Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

First poll: IE. Obviously. It was more than just a "oops, sorry; I just kind of accidently grabbed your arm". And much longer. It was the kind of scene not meant to be ambiguous, which the other ones are, I think.

Second poll: TOYD. Because for the Geeks, it was either the first time they'd dared to show each other they wanted it, or the first time they'd dared to show how into each other they were at work (from our perspective, obviously). And, being spoiler-free, it was the first time I could legitimately go, "Holy shit - they're not playing around with this. They are going there. Ohmigod, please don't let them screw this up in the finale!!!!"

Which, of course, they didn't. :D

Fogi, I really liked "Toe Tags" too. I thought it was very imaginative and well thought out, especially with regards to theme and symbolism and even storyline. Happily, I can tell you that in my personal opinion this is the default quality of the show for the entire season, right up to and including last week.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I picked Pin Me Down and the bedroom sex thing...might change my mind though if I think more...brain is messed up from the cold lol.

Adzix, just curious, why don't you like NY as well as the others?(you can PM me so we keep it out of the ship thread) *likes NY better than Miami*

Anyway, I am soooo looking forward to tomorrow. I hope GSR Is back and better than ever <g>
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

It was more than just a "oops, sorry; I just kind of accidently grabbed your arm". And much longer. It was the kind of scene not meant to be ambiguous, which the other ones are, I think.

The funny thing is that often the ambiguous scenes had one or both of them totally aware of the situation, like the blanket moment in Sex, Lies and Larvae or earlier when she asks if he wants to sleep with her. We're the ones unsure. It's sort of like, "Is this supposed to be romantic?" "Did she really mean it like that? Is he going to not be able to stand up for a while?"

Whereas Invisible Evidence had both of them completely clueless until it was like, "Oops, we appear to be in a sexually suggestive position. Let me... not move. In fact, let me encircle your waist."
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Ad you're seriously not spoiler free are you??
i am, lol. but i admit that my theory was influenced by what is written on the cover (and ONLY cover) of the new TV Guide. but i haven't read anything else.
Adzix, just curious, why don't you like NY as well as the others?(you can PM me so we keep it out of the ship thread) *likes NY better than Miami*
i don't know. probably cuz i SO love the original that i just cannot watch a very similar show with different characters. in Miami the formula is a bit different, there is more action i guess. but i've seen like two eps of each so i can be wrong. i just can't get myself to watch them. doesn't mean they're not good, i'm sure they are. it's just my obsession that interferes.
Whereas Invisible Evidence had both of them completely clueless until it was like, "Oops, we appear to be in a sexually suggestive position. Let me... not move. In fact, let me encircle your waist."
lmao. i love you sarah.

omg, the ep is tommorow!! *dies and decomposes*
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i don't know. probably cuz i SO love the original that i just cannot watch a very similar show with different characters. in Miami the formula is a bit different, there is more action i guess. but i've seen like two eps of each so i can be wrong. i just can't get myself to watch them. doesn't mean they're not good, i'm sure they are. it's just my obsession that interferes.

I know how you feel. I just can't bring myself to watch it - I feel like I'm cheating on the original. I'm sure they're good shows though. :)

Now, about GoScaRs - I voted for IE and that Hamburger scene as PSV - in IE they are both aware of what's going on, it's not just some accident while examining evidence, besides you could tell that they really want to come even closer to one another. And even though they don't and GSR shippers didn't get to have the cake, they at least got to stick their finger in it :)

And I've always thought of that Hamburger Scene just as a way to show them really really close to one another. Maybe I'm just making stuff up, but I don't think they said anything that important, CSIish about the case when they were talking.

I'm sorry I didn't write more, but I can't take my mind off the upcoming episode and I may say something I'd be made fun of for the next 3 weeks, so let me just shut up.

Team Subtle, btw :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Adzix said:
*dies and decomposes*

Ewwwwww. Not a smell I want to experience when I come into the gutter. Will someone clean *gestures at mess imperiously* that up please? Thank you so much.


And now for more GoScaRs!!!

Previous Polls:

Best PSV / Turning Point of Season 6

Potentially Ship Damaging Moment /Best Eye Sex

Most Unexpected / Debated GSR Moment

Best GSR Scene with only One Geek Present

Best Use of Subtlety in a GSR Moment

Funniest GSR Moment

Best Look of Longing/Love
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I don't think anything will ever top "You. Me. This Table. Now." I mean, the look in his eyes is just DESIRE. It's like, honey, this table's sturdy! *ahem*

Though, I still love IE. I mean, if nothing else, I think IE is the best pre-relationship sexual tension moment. I mean, they're in that moment, and he's not moving. He's not freakin' moving. He has no intention of moving. He's content to just be there, inches from her, soaking her in. Delish.

TMRA! TMRA! GSR's Coming, TMRA! It's only a day away!!!! I can't believe he'll be home, and I'm so confused by all the CM TVguide stuff, and all the YTDAW stuff that I'm not sure WHAT to expect. I just can't wait. And, I wonder how Mr. Petersen is going to play Grissom in the scene when he first sets eyes on his beloved, again. I mean, I think we're going to get to see their first interaction since he got home... He might've flown right into work just like he flew right out... Worry about unpacking, later. Gosh, I hope Grissom has these big doe-eyes. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"


It says in the TV Guide, that he's excited to see her, but she's not, so excited to see him, because she's been at a landfill all day (crime scene} but they will end up at his apt. :p

And on this poll I voted for the "I'm not ready to say goodbye " and "I'll miss you" the 2nd one "Pin me down" and the scene from 'TOYD'

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

desertwind said:

Viewers have already seen Grissom write a letter to Sara, apparently expressing his feelings for her, but he never mailed it. Eventually he'll give it to her and also come clean about the cocoon he sent her while he was away (and Carol Mendelsohn is for this) and says "it's symbolic of their relationship", adding that there will be a payoff for FANS when Grissom tells Sara "When it hatches, you'll be pleasantly surprised"

Yes I have posted a spoiler box, only cuz desertwind dosnt know how to post a spoiler box *evil glare*

'pleasantly suprised'? pleasently suprised like there is a ring in there? or pleasently suprized like the moth/butterfly comes out and eats hodges and eklie? I kinda like the 2nd one better. :rolleyes: se niw i am all maniac and crazzy in antipitation for episode. this is why i dont read spoilers

Holy Buttcracker.

You. scare. me.

mwahaha. cuz first of all, you shouldn't be watching Miami. lol. i like Miami better than NY though.

well i had nothing better to do, and i like miami except for the fact that horacio(now that is definitly spelled wrong) tilts his head while talking.DONT JUDGE ME!

what? excessive quoting? i don't quote.

yes you do you posts are filled with quote boxes
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

chocolate_bunnys said:
desertwind said:

Viewers have already seen Grissom write a letter to Sara, apparently expressing his feelings for her, but he never mailed it. Eventually he'll give it to her and also come clean about the cocoon he sent her while he was away (and Carol Mendelsohn is for this) and says "it's symbolic of their relationship", adding that there will be a payoff for FANS when Grissom tells Sara "When it hatches, you'll be pleasantly surprised"

Yes I have posted a spoiler box, only cuz desertwind dosnt know how to post a spoiler box *evil glare*

'pleasantly suprised'? pleasently suprised like there is a ring in there? or pleasently suprized like the moth/butterfly comes out and eats hodges and eklie? I kinda like the 2nd one better. :rolleyes: se niw i am all maniac and crazzy in antipitation for episode. this is why i dont read spoilers

Holy Buttcracker.

You. scare. me.

mwahaha. cuz first of all, you shouldn't be watching Miami. lol. i like Miami better than NY though.

well i had nothing better to do, and i like miami except for the fact that horacio(now that is definitly spelled wrong) tilts his head while talking.DONT JUDGE ME!

what? excessive quoting? i don't quote.

yes you do you posts are filled with quote boxes

Yes, chocolate_bunny I do know how, it screwed up, mistakes happen :( no biggie ~~evil glare~~~ :devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

First thing. I have a fever of 102.5 - so if I come off as delirious, it's because I am.

Second thing. There is WAY TO MUCH STUFF ON MY DESK! AHHH! I can't even FIND my keyboard! That's right, I'm typing with my overheating BRAIN! Mwhahaha!


I voted again... and they are on the same page! Yay! Ok, so I voted for *sighs* I wish I knew. Why do I have this problem? My memory is totally fried lately. And this one I actually had to think about - so you'd think I would remember.


PRE CANON - IE and ToYD. If you've seen them - then they totally explain themselves. Hottness. Lovely hottness.

They are the two that most scream animal lust to me. Like - if they weren't at the lab then they'd be nekkid.

CANON ROMANTIC - No Dear and I'll miss you.

I voted for these because they are so... domestic. You know? He didn't tell anyone else that he was going to miss them... and it was so sweet and beautiful and unGrissomly (that's my new word) and he was so nervous and he MISSES her. How can that not be romantic?

And No Dear - because even though it had to be a Billy adlib it was so neuteral that I almost missed it. It was sweet in the way that you see actual couples calling each other 'sweetheart' or 'honey'. It was like he forgot where he was and that's the way he ALWAYS talks to her *at home* and it just was so sweet.

And hey, nobody was hurt and/or dying. Bonus!

*hugs Turtle*
Awww. You want my fever germs... that's so sweet.

You. scare. me.

*evil cackle*


26 hours. I can last 26 hours. And I have Bones to get me through tonite... and WORK to get me through most of tomorrow.


Edited because: And you know you're jealous

Wicked. I'm at the top of the page AGAIN!


*giggles uncontrollably*

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Awww. You want my fever germs... that's so sweet.
of course i do. no wait. what illness do exactly those germs represent?

oh oh, sarah's got birthday today. HAPPY B-DAY, yo.

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Yay! Happy Birthday to Sarah! *hugs*

I voted TOYD for best pre-canon moment... again, because that's when I knew it was on and I knew that they knew it was on. Joyous!

For me, WTG and LLV tied for best Canon moment. WTG because that's the first canon moment, the one where we all could finally take a deep breath and think "We were not crazy shippers for six years after all!!" And I picked LLV because I just thought that warching them try to struggle with Grissom's leaving at work, when they couldn't really let out any of their feelings... aw. It was so sad, and so sweet.

Although I have to say, Fogi - in light of recent events, it's too bad that the letter-writing moment of MM couldn't be on the poll. Because really, that was possibly the most romantic scene I've seen yet on CSI, and for me it beats the other options hands-down.

Well, until Grissom washes Sara's hair in some future scene. *grins* (No, not a spoiler - just my own private joke that amuses naught but me....)

ETA: Adz, couldn't you have least given Sarah a naked!Grissom for me to saliva...uh, I mean, for her to look at? (I totally meant Sarah. I swear.)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

AHHHH, Turtlebaby get better, that sucks!!have a couple shots of whiskey, it won't make you feel better, but you won't care :devil: and
Sarah have a good one!!! your the best!!!

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Shame on me for neglecting to notice the happy little cake next to Sarah's name!

Baaaaad me.

Happy Birthday! I'd hug you, but Adzix wants ALL my fever germs. Wow. I just wrote fever ferms. It must be time for me to sleep.

have a couple shots of whiskey, it won't make you feel better, but you won't care

You got it, yo.

Uh-oh. Now Adz is rubbing off on ME.

As for what kind of germs I dunno. I don't really FEEL sick. A little nauseous. Other then that... I'm good. I worked 12 hours today - so I can't be THAT sick. Or maybe that is why I AM sick. Hmm.

Eh. As long as I'm concious (I spelled this word five different ways. Nothing looks right. The part of my brain that spells was apparently the first to go.) for CSI tomorrow.

Bring on the Grissom. I've been waiting a loooong time for his return. Yes. Four weeks is a really loooong time. For me. Yes.

Bones is over so I'm going to bed.


That is all.

Edited because of is not off, Brissm is not Grissom, and Scully is not the newest *guest* character on Bones.
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