Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Put another tick mark beside team bifacial. I'll take him in any and every flavor, thankuverymuch.

I'm not really spoiled on whatever is supposed to go on with GSR, but I hope if anything bad happens that we get more out of it (in the long run) than what we've seen so far. If we have to put up with this much whining when nothing much has happened, I need something more to look forward to. They committed to the couple when Way to Go aired. Suck it up and give us something to chew on (and vid on).
Grssom89 I LOVE your avi! It's so CUTE!!! *Squeak*

Hmm, i can't think of what i was going to say now. Okie, I'll be back later.

Gillian Sara Grissom
Adzix, those banners are awesome. You rock, girl! ;)

AL, that's some excellent analysis of Butterflied. I think with that episode we got a sneak peak into what Grissom would be like if anything were ever to happen to Sara. We saw in Grave Danger that he dialed down, focused and reasoned the situation out - his veneer barely cracked because he knew he needed to hold it together in order to find Nick. But in Butterflied Grissom was obsessive. He kept going, didn't leave the crime scene, didn't even realise he hadn't eaten until Catherine brought the fact to his attention.

That was for a woman who just looked like Sara. Can you imagine if it HAD been Sara? I think we would be looking at a complete meltdown. This is pure conjecture on my part, but I could imagine if, goddess forbid, anything ever happened to Sara, Grissom would become obsessive in pursuit of the where, the what, the how. And especially the WHO. He wouldn't sleep until he had solved the case. And only then would he fall apart.

I think Grissom has taken the path of no return - as he knew it would be even before he took it. He knew that, if he finally allowed himself to be with Sara, there would be no going back. We saw that in Butterflied. Take the risk, you put not only your heart, but the very meaning of your life on the line. Without Debbie, Lurie had nothing in Grissom's opinion. He was no longer there. What is this if not a comment on how Grissom sees his own life without Sara, post-relationship. There's simply no going back to a life without her, not without losing himself in the process.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

what episode is that picture of them in sara's room from ?? i can't find it
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

the episode is WAY TO GO season 6 finale
hope that helps :D
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

its ok
such a wonderful sccene when GSR finally became CANON woo :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

ok this is gunna sound really weird and uneducated but what does everyone mean by CANON?
No don't worry. it simply means when GSR became official if anyone wants to add to that feel free lol im not exactly an expert on lingo unlike people like ADZIX DESERTWIND ALYSSA and SARAHVMA :D
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

addictedtogreg said:
what episode is that picture of them in sara's room from ?? i can't find it

First and foremost Welcome addictedtogreg and here's that pic for you.. it's been posted many times, but hey never enough :p and FG I can't friggin' read any of the choices.. their too black.. and I swear I'm not blind..HELP :(

Great, I have a zit on my face.

Billy gave me a stress zit!

*cries* it hurts!

Actually, it was probably caused by exams.. but partly because of Grissom's little trip.

*coughs* I.. need.. GSR.. going.. through.. withdrawals.

fogi, complete meltdown if it was Sara? No, meltdown would be under-stating his feelings.

ahah, bifacial. That made me laugh.

I think that in season three, the season where people keep asking me that if Grissom liked Sara, then why didn't he date her then, Grissom was afraid of what might happen between his team. Seriously, me and one of my best friends started dating, and it totally messed up our friendship, and it also messed up his friendship with three of mine and his friends. I still talk to him and stuff, but we're not as comfortable around each other as we used to be.

I think Grissom felt the same way in Play With Fire, he did like Sara, but 'he didn't know what to do about it'. His words exactly. He knew things would change, maybe he didn't want them to at the time. Plus the bad timing because he was about to go for surgery. I hate how he doesn't tell anyone about anything, his surgery, his sabbatical, etc. Anyway, back to the point, he knew things between the team would change, things between him and Sara would change. He also might have thought about the way things would turn out if Sara and him ever broke it off, which I'm still scared of, but things are good so I'm not worried at the moment.

If they were to break up, now or earlier, they could try to be friends again, but they never truly would be, if the two of them are hating each other, some of the team is bound to take sides. Catherine would probably ask Grissom what happened, then decide for herself who's fault it was and then side with the other. Greg would probably side with Sara. Hodges would side with Grissom, just because he's an ass-kisser.

So, now we've got two teams that are at each other's throats all the time, Ecklie wouldn't like that, so he'd fire at least one of them. And then we'd have un-literal CSI bombs going off.

And all us viewers would be taking cover.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

ok this is gunna sound really weird and uneducated but what does everyone mean by CANON?

My mother always told me that the only way we learn anything is to ask questions. A while back there was talk of doing a GSR FAQ, and I have a bunch of questions and answers saved on my computer from that. Hopefully we'll get it up and running one of these days, but in the meantime, here's one definition of "CANON"

Canon means something which has happened or been mentioned in an actual episode of the show. Examples of Canon are the fact that Grissom’s mother is deaf, that Catherine has a daughter, that Warrick was raised by his Grandmother and, most recently, that Grissom and Sara are a couple.

desertwind said:
FG I can't friggin' read any of the choices.. their too black.. and I swear I'm not blind..HELP

Um, i'm lost. Can't read what choices? What are too black?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i think that he might mean any of the choices on like the poll or sumtin..i gues..i can read it just fine..YAY
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Hi, guys. I been gone for awhile and then I start hearing about some interesting stuff happening in 7x13 and 7x14. Could someone please tell me what is supposed to be happening in these episodes.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

addictedtogreg said:
i think that he might mean any of the choices on like the poll or sumtin..i gues..i can read it just fine..YAY

Yes, that's what I meant .. I can't read the "choices" HMMMM, if everyone else can, then I'm puzzled :confused:

and here's a pic of Sara with curly hair ;)

from "Play With Fire" cute huh?
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