Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I got tvguide today for next weeks, I read CSI on Thrusday and said, Someone need to learn about team player. I wondering who they talk about, Keppler or Catherine?

I read over at YTDAW, they said, Sara will cheat on Grissom with Nick and I said, no, I don't think so. This girl's friend said, she read tvguide, when this guy interview Jorja and Billy, and said Sara will cheat on Grissom with Nick. And I said, sound to me, she didn't read it right. This guy asks Jorja, who she want to work with? And she said, she want to work with George and she didn't said about her character is going to cheat on Grissom. Jorja said, she don't know how they going to write it when Grissom leave. If I'm right about this story, where they going with. Sara is going to be there for Nick, like she always does and Nick will be there for her and he understand her and so it Sara understand Nick. They will share very strong bond. She is going to see something about Nick, and other team doesn't see anything.

Adzix, I snagged your Sexy Grissom banner. I will credit when use. I love Sara's curly hair. I wish she keep on her, she looks good in it.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Adzix, those are great banners! Could I use the "Team Bifacial" one? You might have to tell me how to put it at the end of my posts, though.

So no one likes my shaving scenario. Humph. You people have no sense of the romantic. (Although - hello; confession! - I have never seen Star Trek X, despite being a Trekker - I put it on once and fell asleep. Oops! So I totally forgot about the Troi shaves Riker thing.)

Speaking of which... everyone's reading Wil Wheaton's recaps of Star Trek: The Next Generation first-season episodes on TV Squad, right?

What?! You're not?!! Get over there right now!!! Funniest damn things I've read in a while!!!
what a feedback. wow! i'm really happy y'all like them. thank you so much Alyssa, grssom89, fogi, NicknGrissom, MissDee and Bullet_Girl!

of course, anybody who would like to use the banners, is more than welcome to do so, it's the reason i make them. don't forget to credit me somewhere though or the angry Adzix will hunt you down and applicate a heavy punishment.

not really, but scaring y'all is still worth a shot, lol.

fogi and Alyssa, brilliant analysis of the Butterflied episode. you both put into words exactly what i felt about this episode in a great way. i have nothing to add to it.
Adzix, those are great banners! Could I use the "Team Bifacial" one? You might have to tell me how to put it at the end of my posts, though.
sure thing boss. you need to write this:

[ img ] put link in here [/ img ]

in the "Edit Profile" section of "My Home" in the "signature" bracket. just get rid of the spaces, and you'll be good.

So no one likes my shaving scenario
MissDee, i don't know if you read fanfiction but in my previous post i included a link to an amazing story by CSINut214 & SkullyAsTrinity called "A Study of Normality" where every chapter can be treated separately and the 3rd one is about Sara shaving Grissom. i think it's exactly what you may be looking for.

unless you haven't read that already cuz this fic is a classic if you ask me.
wow Ive been gone for 2 days and the board doubled in size 0.0 Im glad to see the GSR is still going strong, it really needs some good influence in such a hard part of its life.
I'm late but i want say i'm Team 'Bifacial'!!!
I loved what you guys said about Butterflied, i think the same, haaaaa this episode is wonderful!!! still my favourite!!

what will happen between Sara and Nick??
Nothing. People over at YDTAW think Sara will cheat on Grissom with Nick. Sara is going to be there for Nick and understand him, like no one else does. She will closed to Nick and she see Nick getting upset with Catherine about something Catherine did.
There is NO mention of Sara cheating with Nick in any TV Guide I've got..and I just got the latest issue.. and YTDAW are well know for their senationalism, and false can fans actually think that Sara would do that, when she's been ga-ga, over this man Grissom forever, and now that their a couple, it would be so out of context, for her and she's so not interested n Nick..that way.. so I'll take this with a hugh block of salt.. and say no way and NOT
I trust YTDAW, and the person who said the Nick/Sara rumor over there was NOT a mod or spoiler queen.. it was someone who was confused by the article. And, I consider YTDAW my most trusted spoiler site. Any sensationalism is derived from readers who misinterpret information, as was the case, here. You are right, though, that Sara is not going to cheat on Grissom while he is gone. That's not in the cards.

I love "Butterflied." Ultimate GSR episode... Yes, I know many consider "Way to Go" the ultimate GSR moment, but "Butterflied" is the ultimate GSR episode.

Been thinking about "Blood Lines" a bit lately, and I just love the concern Grissom shows for her when he asks when she had any time off. He notices that she didn't want to conduct the interview. Even before he undrstood anything about her background, he could feel that something was off... but then when she shoots back, wondering how much time he's taken off... it's awesome. They're just so alike in some strange ways, and that's totally amusing to me.

I remember watching the end of that episode for the first time, and when he answered the phone, I was so curious. I wanted to know what was going on, what had happened, and then the fact that he went to get Sara... That meant a lot to me at the time... Even before he took her hand (which I believe was a Mr. Petersen add-in). When he took her hand, I just about died. He didn't have to do that, but he reached out to her, physically, touching her skin. After everything he said about that in "Butterflied," that moment in "Bloodlines" was fairly profound.

Gosh, "Butterflied" just seems to be my ultimate touch-back when it comes to GSR. I mean, there are other eps, sure, but when it comes down to breaking down Grissom and how he saw Sara for all those years when they weren't together... It's incredible. I'm itching to rewatch it, and I watched it just two weeks ago! LOL! I'm addicted to a single episode of a show! How pitiful am I?
Can i join the love boat here? I loooooooove GSR and have been a fan for over a year now and I want in!:p GSR was my first ship so it is very impotant to me. Hope to chat with you guys! Bye *waves*
VaveAma92 said:
Can i join the love boat here? I loooooooove GSR and have been a fan for over a year now and I want in!:p GSR was my first ship so it is very impotant to me. Hope to chat with you guys! Bye *waves*

Sure the more the better. We have to keep this ship sailing! ;)
Welcome VaveAma92 to our little clan!! It's a fun-loving, GSR-lovin' place! :)

Ok, tears in my eyes, people. Just rewatched the clip from Nesting Dolls when Sara tells Grissom about her past, and there are just tears in my eyes. I've watched this scene a thousand times, but Ms. Fox just does such a great job of effectively conveying the pain and the loss of innocence Sara felt... Gosh's it's powerful stuff. And Grissom's just sitting there, taking it all in, absorbing it... and it hits him so incredibly hard.

Think he got scared? I mean, the very next episode he asked someone else out for dinner, and though there are various interpretations of that, that should really be left for the Sofia/Gil thread, I think it's interesting, and something that could be fun to discuss. Did Grissom get frightened? Not by Sara, but by how much it mattered to him and how much it was affecting him. He stood up to Ecklie at the end without question, but with Ecklie's final remark... There was this strange look on Grissom's face, this registering of what was happening, of what was going on. It's intriguing. I mean, and it relates right into "Butterflied." Dude. I think I might be obsessed. I might have a problem.

"She's a loose cannon with a gun, and she's all yours." Don't know about "loose cannon," Ecklie, but you're right on the all-yours.

That's another thing.. Do we think Ecklie knows? I'm of the opinion that he, out of everyone, probably knows. I know that sounds bizarre, but he has really only been an observer in the GSR dynamic. The rest of the team has been there, in close contact with these two. Even Hodges has been present for two interesting revelations:

"I don't remember getting a Christmas present from Grissom."

"Hodges, don't you know grey hair can be very attractive?"

Ecklie, out of everyone, can see the most clearly, I think, because he hasn't become numb. I think everyone else is just used to there being something strange between Sara and Gris, so when it changed from a platonic weird tension to the heat of a passionate relationship, the team didn't notice. I mean, I assume the change with Gris and Sara was gradual, as they probably took it slow to begin with. Thus, the change was gradual for the team who saw them everyday...

It's kinda like... When you're a teenager you decide to get your tongue peirced without telling your dad. When you see your cousin, whom you haven't seen in a year, she immediately notices something is different, and quickly spots the tongue ring that an oblivious father has missed for an entire year because he's just used to her being weird. Yes, I am talking about an experience with one of my cousins... LOL. That's GSR. Ecklie is a cousin, while the other team members are Gil and Sara's immediate family. :)

Tonight, my fiance got to experience some of my crazy spoiler reactions. It was hilarious, because he just kept shaking his head, wondering why he ever asked me to watch this show. :) Honestly, he enjoys the GSR, and it's the only part of the show I'm allowed to spoil for him... but I think I scare him a wee bit. :)

I'm not dicing anyone at that site.. but when it mentioned the TV Guide, there's no such article about that.. so where'd this "fan" get their source.. you know the old "cite your source" and your right, first the writers wouldn't go this route, not after bringing them to the "WTG' ep. and then go off into the ditch with Sara and Nick.. she'd never do that, and I don't think Nick would either :( their friends/co-workers, that's it!!!
VaveAma92 said:
Can i join the love boat here? I loooooooove GSR and have been a fan for over a year now and I want in!:p GSR was my first ship so it is very impotant to me. Hope to chat with you guys! Bye *waves*


I've been a fan since day one. When I was like 6. along time ago, but I'm still sailing the GSR ship.
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