Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I need to know the answer to this question ASAP...ARE GIS AND SARA DATING?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

CSINicole said:
I need to know the answer to this question ASAP...ARE GIS AND SARA DATING?
yes they are together since 6th season finale Way To Go :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Uhm. Well.. yeah, I think.

How exactly do you answer that question? Really. I mean, we saw them on a bed together, okay that sounded wrong, but they WERE on the bed. Anyway, They are dating, right?

He sent her a present, and the note probably ended in Love Grissom, judging by the content of it, so yeah they are.

It just hasn't been thrown in our face like Sara saying, "I AM DATING GRISSOM."

That's why I keep second-guessing myself.

So about this whole Carol thing, we can talk about it outside of spoilers, right? *thinks about what I'm going to say* Yeah, I can. Okay, so she wasn't for GSR in season 3, but she is now? Maybe she completely isn't and is just being an undercover agent so that she can get our hopes up when really she is plotting total destruction with the anti-GSRers. And she's going to wait for the perfect moment for one character to break the other character's heart to pieces.

She'll circulate oxygen masks for those of us who forgot to breathe after this scene is aired.

Wow. I need sleep, and to not watch so many cop shows.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I need to know the answer to this question ASAP...ARE GRIS AND SARA DATING?

Yes.Si.Yupers.*insert any other of saying yes here*.Canon Baby!

Whooo.That put me in a good mood.

*looks at all the spoiler boxes* I hate you people

There went my good mood.
This week is going waaayyy too slow.

oh c'mon he's got the prettiest, cutest, yummiest handwriting EVER.

You would think that his toothbrush was cute and yummy, Adz

oh no, don't worry, it's natural. i'm extrememly influential wherever i go, lol.

Now youve done it, last night everything went over my head.I was watching CSI:MIAMI and they shot Delko and i am all:"dude why is he lying on the ground with blood coming out of him" What have you done to me!!!???!!!

Edit: 2 people beat me to confirming canonness(is that a word)

we saw them on a bed together, okay that sounded wrong, but they WERE on the bed
I like the first one better!! but seriously what else would they be doing? Yah, they are in a room together, getting out of a shower, all for some experiminte.(sarcasam)

Great now Adz excesive quoting is rubbing off on me AHHHHHHHHHH.

Ok ill shut up now
~Chocolate covered furry animal with big ears
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Here's some quips from the "man" WP in the latest TV Guide!! it's a Q & A session, and I'll post the parts about GSR.. and OMG, he's so georgeous, "electryfying" :p

Viewers have already seen Grissom write a letter to Sara, apparently expressing his feelings for her, but he never mailed it. Eventually he'll give it to her and also come clean about the cocoon he sent her while he was away (and Carol Mendelsohn is for this) and says "it's symbolic of their relationship", adding that there will be a payoff for FANS when Grissom tells Sara "When it hatches, you'll be pleasantly surprised"


Edited to add spoiler box. ;)

OOPS, sorry, it went in when I previewed it in the "spoiler" frame, and then something went amiss, thank's for changing it!! I choose the "blanket scene" the smiles were contagious.. gave me chills :p and the same one again on "eye sex" from 'TOYD'

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

desert, your box broke!

More and more, I'm curious about whether or not that shaving scene makes it in... and whether or not it was moved to Gris' apartment. I mean, that way, we might think Gris was being targeted by the MCSK instead of Sara. Seriously, I think the reason the shaving scene was not the very last scene in the original drafts of "FI" was because they were leaving it open for "the Claw" of MCSK building a new miniature. It makes the most sense to me. Also, how funny would it be (ok, and tragic) for a miniature of Grissom's apartment to be sent to the lab with a dead woman in it? Then Grissom calls Sara frantically? I mean, that kinda cuts out the awkward, "Yeah, we're dating" chat.

As for Ms. Mendelsohn... I think she's a producer who has to say what she thinks will sell her show. What she personally believes on the GSR front, I don't know, and am really not that worried about. Mr. Petersen is on our side, and if he wants to keep it subtle, that's fine. As long as we know, at the end of it all, that Gil and Sara love one another, I'll be happy. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Holy Buttcracker.

He's hot.

Did I just say buttcracker? I told you I need more sleep.
Also, I blame my lack of ability to spell/type in my last post to the fact that I'm tiiired and I'm Grissom deprived.

And Desertwind, now the URL is working but your spoiler box is still a little... uh... not there.


Seriously, when can I buy this on the newsstand? TV Guide and I are having a dispute about my billing and so, even though I'm right and they are not, they refuse to mail me any more issues until it is resolved.

Oh, and Grissom and Sara are totally dating. If the ToYD eyesex and the WtG 'on a bed' scenes didn't push that point home then the Vegiburger did.


He brought her food. It must be love.

And THEN? ... He sent her a STICK. With a BUG on it. That's like entomologist speak for "I love you and I miss you and I want to come home and snuggle and cuddle and huggle you until you just want to barf from the sweetness of it all."


And to top it all off? He writes an amazily wonderful letter but then hesitates just writing the address... so I can only imagine the "hand in, hand out" scene at the post office before he high tailed it away without dropping it into the box.

Which is Grissom speak for "And every word in this letter is true so I have to hoard it all to myself because I have problems expressing emotion and if you read this I might just spontaneously combust and I wouldn't want to make you stay up all night lighting another pig on fire, because I know you wouldn't like that because I pay attention now I realize that you are a vegetarian and watching a pig burn would be more tramatic then that murdered Gorilla."

Yes. I am normal.

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

CSI_mania, I love that avatar!

Alyssa said:
Also, how funny would it be (ok, and tragic) for a miniature of Grissom's apartment to be sent to the lab with a dead woman in it? Then Grissom calls Sara frantically? I mean, that kinda cuts out the awkward, "Yeah, we're dating" chat.

What is FI? Another of the upcoming episodes? :lol: at your scenario. And also :( at the thought of Sara not being around next season (or ever). She is too awesome to kill off. Seriously, the show would lose all excitement for me. Plus Grissom would be devastated and we'd never see him smile again. Who wants to see him mope around for an eternity. He'd never recover. Of course, this is CSI so they'd probably just whip (pardon the pun) Lady Heather out to cheer him up.

Which is Grissom speak for "And every word in this letter is true so I have to hoard it all to myself because I have problems expressing emotion and if you read this I might just spontaneously combust and I wouldn't want to make you stay up all night lighting another pig on fire, because I know you wouldn't like that because I pay attention now I realize that you are a vegetarian and watching a pig burn would be more tramatic then that murdered Gorilla."

:lol: That? Is so funny yet so true.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

brass_lives, FI stands for 'Fallen Idol' which is episode 18, I believe.

Just watched 'Toe Tags' for the first time. LOVED IT. It's really great when a TV series is comfortable enough with its own identity to play with format and do something unusual, rather than sticking to the same thing week in and out. And the expression on Grissom's face when Sara pretends to go at him with the chainsaw - PRICELESS! :lol:

Two new GoScaR polls tonight for your consideration...
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I agree with you forensicsgirl, I love Toe Tags, the looks on Grissom's face, thought Sara is going to killed him. I wondering if he thinking on his mind, "I'll be good, I won't hurt you ever again, sweetie. And don't hurt me, I love you." In his mind.

People think Toe Tags wasn't best one, I think it was great. I am so happy that Grissom finally lighten up this years and Sara is happy and no longer depressed.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

You would think that his toothbrush was cute and yummy, Adz
i would. but c'mooooooon, did you see his handwriting? sooo prettttty.
Now youve done it, last night everything went over my head.I was watching CSI:MIAMI and they shot Delko and i am all:"dude why is he lying on the ground with blood coming out of him" What have you done to me!!!???!!!
mwahaha. cuz first of all, you shouldn't be watching Miami. lol. i like Miami better than NY though.
Great now Adz excesive quoting is rubbing off on me AHHHHHHHHHH.
what? excessive quoting? i don't quote.


about the Mendelson poll, i have NO clue. i don't know the lady, i've never heard her saying anything. though i know i've read something she said ones or twice, i don't really remember.
Holy Buttcracker.

He's hot.
*hugs Turtle*
He brought her food. It must be love.
lol. yeah, but ya know i was always cautious in saying if he loves her. not b/c i thought he didn't but b/c he never showed it. in some way Butterflied proved to me that he didn't love her yet. it was more of a "i find it possible to fall in love with her" feeling that he had. but i may be wrong. so when they got together i believed that he also didn't love her in the full extent, but wanted this feeling to evolve during his relationship with her. he knew it was possible, he knew he would fall in love and there would be no turning back.

i think another thing why he didn't want to get involved with her at the first place was that he knew he would fall in love and if she left him, which is what Butterflied implied, he would be exposed, emotionally naked, and crushed. so it wasn't only letting her into his life what scared him, but first of all letting her into his heart.

now i'm sure he loves her. we see him as a different person in some way. we see his very romantic, involved and lovable side of him. i think when he finally decided to be with her he was ready to change - but he didn't change that much yet. if it makes any sense, lol. that's why he wrote in the letter that it's still so difficult for him to express his feelings. so we know that he's not a "good morning, i love you" person (i.e. saying iloveyou's twice a day and being fully open). i think this letter marked a somewhat new beginning for both of them, even if she won't get it. it's an indicator that Grissom is not only ready to change but that he already changed and that his sabatical helped him to accomplish that. the break made him look at his life from a new perspective and helped him determine life priorities. i believe their relationship will be more mature, more serious from now on.

in the poll for PSV's i voted IE, cuz NOTHING will beat this one except of a kiss, hug or sex itself. lol. as for my second choice in the same category i put Scuba, cuz it wasn't a being-closer-to-see-evidence-better but let-me-stroke-your-cheek-baby kind of PSV. it was priceless.

as for the second poll. well it depends if you meant turning point for us, or for the Geeks. i assume it is for the Geeks cuz WTG is not listed. i voted Bite Me, and POTTR (YYYAAAAYYY). BM cuz it was more confusing than my ECON 202, and POTTR cuz i still believe my thoery could've happened. i didn't vote ABRTI, cuz i don't find it a big turning point really, GD didn't air so it doesn't count, Thermite wasn't THAT important, and in TOYD's end scene they're obviously already together (possibly after or before a crazy make-out session).
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

:lol: I know right I always tell peole that i'm finally getting over greg and then I post a new pic of him on my page and they're like ur never gonna get over him
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Ad you're seriously not spoiler free are you??

I didn't really read the TV Guide I just saw pics from it, but the cocoon thing suppose to hatch?

Fogi -- You're going to have to explain this GoScaRs to me.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I so look forward to this.

Okay - I'm going to focus more on the second half of the poll.

I picked Bite Me and Thermite.

I think by the time that Time of Your Death hit our screens, all bets were off - it was happening, or at the very least, it was about to begin (depending which camp you're in, obviously).

Bite Me was the first time I think that we really went, "Huh? What's going here?"

And Thermite was when they woke us up again. They got derailed by the loss of Gum Drops, and they were probably fighting with how to put it back in again.

Thermite, like Bite Me, spoke of some hidden subtext between them, rather than the usual up-front obvious one-sided angst on either side.

This was the two of them mutually giving looks that said they were not talking about the here and now, and they weren't talking about anything we'd seen on our screens.

I thought Season 6 was fantastically nuanced, the way everything really worked towards the finale.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

CathStokes said:
Fogi -- You're going to have to explain this GoScaRs to me.

Um, okay... :lol: The GoScaRs are the Grissom and Sara Oscars. We launched them this time last year, as a way to celebrate all our favorite GSR moments. They were a way to cheer the fandom up when we were starting to feel pretty low due to the lack of GSRness during the first half of season 6.

This year, we decided to run them again, not so much to cheer ourselve up (cuz we're CANON, baby ;) ) but as a way to pass the time while we waited for Grissom to return from sabbatical. And, obviously, to celebrate the ship in style ;)

For two weeks, the gutterflies were invited to nominate their favorite moments for each of the categories, and then we vote until Valentine's Day.

If you want to check out last years winners, they're posted here

To get to this year's site, simply click my banner.
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