Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I really want to see some of the CSI Blooper reels!! Does anyone know where to find them!!
So I live in Cleveland and have been snowed in. So I have been watching several CSIS on Spike. I want to know if the writers were serious about matching Sophia up with Grissom, or if that was just something to make all us GSR fans mad!! Because when she first arrived they were really throwing them together. I must have blocked it out the first time it aired, but to see it on reruns..... lets just say what a train wreck.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Adzix! Darling! Many happy returns of the day! *birthday hugs* Love your "laughter" icon; he's absolutely gorgeous!

You know, I can see Grissom and Sara not making a big deal out of Valentines at all....

Sara: It's a Hallmark holiday, Gris!
Gil: But... but... I wrote a sonnet and everything!!
Sara: Aw, baby.... *melts*
Gil: And I bought you matching tarantulas! I named them after us!
Sara: And right there you lost me.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Happy birthday to Adzix ! I can't think of anything original enough to wish you, just to stay so talented and keep up the good work with the icons! We love you!

Now, about the question... well, actually, I don't really have so much to say, since everybody else put it so perfectly - they had to get over their fears and fight their demons to make this work. And now that they are together, they know more about eachother than before, but still there are so many things they need to work out and learn to deal with...

I think if Grissom or Sara got back and changed even one single thing, no matter how small it is, everything would have worked out differently. That's just how time works...

Gil: And I bought you matching tarantulas! I named them after us!
Heheheee...Matching tarantulas... good one :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Happy Birthday, Adzix :)

Turtlebaby said:
it was a long, sometimes painful road... but it was their road.

That's it for me, too. Who knows how things would be different now if they had gotten together sooner. Especially with TPTB that we have been gifted with :rolleyes: I think the way things are going right now is great, and I hope it continues. I was absolutely giddy because of a 30 second scene last week. More, please.

I guess I'm the only one who thought the Sofia dinner was just a co-worker thing (like Cath & Keppler the other day). It may have been the beginning of something, but I don't think they were there yet, and thankfully, they never got there.

How long do threads usually last? I'm hoping for one that says, "GSR: Celebrating our first anniversary" or something like that soon.

Of the ones I've seen so far, I LOVE:

It's so obvious, isn't it?


Waiting Seven Years for this to Hatch

The smell ones are cute, but some people really think GSR smells :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Happy Birthday Adzix!!! Hope you have a great day :) (hey, we're practically twins ;) )

I had a word with Sara, and she said you could borrow the Bugman for an hour, since it's your birthday and all. So...


Enjoy ;)

MissDee I love your scenario. That's totally how I picture the geeks dealing with Valentine's Day. I'm convinced that Sara would think it's a crock, and Grissom probably does too, but he'd make an effort just to make it special for Sara. Then they'd spend the day creating their own way of celebrating love and romance. Obviously it would involve lots and loves of SMEX :devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Adzix hurry back.. have a great day!! and FANS, here's an article about them in the "Boston Hearld" about their "romance" it was on Valentines Day, and is called Heart to Heart so cool.. and it's a fun piece ;)

ARTICLE it's the last one down!!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Thanks for that. I think they gave us another contender for thread title. "nothing says "I love you" like insect larvae" Hee. I like that they kind of knocked GA, too. ;)

It's funny that they think all of us were clueless about GSR. Some of us have been rooting for it for years, thankuverymuch.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

brass_lives said:
Thanks for that. I think they gave us another contender for thread title. "nothing says "I love you" like insect larvae" Hee. I like that they kind of knocked GA, too. ;)

It's funny that they think all of us were clueless about GSR. Some of us have been rooting for it for years, thankuverymuch.

You're so very welcome.. don't you love that their featured in a big rime newspaper.. wow, :eek: that's so impressive, isn't it? meaning alot of fans are leaning towards them, and knowing this is it!!and that is so Grissom.. "the cocoon.. big geek. the only thing is, if one searched the world over, you'd never find a "science geek" who looked like him.. he's just too handsome :p so once again....and BOO on "GA"

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I think I killed my neopet.

*starts giggling nuroticly and uncontroably*
Eyebabies, cuz were canon Baby!

Im hoping we at least get some sort of mention of valentines day in the epie. cause' we hardly ever get mentions of real-life events and holidays and it would make for a nice shippy sceen.

Boy, Im in a good mood. Probubly because Meradith is sinking to the bottom of a lake. :lol:

AHHHHHH! Dude, The samonela-infected peanutbutter that is being recalled, we have a jar of it.Ewwwwwwwwww.

BOO on "GA"

*goes to change icon, fells unloved and lightheaded(i dont know why)*

Dude, is it realy Adz's B-day? Happy Birthday!Party!Party!

*Bad spelling due to insanity
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Tonight's episode bored me a little. Maybe I'm just sleepy.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Fogi, just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday too! *hugs* And thanks for your praise on the scenario. Maybe, one of these days, I'll actually work up to a full page....

I didn't think it was boring - I was on the edge of my seat - again. Maybe I need a larger seat.... Anyway, I called the cop dying by carbon monoxide poisoning as soon as I saw her lie down in the vic's position and that the fire was going. So, so glad they didn't end the MK-arc here... I was really afraid they would. (And is it a coincidence, I wonder, that "Michael Keppler" and "Miniature Killer" have the same initials? But anyway... right now, my money's on MK=Hodges. That guy has hung around Grissom for every single miniature scene now... so if they're not really going in that direction, then they're at least going to sacrifice him as a red herring. Maybe they suspect him... and then he dies!! :( No, not Hodges! And I know I'm not the only person who noticed that Ernie Dell's wife was a younger long-brunette-haired woman.... Aw, maybe someday someone will describe Grissom as loving his wife, his bugs, and his kids. Er... make that his wife, his kids, and his bugs....
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"


In last week's TV Guide CM stated that "if the viewers watched closley, there's clues being dropped, and we should be able to figure out who the "killer is".. I haven't seen it yet. (time zone) but. does anyone have any ideas", what clues?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

It was one of those times where even though I KNEW they wouldn't solve the case, couldn't get the MCSK, I was still dying to know what was going to happen. Solid, solid, solid episode. I'm tempted to say one of the best of the season, but really... the whole season has been great. I didn't even notice it was GSR-free. Having said that, there's a scene next week where Grissom curses Brass for getting him out of bed on a Saturday morning. Why, oh why, would Hermit Grissom be sad about not staying in light in bed? By the way - I didn't get a GSR promo. Did anyone else? I heard that the preview for next week was supposed to have a hint about the shaving scene.

*goes to change icon, fells unloved and lightheaded(i dont know why)*

I want CSI to kick Grey's ass, but I used to be a Grey's fan and there really isn't anything wrong with it. I don't want you to feel like you're not allowed to have the avatar you want just because they're in the same time slot.
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