Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Argh. I must've screwed up when signing up, so THANK YOU FOR THE BIRTHDAY GREETINGS...

but it's not till tomorrow. lol.



So naturally I shall go to the coffee house with my amigos and listen to poetry and other such culture.

Or, you know, get smashed at the Uni Pub.


Actually neither. I have a huge paper due the next morning. So I'll be going out Saturday.

And this has been WAYYY too much personal stuff, so...

Turtle - lots. of. fluids.

Don't type while sick. lol.

According to "The Watcher" at The Chicago Tribune, "Still, William Petersen is able to make Grissom’s quiet joy — even excitement — at seeing Sara palpable with very few words." C'mon. You know you wanna squee.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

ACLL:A:KLJD:KFD. Real text now: I have been hoping Mr. Petersen would knock it out of the park considering their first interaction is going to be in the workplace, and now I'm even more excited about tomorrow night. It's pathetic, but I almost feel as if this whole week was building up until tomorrow night. I wonder if being ill has something to do with it... Seriously, though, bring on the GSR! Angst and all. I'll take it.

ETA: Happy birthday Sarah! You're a yungun! :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Because I'm a total pushover, I'm posting for Fogs.

Okay, so the latest GoScaR poll:
For Most Romantic CANON Moment I voted for I'm not ready to say goodbye - Way To Go and I'll miss you - Leaving Las Vegas (one from Sara, one from Grissom ;)). I just thought they were both really real, sweet and intimate moments, shared between them and only them.

For Best Pre-CANON Sexual Tension I voted for (much like everyone else) Invisible Evidence - Pin me down and Time Of Your Death - You. Me. This table. Now (anyone notice with the first poll it went Moment - Episode and with the second, Episode - Moment? Only me? Okay, moving on..). IE is a really classic "Oldie but a goodie", and TOYD is from The Cliff of Canon, The Precipice of Partnership, The Verge of...I dunno. Right before the writers took the plunge and gave the Green Light for Geek Love.


In any case, it was good and hot and yum. Like pizza, but better. And on screen. 'Cause everyone knows what a bitch mozzerella is to get off your TV.


And oh yes - Happy Birthday to young Sarah. Hope you have a good one :)

Turtle - lots. of. fluids.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Because I am a huge geek, I need someone to explain the "Scene that never Happened" in Gum Drops.. Because I'm a huge newb. My bad.

In return, I'll make you ..cookies?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

LOL virology. Well, there are many different takes, but, basically, in the original sides, Grissom was the lead on the case, not Nick. This was Grissom's special episode, where we really got to see some great stuff out of him.

Anyway, the team was forced to stay in a hotel overnight. Warrick and Nick roomed up. Grissom roomed with Greg, and Sara got a room to herself. In the middle of the night, Grissom shows up at Sara's hotel room door, knocking. She opens, and he complains that Greg snores before walking in.

Apparently, there was a nice scene, following, in the dark where we couldn't really see anything, but there was DEFINITELY some insinuation of what kind of activities were going on...

The next day, Grissom sits at the table in the hotel and Sara walks out of the bathroom, fresh from the shower, in nothing but a bathrobe. The two of them discuss the case.

I think that's the long and short of it. Twas a glorious thing that never happened. :)

It makes me wonder about the upcoming shaving scene. I mean, who of us would have thought that the Gum Drops scenes would have ever even been WRITTEN. I think it's the same thing with the shaving scene. I mean, I know it seems a bit strange and almost out of character of the show for them to show this, but the symbolism isn't lost on me. So many of us scream for more GSR, but, we seem disatisfied when something comes out that's too "Big." I mean, what do we want? Big or small? I'm all for subtlety, but I think, if played right, the shaving scene could be a lot less "big" than some of us worry it might be...

TOM! Oh my gosh, TOM! Please bug me, sometimes, as I greatly miss your presence!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Alyssa, you are my hero! Have some cookies! :D

Wow, that would have been a bit much for me.. I'm beginning to definitely be a fan of subtlety as well.. But at the same time I'm yearning for something along the lines of the WtG ending scene..

I guess I don't know what I want. As long as it contains Grissom, I'll be happy. ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I'm bringing sexy back, them other boy's don't know how to act.
No I'm not, nevermind.

Okay, really this time.

Since I've been up all night writing an essay, and it is, technically not Feb. 9th, I get to wish Sarah a happy birthday, just like everybody else. :p
Happy birthday!

Am I really the only one who wants something that has to do with GSR that is over a minute long? Seriously, have we had a record breaking sixty seconds, yet? No, I don't want a whole ten minutes deticated to them, but I don't want it so subtle that you have to rewind fifteen times to catch what's actually going on. As much as I've liked the way they've been hiding GSR under the peek-a-boo shutters, it'd just be nice to have something more, you know? I'm not too worried about the shaving scene, if it even makes it out of that horrid editing room that I'm pretty sure they used on the set of Halloween for the Myers house. -crosses fingers- Oh, and dear Lord, how could I ever forget the moth? Lets hope there is some moth-induced eye-sex...or something...>.< Damnit.

Re-reading the spoiler that I just incerted, I'm pretty sure that I just died a little inside.
Apparently, no sleep has that sort of efect on people.
I was gonna add something about Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling in the spoiler, but then I forgot what it was...and it was probably a pointless, bad pun anyway. v_v;;

ETA: I can't actually remeber what I voted for. :eek:

Turtle - lots. of. fluids.

-blink blink-
I blinked.
And I had lots of fluids...until you said that. :eek:

- AllyXtehToasty
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

PotTR (Adzix's 'since PotTR theory')

Anyone want to enlighten another newbie? I need to go back and rewatch Season 6.

You aren't alone at all. I'd love a longer scene with the two of them! When was the last time we had a non-work related scene that lasted longer than a minute? Nesting Dolls? Was that the longest scene we've had in GSR land that wasn't work related?

Also Happy Birthday to Sarah. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

hey, i suppose i'm a newbie as such! although i have been hovering on this thread for like a year. But do i still get a cookie? :rolleyes:

i live in england as it says to my left, but i'm totally spoiled, i live on and, i also read the spoiler posts!

i am totally stoked about the episode on tonight, or has it shown already..., i never understand the time delay thing (nearly wrote travel!) i cant wait to see whether they show the scene in grissoms apartment, i hope its hasn't been taken out of the script at the last minute. i had a thought,(it's dangerous!) maybe we will get a kiss tonight? i mean there will be nobody else there to hide from (that would be scary though wouldn't it, like the MCSK or something!), and they havent seen each other for 4 weeks. well one can hope anyway...

i have been voting in the GoScars, although i have no idea what for, IE definetely, and........nope dont remember any others!

im totally in team cleanshaven btw! Adzix will be happy i know! He looks sooooo hot without the beard, and its much more appropriate for sara of course, we must think about these things practically. :devil:

As for when i think this all started, im not really sure but im gonna go for after GD, but definetely before Bite Me, the scene in Bite Me was too awkward, and like unsure couple sort of stage for them not to have already been together. just my opinion though!

Anywho, i think that's all i can think of to comment on right now, cant wait till tomorrow for the clip uploads on!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Anyone seen the clip tonight? Seriously, Reebs, this feels like a shout out to you and the Gutterflies! It's on YouTube, listed in the Law of Gravity thread. It's not GSR relevant, but it made me laugh out loud because it reminded me of the Gutterflies chat!

*eats cookies* Yum. :)

I want to know what's inside it soo badly. Someone at YTDAW joked that it was a baby crocodile. Funny enough, that was my first thought when I tried to think outside the box, despite the fact that crocodiles come from eggs, not stick wrappings. Is there any way Grissom could have inserted something into the wrap while the creature was creating it? I mean, something manmade that wouldn't affect the poor thing's growth? Or will the surprise be just how gorgeous whatever the thing is will be? Grrrsies. Darn spoilers.

Not that I'm giving them up! :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

eggbe4thechicken said:
hey, i suppose i'm a newbie as such! although i have been hovering on this thread for like a year. But do i still get a cookie?

*hands the newbie a cookie*

Also, so great to see someone from England! I'm an American, but I lived in England for a spell during University, and I miss it most this time of year. You should be about six hours ahead of us. So, it's 2:30pm here and 8:30pm there. I remember being at Uni and getting up at 6am just to go to the computer lab to check out :) Ah, season 5.

I think tonight is going to be smaller than a lot of us think, and I don't mind that, because if we get the freakin' shaving scene... OMV. We will all be on the floor in complete shock. So, subtle for now is great if we get payoff later.

Remember that song from the Grissom Letter Writing scene? I bought the CD. It came today. I'm happily listening. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Alyssa said:
*hands the newbie a cookie*
thank you, i feel so welcomed!

Alyssa said:
You should be about six hours ahead of us. So, it's 2:30pm here and 8:30pm there.
umm its 7:30, so i must be 5 hours ahead, that seems like nothing, yet it takes like 9 hours to fly there, well to houston thats how long it took anywho!

Alyssa said:
Remember that song from the Grissom Letter Writing scene? I bought the CD. It came today. I'm happily listening. :)
i didnt know it was like a song song, what's it called,etc? i thought keane wrote it, i think that's his name. its so totally awesome that we have a theme song! next thing you know people won't say grissom and sara, they will just hum the tune!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

eggbe4thechicken said:
i didnt know it was like a song song, what's it called,etc? i thought keane wrote it, i think that's his name. its so totally awesome that we have a theme song! next thing you know people won't say grissom and sara, they will just hum the tune!

Someone over at YTDAW (I don't remember who, now) knew the song. The song from the letter writing scene was "Metamorphosis 2" by Philip Glass. I bought the whole CD. It's beautiful stuff. I think it's very appropriate that Grissom, who sent Sara the cacoon/Chrysalis thing, is enveloped by this Metamorphosis. I just hope he turns into a butterfly instead of a cockroach (thank you Kafka).

And, five hours. Sorry! It changes at different times of the year, and I can never keep track. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i didnt know it was like a song song, what's it called,etc? i thought keane wrote it, i think that's his name. its so totally awesome that we have a theme song! next thing you know people won't say grissom and sara, they will just hum the tune!

The song's name is Metamorphosis Two by Philip Glass. It's from The Hours' soundtrack ;)

I would welcome all the newbies, but I still feel like one, so I don't feel like the one giving the cookies :)

I'm oh so excited about tonight. I can't believe Grissom is coming back. I missed his pre-credits one-liners...
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