Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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So Sarah, if we like both, does that make us Team Slut? Or Team Bifacial? C'mon, we need a name!

Realistic Nelly strikes again!


Okay, you can be Team Scruff/Shaven. Because Bifacial sounds really, really wrong.

that's b/c, like Jorja said, CSI actors never go on boards like this, not to worry about people's opinions. i'm pretty sure Billy is not a computer person too - he said it once or twice in an interview as far as i can recall.

Actually Jorja says that she has been on CSIFiles, and I imagine that any smart producer like Naren or CM would want to know what their fanbase was saying. Billy, however, says he got rid of his computer a while ago because there was just too much going on on the internet. lol.
MissDee said:
So Sarah, if we like both, does that make us Team Slut? Or Team Bifacial? C'mon, we need a name!

I think Team Bifacial is a fantastic name. I'll join. I'm more or less on the fence (what else is new :p ) on the beard issue. I LOVE the scruff, but after a whole lot of "no beard? beard gone? *whimper*" I've made my peace with it and can now see the benefits of a clean-shaven Grissom. I'm happy for Grissom to go down either path, and I'm sure Sara is too ;)

Sarahvma said:
Okay, you can be Team Scruff/Shaven. Because Bifacial sounds really, really wrong.


If anyone hasn't checked out whoiskeppler yet, head over there as soon as you get a chance - there's lots of cool GSRness for your entertainment.

Another pimp out for the GoScaRs. If you haven't nominated your favorite GSR moments yet, clicky click on my banner and go do so now ;)
I think Sara likes both.

But, me Sara, likes bearded.

So, last night I was watching CSI Miami, cause that was what was on, but it was on CBS, so it was the same channel the new episodes of CSI air on. And I'm watching, kinda falling asleep, but watching. Then suddenly the promo commercial for Sweet Jane came on. I immediately propped my head up, adn stared at the tv, cause it said something about CSI. Then I remembered that Grissom left, so there would be no Grissom in the promo. As I watched, I noticed there was no Sara in the promo either.

I got up and went to my Mommy, looking very sad. I said 'Mommy, I'm depressed,' she just kinda looked at me. Then I actually got tears in my eyes, and she asked 'why, honey?' I almost laughed at the fact she said honey, then I kept looking at her and I almost yelled 'I MISS GRISSOM!' She sighed, then went back to washing dishes.

Thanks Mom, glad you care about me so much.

I'm going through a difficult time, coping with a loss, and she goes off to dry dishes!

She should be ashamed.

I wasn't really crying, I just LOVE acting. :)

I haven't even seen the new episode yet, and I'm already missing him.

Damn you, Billy.
I think Team Bifacial is a fantastic name. (forensicsgirl)
*snickers at Sarah for her prudishness*

All Hail Team Bifacial!

Seriously, though, teams... how's this for a truce? Grissom comes home with the beard. How do he and Sara celebrate? He sits on a chair... and she shaves him.

I think it could be a really erotic scene if they did it right... with the added bonus that it's something CBS censors can't really nail them on.

I'd like to visit, but I'm afraid it'd be spoilery. I will say, though, Liev Schriber on those promos looks good enough to eat. I can't wait to see how he fits in on CSI!
MissDee said:
Seriously, though, teams... how's this for a truce? Grissom comes home with the beard. How do he and Sara celebrate? He sits on a chair... and she shaves him.

That's a little too Riker/Troi for me. LOL! And, I was so absolutely pissed when they shaved off Riker's facial hair. really pissed.

So, I guess I'm not as passionate about Grissom's facial hair as I thought... LOL!

Who here hopes we have something new to talk about after Thursday's episode? I mean, if all we have to talk about until Grissom gets back is facial hair, it's going to be a long few weeks!

They need to hurry up with the gift and flashback! I need new stuff for a music vid! (Don't worry, I know better than to post it here... I'll put it on whoiskeppler if the site is still up, then, though. :)) I just want new clips to replay on my computer.

I can't stop watching the "Goodbye" scene and the Nick/Cath talk about Gris' possible girlfriend. I think I'm glad someone broke the ice, though, because I can't see Gil calling Sara his girlfriend, for some reason, and I see her calling him her "Man" rather than her boyfriend. The terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" strangely seem too juveline for this relationship, though my fiance and I used them up until we were engaged. I like "fiance" better, though. It's a nicer term to me.

What do you think they call themselves? Or will call themselves? I mean, they haven't had to admit to anyone that they were dating, so they haven't had to call each other anything possessive beyond pet names. What would they call it? They're a couple, obviously, but is Gil her boyfriend??? Or her man?

Maybe I'm just odd because I call my mom my, "Female Parental Unit," and my dad my, "Male Parental Unit." Teehee.
Team Bearded:

Team CleanShaven:

Team 'Bifacial':

He sits on a chair... and she shaves him.

I think it could be a really erotic scene if they did it right... with the added bonus that it's something CBS censors can't really nail them on.

I am not sure i want to know whats going on in your mind.

I am not sure i want to know whats going on in your mind.

My CSI obsession is taking over, to day in Spanish we had to pick Spanish names to go by and I picked Sara. I need a life. actually i wanted to be Margarita, but someone took that one. :lol:
I'm bored! I want to talk about something jucier than Grissom's facial hair. Why are TPTB jerking our chains?!? They give us a whole 30 seconds or sometimes even 1 minute of GSR and look how much we obsess about it. We would all just die if they gave us a whole hour of GSR (never gonna happen, but I can dream). Could you imagine how many anti-GSR letters TV guide would get. I bet a ton of people would say "I'm never watching that show again" Wah wah wah the big crybabies. I think I'll go take a nap now. :p
Okie, just to go back to Grissom's facial hair for a second, put me down firmly on the side of clean-shaven. He looks great both ways, but i prefer the babyface.

Okie, i'm probably way late to talk about this, but the end scene of the last new episode. Oh, my god, i thought i was going to die. He was THIS CLOSE *makes teeny weeny little space between fingers* to saying it. I love the way he just stood there and was like "i should say something. I should say something." And Then i was aggrivated when he finally settled on "I'll miss you." Although that's probably as close to "I love you." as we're going to get for a long while now. *pout*

Okie, i'm done ranting.

Why do i keep starting things with okie?

Gillian Sara Grissom
I'm bored! I want to talk about something jucier than Grissom's facial hair. Why are TPTB jerking our chains?!? They give us a whole 30 seconds or sometimes even 1 minute of GSR and look how much we obsess about it. We would all just die if they gave us a whole hour of GSR (never gonna happen, but I can dream). Could you imagine how many anti-GSR letters TV guide would get. I bet a ton of people would say "I'm never watching that show again" Wah wah wah the big crybabies. I think I'll go take a nap now.

Well, excusing for a moment the fact that show has always been, first and foremost, about the science and about the cases (rather like Law and Order), I do think that GSR is getting special treatment in a negative way right now.

Could be fan backlash, could be ratings, but it became clear that right around the time that new scripts were written after ratings came in that Sara's screentime got dialed down, and a good chunk of GSR was cut from a couple of episodes.

Having said all of that,
that the angst we're looking at right now is because of that. Bottom line is that if TPTB were worried the fanbase was leaving because of GSR, they would probably just cut it completely from the show, or just dial it down even further. I think enough time has passed so that they know that GSR is not responsible for the ratings. Enough so that they promoted a very important episode (Grissom's "last") with almost nothing BUT GSR. And it won them the highest ratings of the year. So I think that they've gotten over their GSR-phobia. And the angst was coming. We always knew it. GSR was built on angst, so this was pretty sensible. The fact that we're getting a flashback in an episode where Grissom won't have any contact with anyone else, and Sara gets a present from him is pretty good. That Sara is pissed at him is kind of understandable, if not great for the ship - but I think that if it was their plan to erase GSR, it would be Grissom shown pulling away from her, and Sara sad. That was their usual approach. This time it's the other way around. And I think that for a lot of people, it's Grissom who has the ultimate power to end things, not Sara. So as long as he's chasing her around, I think the ship is fine.
He sits on a chair... and she shaves him.

I think it could be a really erotic scene if they did it right... with the added bonus that it's something CBS censors can't really nail them on.
take a look here then.
I got up and went to my Mommy, looking very sad. I said 'Mommy, I'm depressed,' she just kinda looked at me. Then I actually got tears in my eyes, and she asked 'why, honey?' I almost laughed at the fact she said honey, then I kept looking at her and I almost yelled 'I MISS GRISSOM!' She sighed, then went back to washing dishes.
i love you.
What do you think they call themselves? Or will call themselves? I mean, they haven't had to admit to anyone that they were dating, so they haven't had to call each other anything possessive beyond pet names. What would they call it? They're a couple, obviously, but is Gil her boyfriend??? Or her man?
oh that's a good question. i think Sara calls him her boyfriend, you know. i think it would be very, very cute. and i like the fact that, like you said, Sara's been obliviously called his girlfriend. i would like it, despite the girl/boy immature thing.

AIGHT', teams! i made banners!



check out more new stuff on my site.
Well, TPTB did give us "Butterflied" back in season 4, but a lot of people.... well, a lot of people aren't convinced it was about Sara, but we know that's what it was. It was an entire hour dedicated to Grissom's feelings about Sara, and him being forced to deal with them in a way he'd never expected to. I think Grissom believed he could keep things going the way they were, where he'd just be content to have her close and have a little (somewhat manipulative) control in her life. I think "Butterflied" made it more real for him, because he was facing the idea of being without her.

Watch it. When he first sees the resemblance, that's when the obsession with the case starts, right in that moment. When he walks outside, the camera even focuses on Sara. It's all he can see. It's her, and he's spooked to see her alive while her doppleganger lies on the bathroom floor. It takes a few seconds for him to snap out of it, to focus on Brass.

He never lets Sara in the bathroom. She's never in the same room that the murder took place. He stays there all night scouring the floor for evidence that isn't there, because it's about her. It's about Sara. When he's sitting in the bedroom, he tries to focus on the case, as he usually does. He tries to think about the victim, but he can't focus. It inevitably turns to Sara in his mind. She's all he can see.

We end the episode with a moment that was so unlike anything CSI had done up until then. It was such a huge moment that it made that years' Emmy "Moments of the Year." It was heart-wrenching and heart-breaking to see Grissom there, behind the glass, admitting to a perfect stranger what he could never admit to anyone else. He realizes that yes, he could have had that dream life with Sara, but he was afraid she'd tire of him and leave, that he wouldn't be enough for her. Rather than letting her make her mind up, it was easier for him to keep her at bay, to hold her at arm's length... But he knows that if he were ever to be with Sara, and she were to leave, he would be nothing. He would feel like his life were over, to have known her love and lost it, to know what it was like to hold her at night, to smell her hair, to make her giggle as they lay in bed talking... It would kill him to have that and lose it. When he finishes, Brass leaves him alone, unsure of what to say, unsure of what to do. Sara watches through the glass as Grissom sighs, letting it all out, defeated and broken. She's watching him, and you can't tell if she's sadder for how broken a man he is, or for the fact that he's allowed his fears to rule his life, and that's what's kept them apart. It's beautiful, it's poetic in the most damaging of ways.

I doubt we'll ever get another "Butterflied," but I agree, we could do with some substance GSR.

And I think we're going to get it. It's going to be heart-wrenching. We saw in "Butterflied" that he's afraid of losing her, that his greatest fear is being with her, and then her walking out on him. Yes, he left, but from his perspective, she's the one cutting things off between the two of them, and here he is, fighting for her, trying to show her how much he loves her, trying to win her back... because he needs her. I don't think Grisosm can go back to how things used to be. I don't think he can stand working with her knowing that he can't touch her, he can't hold her when she cries, he can't be there to push her hair behind her face while she sleeps, to share coffee and laughter... it'll kill him. This isn't the old days where he could shut down. He's been there, he's had that glorious relationship, and there's no going back. Either he's going to get her back... or he's going to break. It's kinda sad that he left to chill out, and he comes home to a pissed Sara, and a new crime scene from a serial killer he thought was dead. Yikes.

ETA: Adz!!! Those banners ROCK!!!
Why, is their talk of trouble in their "finally got together relationship" to me it's a done deal SOLID.. just because he's gone out of town for a while? she's OK with it, I beleive.. and they'll be fine, when he returns ;)

hey everyone wow you move fast :D
for me its gotta be team bifacial! i mean grissom/billy in a tux and beard or the whole jackpot eppi = TOTALLY HOTT! :devil:
or grissom clean shaven cute facial expressions and all round adorableness (if thats even a word lol) = TOTALLY HOTT! :devil:

how am i supposed to choose??? i can't therefore i am for the bi facial team woohoo!!

take care luvya all :D

Hey Adz brill banners you mind if i snag one? Will obviously credit you you genius :lol:
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