom makes big "it hurts" eyes. Sara grins and Grissom responds with the same after a second. they both laugh and Sara tells him she cannot shave him anmore cuz he's moving his head. after he's shaved she takes a towel, dries his face, and sensually massages aftershave on his face. when they are done she stands up from his lap taking his hand. he kisses her lightly, and she leads him to the bedroom. PERFECT, lol. no but seriously i would like to see them having fun during this scene. i'd like them smiling or laughing, cuz as y'all know, i long for a scene like this for quite some time - Geeks having fun. yup.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Maybe a Michael J. Fox.

Oh no you di'nt! :eek:

A little like someone pointed out WAY back in Bite Me. Mr. "I don't know what a car fight is" suddenly dissects the irrationality of the couple's set-up.

Oh hells yeah. I think that's part of why a lot of us did a double take at that scene and started to question whether or not something was going on between Grissom and Sara at that point. Yes, the obvious reason was that there was clearly some tension going on there. But it was also a case of "since when did bachelor number 1 become an expert on the ins and outs of co-habiting?"
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Dee is a bigoted trollop and she knows it.
How does hitting on me make her a bigot? *scratches head in bemusement*

I'm torn (not in an Natalie Imbruglia kinda way - I'm not lying naked on the floor or anything)
You lie like a fox, madame.

And not a Jorja Fox. A regular fox.
Maybe a Michael J. Fox.
Essssuse me? *rolls up sleeves & buffs brass knuckles*

Okay - LET'S REVIEW. Perhaps if The Fogster was lying naked on the floor, her true foxiness would be illustrated better than that which is currently presented. But since it has been explicitly (or, not so explicitly - considering the content) said that she is not, in fact, in that position; we're going to have to fall back on that which is clearly illustrated, and that's that you're Canadian.

That's right. I went there.

Annnnnyyyyyyyyyyyway...back to, you know, the topic :p While I did choose Brass for the poll, I did that meaning I think he will be the first to find out on screen. I'm not saying I don't think people like Catherine and Nick etc. will find out shortly afterwards, or that someone like Doc Robbins may have known in his heart all along ;) but that Brass will be the first one to find out for sure. The drama can come with the other discoveries later :p

Any theories on when in the season the discovery will be made? Penultimate? Season finale? Never? Or SOONER? (Oooooo) This isn't part of the competition thing, but I thought it would be interesting to theorise about ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Woah you guys post fast!

I can't decide who i think will find out first, i voted for Brass though in the poll. Just because he is very casual, and always cracks jokes, and i can imagine him saying some sexual innuendo at the them or something. Of course the scene would pass so quickly, and you would know we would be all like "does he know?" and it would make us even more confused! :lol:

But it really felt like he was trying to get some info out of Grissom last season in "Bang Bang". There was something in the way he asked Griss if he'd ever been close to marriage. I don't know, it felt like the Doc had already heard something at that point...
The way that Doc can just ask Grissom a straight out question as personal as that question, makes me also suspect that he may be the one to call them on it.

But also it could be Catherine, she is so close to Grissom, and she can be quite mean to Sara sometimes. So either she asks Grissom about it, or Catherine says something mean to Sara at one point like "you got a boyfriend yet?" or something, and Sara snapping at her, and revealing all :eek:

Or it could be Greg. We have had him mention in passing about Grissom's hearing to Grissom, so he could do it again, or maybe just saying that he has a girlfriend, not specifically Sara, and Grissom giving him that look that he always gives to him :lol:

I can't really see Warwick (or is it Warrick? *brain fart*] or Nick saying anything, they aren't really the confrontational type, only towards each other :lol:

Maybe a Michael J. Fox.
Ummm, what's wrong with him? I imdb-ed him, and it said he was in Boston Legal, but umm yeah, :confused:

Very off topic question, is Fox hunting still legal in America?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Any theories on when in the season the discovery will be made? Penultimate? Season finale? Never? Or SOONER? (Oooooo) This isn't part of the competition thing, but I thought it would be interesting to theorise about
i'd go with either finale or not at all this season. i mean, they need to save something for the next (hopefully). i can see everyone finding out through MCSK this finale for example. other than that, i believe it would be really hard for TPTB to figure out a not related to the case, non-soapy way to reveal GSR to everybody. again, it all depends on what will happen in the finale. is something going to happen to Sara, is Jorja going to sign for S8, will it be confirmed that Billy signed? so i think a lot depends on real life behind the scenes, and we don't have much influence on that and also we can't predict anything.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I voted that Doc Robbins would be the one who found out first. I chose him because, as was mentioned before, he always seems to know what's going on in the lab even though he is usually in the morgue. I think he will be able to feel or see the difference between Sara and Grissom whenever they come down together...the tension in the air will be gone and he would probably notice if they are standing closer than usual or anything like that.

I think the relationship will be uncovered slowly and now all at once and it will be done very soon...maybe within the next 2-3 episodes.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

thank you guys for marking which spoiler boxes i can read. i am loved, lol.

Excellent. We have her fooled. Let's move to stage 3.

Cath's reaction though would be a lot more intense b/c she is a woman, and Grissom's friend
Also, both she and Nick have figured out one-half of the ship, that they think Grissom is seeing someone. So it probably would be easier, at least storytelling-wise, to have them figure out the fact that Sara is doing the same things.

Adz, have you been watching Red Shoe Diaries? Be honest.

Oh no you di'nt!

I believe that I did.

Way to be all Rush Limbaugh about the Fox love, Fogs.

Oh hells yeah. I think that's part of why a lot of us did a double take at that scene and started to question whether or not something was going on between Grissom and Sara at that point. Yes, the obvious reason was that there was clearly some tension going on there. But it was also a case of "since when did bachelor number 1 become an expert on the ins and outs of co-habiting?"

Exactly. Having said that, I still don't think that they were doing the horizontal mambo yet. Dating? Yes. Mambo? No.

How does hitting on me make her a bigot? *scratches head in bemusement*

She's prejudiced against Team Bifacial.

Okay - LET'S REVIEW. Perhaps if The Fogster was lying naked on the floor, her true foxiness would be illustrated better than that which is currently presented. But since it has been explicitly (or, not so explicitly - considering the content) said that she is not, in fact, in that position; we're going to have to fall back on that which is clearly illustrated, and that's that you're Canadian.

Except that I'm not. I simply live here. My passport says UNITED STATES, bitch.

Go shag a sheep. That's right. I said it.


*I just jinxed it*

Annnnnyyyyyyyyyyyway...back to, you know, the topic While I did choose Brass for the poll, I did that meaning I think he will be the first to find out on screen.

Yeah, I can see that. I can see Brass being the first to really comment on it or figure it out in front of us, and then have Catherine and Nick just sort of "know".

Any theories on when in the season the discovery will be made?

If we don't get a return to it (I mean since Leaving Las Vegas) within the next three episodes, it's going to get a little bit ridiculous. Unless they want to suggest that everyone pretty much knows.

will it be confirmed that Billy signed?

He's definitely signed now.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I voted Brass. Because he's Brass - and he knows everything. lol.

No, seriously. He's like the constant, you know? And sometimes he just -knows- things. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew before they did.

Ok, so everyone knew before they did. What's the point?

This is going to sound really odd... especially if nobody follows my screwy train of thought. But, I have this friend - my best friend, the one that knows enough about me to blackmail me for the rest of my life. And she's got this on again/off again boyfriend. I can not see her for a week, but the next time I do - I KNOW that they are back together again. She just behaves differently when they are doing 'it'

It's not necessarily because she's behaving happier or angrier or sadder... infact its not so much anything. It's just a friends intuition. She asked me once how I always knew - and I tried to tell her it's because her aura changes color. She looked at me like I'd gone completely off the deep end.

But when they are together she just feels different.

I'm not making sense am I? Oh well. Get over it.

Now, how does this relate to my choosing Brass and not Catherine? Because, as much as I love the Grissom/Catherine friendship - it feels strained lately. Not because of his relationship with Sara but maybe because of work politics. Who knows? It just doesn't feel as close as it did in season 1. Or even 4.

I don't think she's reading him as clearly as she used to be able to.

Which is also why Robbins is my second choice. Him and Brass are the ones that are always picking up little tidbits about their (Grissom and Sara) lives. A little here... a little there... some from him... some from her... Eventually you'd think one of them would put the peices together.

Or maybe Superdave. lol.

I'm feeling indecisive.

Oh squeee! It's tomorrow! And I probably have to work. The guy that sliced his foot all up probably isn't coming back for awhile. I hope someone else can cover that shift tomorrow. :( That makes me sad. I don't think I've ever been so happy at the thought of someone losing facial hair before. I should probably be concerned about my mental health.

On that note - I'd like to sign myself up for team Bi-Facial *hides in shame* Billy's hot. Regardless. I'll take him anyway I can get him.

Doesn't mean I won't pout around and cry because I want the beard to come back. Just like... can I have visitation rights with the beard? Only see it on weekends? I could do that. :lol:

30 hours to go!! Yay! I love CSI.

That is all.

Edited to add:

<---- Hey ya'll I'm a Police officer now. Wicked.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Exactly. Having said that, I still don't think that they were doing the horizontal mambo yet. Dating? Yes. Mambo? No.

This is where we differ. I believe the mambo was definitely ongoing at this point. Sara's sex and romance comment sounded to me like a woman telling her lover to chill out and not freak simply because she wouldn't move in which him just yet.

Call me a trollop (cuz I know you will, Sarah ) but I really don't think there was a huge gap between first kiss and first mambo for the Geeks. They may have slowly built up to the first kiss with casual breakfasts/dinners, and rebuilding their friendship but I think once they decided to go for it, they went for it.

Go shag a sheep. That's right. I said it.

*leaps to TS's defense*

There ARE no sheep where the Tom lives, ho! And even if there were, she wouldn't be shagging them! *grrrs*


Wait. Where did it go? I didn't realise it went anywhere. I'm always in the gutter, yo.

O god. I just "yo-ed". Kill me now.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

This is where we differ. I believe the mambo was definitely ongoing at this point. Sara's sex and romance comment sounded to me like a woman telling her lover to chill out and not freak simply because she wouldn't move in which him just yet.

Ooh - that's a concept I hadn't considered. I know a few people voiced that he was trying to be a little slighting with her and spinning the comment around, like, "I'm smothering you? Well maybe she was smothering him. Did you think about that? Hmm? Huh?

Call me a trollop (cuz I know you will, Sarah ) but I really don't think there was a huge gap between first kiss and first mambo for the Geeks. They may have slowly built up to the first kiss with casual breakfasts/dinners, and rebuilding their friendship but I think once they decided to go for it, they went for it.

Agreed. I don't think it makes you OR Sara a trollop - lol - but I think that after waiting that long, when you decide to be with someone, it's fairly obvious that you intend it to be a commitment. So it's not like he walked up to her and said, "Wanna go on a date?"
"I thought you would never ask! Better yet, take off your pants."

*leaps to TS's defense*

There ARE no sheep where the Tom lives, ho! And even if there were, she wouldn't be shagging them! *grrrs*

That's what she tells you. She goes to the meetings, but denial is still inherant in serial sheep-shaggers.

Wait. Where did it go? I didn't realise it went anywhere. I'm always in the gutter, yo.

No, no - the Gutterflies. Our Gutter. The pre-message board chat ending gutter.
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