Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Heeey guys!
Last night's episode was sooo good! I loved it and it may very well be one of my most favourite episodes ever! I spent quite a bit of time staring at the screen with my mouth hanging wide open in shock and anticipation!

As for the last scene, I wouldn't have been surprised to see them sitting on a couch in their pyjamas with their feet up and a blanket over their laps just like they were watching a movie. That's how absolutely comfortable they seem around each other. Which I must say, is a wonderful thing to see after all the tension and angst and everything that we've viewed in the past.

One more thing, go to to vote for GSR and make sure everyone knows that we appreciate the new GSR scenes and the cannoness of our ship!

P.S Happy Birthday FOGS!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

brass_lives said:
I honestly don't see how anyone who has watched this show for nearly seven years could ever believe that Sara is a killer of any kind, much less a serial killer.

Hullo. I haven't posted here in ages. However, having got the gist of some recent entries, I felt compelled to jump on and wholeheartedly agree with brass_lives.

It would be completely out of character for Sara to be the Miniature Killer. It would be completely out of character for any of the main cast to be the killer. You can only really pull off that kind of "plot twist" in films (and then it doesn't always work). I'm not saying that it cannot be done in a TV series but it really does depend on the type of series. 24 managed it with the whole "Nina" plot because its "real time" plotting means that you only really get to know a character over one day, ergo you never really know them at all. It gives more license for abrupt turns in character's personally. As brass_lives's stated, we've watched the character of Sara develop over seven years and there's been nothing previous that would remotely suggest that she's capable of such acts. Planning a murder? - yes, as an intellectual exercise, I'm sure she could. Perpertrating a murder - no. It's not in her nature.

Furthermore, I would expect that finally getting it together with Grissom would make her happy and even help her deal with some of her repressed anger issues. I would not expect such an event to drive her to becoming a cold-blooded killer with hobbycraft tendencies. That makes no sense.

Finally - there's also the practical considerations. Being here in England, I've only seen one Minature Killer episode but this informed me that whoever made the minature spent a lot of time doing it. They must have spent a lot of time at the crime-scene, pre-crime to achieve the detail that they replicate in the minitures. Then a lot of time making the miniature. Sara is a workaholic who frequently maxes out on over-time. I would expect that currently, she spends whatever spare time she has engaging Grissom in intellectual discusson and physical activity (I'm keeping it clean). And she has to sleep. So, seriously, where would she find the time? And wouldn't Grissom wonder where she was and why she always smells of glue?

So, unless she has had a recent psychotic break resulting in the formation of a second personality who happens to posess dimensional powers of time-and-space manipulation (here, I return to my previous statement of "not the correct show format for such a plot twist"), it's not Sara.

I think sarahvma is onto something in a post above (and I've only skim read so apologies if I have misread) when she said that TPTB may be setting Sara up as a victim of the MCSK. Now that could be a really great season finale - if that is inded where the plot is going - hey I'm only on episode 4 - poor Greg!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Oh - somewhat off-topic, but I was watching the episode with my mother last night, in the scene where Grissom goes to his desk for something, and she goes, "Why is he walking funny?"

I just looked at her and said, "He's bow-legged. You haven't noticed that before?"

Then, of course, I was tempted to say something smutty about GSR, but refrained. lol.

Okay - counting up the current nominations - PLEASE tell me if I missed one:

As a request from 1CSIMfan, the word "horny" cannot be used, and I assume from that we need to keep all of them fairly PG, so if yours was excluded, check for any words in that kind of category.

1) GSR: Now with Theme Music.
2) By thy Picture or My Love, Thyself Away Art Resent Still With Me
3) Real Man Doesn't Mind the Smell (are we possibly ripping off Sandles?)
4) Hallway Hunger
5) Shakespeare: GSR friendly since 2007
6) GSR: Better than a Bug on a Stick
7) GSR: Laboratory Tango
:cool: GSR: "Watch as the entomologist stalks his prey...."
9) GSR: "You smell like garbage - that's so hot!"
10) GSR: Waiting seven years for this to hatch.
11) Eager Entomologist on the Prowl.
12) What Are You Wearing Under Those Coveralls?
13) I'll Meet You in the Shower.
14) GSR: It's so obvious, isn't it?
15) GSR: You step up, I step back...
16) GSR #26: Love.
17) Because Hand-Written Sonnets Are Better Than Flowers
18) Eye-to-Eye, Heart-to-Heart
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Sara feels so much for the victims that I can also see her taking on some vigilante justice for them. Maybe the people she killed victimized her or other foster children. Maybe the shrink ignored her and the other children's pleas for help. If she is the killer, I don't think she's an "evil" killer. Just cleaning up what law enforcement missed. You go Sara, with your seriel killer vigilante bad self! :lol: I'll still love you and Griss no matter what! :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

"hallway hunger"... I love it!!! MMM bow legged Grissom and his hallway hunger!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

brass_lives said:
I honestly don't see how anyone who has watched this show for nearly seven years could ever believe that Sara is a killer of any kind, much less a serial killer. As other people pointed out, she became a vegetarian after watching a dead pig decompose. She followed the evidence on her case, even when it turned out her victim was a gorilla. She has always been on the victim's side in her cases, even if it meant she got reprimanded or suspended. She said herself that she didn't think she could ever kill anyone. TPTB may be setting her up as a red herring (as I believe they are doing with Hodges), but I think it's a different connection they want to use for her.

Some of my friends don't like the MCSK storyline. I feel bad for them but I am LOVING it. Last night was great. I really loved the Grissom and Sara scene at the end, even though it wasn't shippy, just because they were so comfortable together. It also shows how focused they are on their work, regardless of the company they may be keeping.

Oh, and as for Desertwind's question, I agree with you, Sarah. I think the clues Carol mentioned are only now beginning to surface.

Happy Birthday, ForensicsGirl! All these birthdays must be why we are getting such great episodes.

CLAP-CLAP-CLAP.. I agree with everything you said.. Sara SCREAMS OUT LOUD :mad: no way Jose, she's as confused as the rest of the team.. and she had nothing what-so-ever to do with all these people.. out in left field on this one.. and I love this ep. SPECTATCULAR. one of the best yet in S/7.. thank gawd, we're back on track, with unecessary , "guests' that didn't fit into this show, they were all so great, and didn't Jorja look stunning, her smooth skin, and her impeccable make-up, her blush and lip gloss, perfect :p and WP, looked rested and back to his old self, althouugh I think the greyish beard and hair could be a bit darker.. not complaining ;). so good to see him back I love this ep.

to FG have a great day.. my dad was an Aquarian.. smart people.. ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I can't believe anyone would even consider Sara being the MCSK! I mean, yeah, she WAS in foster care for a while, and yeah, that little girl on the tape DID really look like her, but that doesn't mean anything!

For what it's worth, for me, this is proof that she's going to be the next victim, but, of course, will be saved by none other than her Bugman... My theory is that one of those children growed up to be the killer and is now killing off the kids he was with... or something like that. Did you notice that look Sara had while Lionell was telling her about the fosters? That looked like a realization look to me... "Ooooh, so THEY were my foster parents. Damn, this doesn't look good, why don't I shut up about it and pretend I don't know anything".

If that's what is going to happen, I can't wait for the following episodes!

Oh, and best wishes for our Forensics Birthday Girl!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Hey gang. Thanks for the bday wishes :) Apparently I'm actually only 19 and 22 halfs, so that's kind of awesome. And between Valentine's Day and my birthday, I've been spoilt rotten, so it's been a good couple of days :)

RE: The thread title noms, I'm rockin with Hallway Hunger and It's so obvious isn't it (it was SO ridiculously cute the way Sara said that *huggles Sara*) I think #2 might be too long, but how about something like "GSR: A Pact Betwixt Eye and Heart"

Put me down for team "no way Sara could ever be a serial killer". Because there's just no way, unless she's been taken over by that creepy black oil that infested people in the X Files and is being made to kill by the aliens. Cuz just - NO. She's about the most anti-killing person on the Nightshift (remember the conversation at the end of "Unfriendly Skies") and this is a bunch of law and justice loving individuals.

I think they're POSSIBLY setting up something to do with her past being further explored - either coming back to haunt her or getting somehow mixed up in a case - whether it be the MCSK case or not. The themes that seem to be forming this season, the stuff that's meant to happen in Empty Eyes seem to be pointing to the fact that Sara's past issues are not yet resolved. I wonder if this means she'll deal with something to do with her mother, or if it means that someone she met while in foster care will show up in Vegas, possibly connected to a case. It's all guess work at this stage. We just have to wait for the clues to make sense...

I've heard talk of a pretty necklace which Sara was wearing last night *cough* - possible valentine's gift from the bugman? *cough* Anybody got a screencap of that?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Excatly... now way..she's so sensitive to others pain..and no offense, I don't think she's that creative in making spooky..creepy little houses.. ~~~calls art/crafts/store~~~ :D it's someone we wouldn't consider!! I just hope this gets wrapped up soon..

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Happy BIRTHDAY Fogs!! :)

A special thing here, CBS is actually asking our opinion and want to know who we think Gris should be with: GO VOTE SARA!!! :)

I don't think Sara could ever be a serial killer. The woman fears herself when it comes to killing. She's afraid of turning out like her Mom, but Sara's blessed to be with a good guy, and she's been through a lot, but she's tough, and strong, and now she has someone to lean on.

Which I think will be brought to life when Grissom holds Sara at the end of "Empty Eyes." More than the shaving scene in "FI," I want the hug to stay in the script. Must. Stay.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

1) GSR: Now with Theme Music.
2) By thy Picture or My Love, Thyself Away Art Resent Still With Me
3) Real Man Doesn't Mind the Smell (are we possibly ripping off Sandles?)
4) Hallway Hunger
5) Shakespeare: GSR friendly since 2007
6) GSR: Better than a Bug on a Stick
7) GSR: Laboratory Tango
:cool: GSR: "Watch as the entomologist stalks his prey...."
9) GSR: "You smell like garbage - that's so hot!"
10) GSR: Waiting seven years for this to hatch.
11) Eager Entomologist on the Prowl.
12) What Are You Wearing Under Those Coveralls?
13) I'll Meet You in the Shower.
14) GSR: It's so obvious, isn't it?
15) GSR: You step up, I step back...
16) GSR #26: Love.
17) Because Hand-Written Sonnets Are Better Than Flowers
18) Eye-to-Eye, Heart-to-Heart

But, but, but *sobs* a mating ritual is a biological term, like science, not horny? :( I suppose *sniff* I can live with it *phones therapist* I mean the others are really good *nods* Never mind I will be happy that I thought of one :D

Grissom demonstrating the entomologists mating ritual may you R.I.P Let us take a moment of silence......*bows head*

Moment over :D, just had a huge rant on the tea and scones thread! Got loads off my chest and may I just say big shout out to America, I LURVE YOU bringer of the light bulb, artificial heart, telegraph, sugar evaporation system, sewing machine, computer, lightening rod, spray gun, coffee pot, steamboat, reaping machine, revolver, power tools, ether anaesthesia, burglar alarm, roller skates, barbed wire, typewriter, Kodak camera, hearing aid, dishwasher, escalator, zipper, frozen food (thank god!), nylon, electric guitar, atomic bomb (not so good maybe, depends :confused:), genetic engineering, space shuttle, and finally leaving the best till last........CSI! :D Most important of all, if it weren't for CSI, I would not have been introduced to both Jorja and Billy's butts, nor learnt of the love that can exist between two socially challenged but intelligent beings. ;)


Man I'm crazy tonight!

So I gather that there was only one scene with the geeks? That's "soy" sad :( (quote courtesy of Gilbert Grissom) They are just leaving us hanging so that the huuuuggge make out session they have next week will surprise us :devil: It will consist of peanut butter (why haven't I found a smut fic with peanut butter?), pickle <insert own joke>, aeroplane bathroom, chalk, edit, lots of chalk, and umm well no geek make out session could be complete without overalls :devil: What's that I hear you say? No such spoiler? Surely, I must have read that somewhere, I'm sure I saw...*wanders off*
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

i thought that episode was really good.....i was kinda confused on the part with the cop, i weas like, dod the crazy therpist die??? and my mom was like NO that was a cop! so then it was sad...

I pretty much think that they're going to draw it out until the season finale. 'Cause ending it now wouldn't make much sense especially if TPTB is setting up a victim to be personal to us *cough cough SARA cough cough*.

I was sad there wasn't any GSR, but hey, at least they aren't fighting :) I have no specualtions on the MCSK and i totally want it to be a surprise.... no spoilers for me!!!!!!!

I think that GA is a sweet show, but NO compariaon to CSI. And the kind-of go over the top sometimes, unlike csi, which goes oover the top ina good way i.e. grave danger and WtG.

Its very cold in seattle, wa today and i hope its warmer in other places where ya'll are!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Hey guys, so long since I haven't posted here (no time :(). Just dropping in to make a title suggestion. How about:

"G,S,R: Letters of Love" ? ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I pretty much think that they're going to draw it out until the season finale.
I think you're right, cherryxoxoxo7. That way it would be a mystery that lasts one whole season... and if the killer is really someone we know, I don't want to know anything about it in advance, so I'm thinking of following Adzix's example and going spoiler-free. It's going to be hard, but I really want to watch 7x23 and say: "Oh my God, it was HIM/HER the whole time!!! How the hell didn't I figure that out!".

BTW, how cool would it be if the MCSK turned out to be a woman? We NEVER have a serial killer that was a woman, and we've had our share of psychos... I know that statistics show that women are less likely to be serial killers, but since when was CSI based on statistics...?
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Doing an extra poll. So you can vote for 10, then we'll scale it down to 5, and then we'll vote. Make sense?

So for THIS poll, vote TEN times.
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